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    Kiyoshi Shiba


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Kiyoshi Shiba Empty Kiyoshi Shiba

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:54 pm

    Name: Kiyoshi Shiba Kitsugi
    Real Age: Approximately 1000
    Phys. Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Kiyoshi is for all intents and reasons, the sum of her parts. Her personality can be explained quite easily by simply knowing who her parents were, as well as understanding that the first thousand years of her life was spent locked in a room, unable to leave or achieve her own desires. She has minor split personality disorder, hearing several other voices who never change and always have the same philosophy in her own mind. By her last count, there are 127 individuals within Kiyoshi's mind, and she isn't sure which one represents the "true" Kiyoshi Shiba.

    Much like her father before her, Kiyoshi is a stubborn, reclusive loner who is capable of making friends but prefers to be alone, tries to specifically not take sides in conflict, has a short fuse, is very protective of what she considers "hers", and is slightly sadistic when it comes to revenge. Like her mother, however, Kiyoshi is understanding, outgoing, stands up for what she believes in, is patient around children, will only consider herself "in love" if it is maddeningly deep, and is determined to find the truth. Though these personality traits may conflict with each other, Kiyoshi manages to keep them all true in different situations.

    Unlike either of her parents, Kiyoshi radically enjoys fighting and proving her superiority over others, and gets into childlike tantrums if a fight "isn't fair" or she's losing by "sheer power" or any other such situation. Unlike her father, she doesn't possess the monumental rage that keeps him going, and unlike her mother, she isn't already in love with someone to fight for them. She only has herself at the end of the day, and truly believes that everyone else will eventually leave her too.

    Somehow, despite her multiple personalities, despite the fractured mentality, her core remains dominant at all times. It can, however, at any time of her choosing, give up control to any other personality of her choosing, but can regain control at will and control willingly which personality has total control. She has an ironclad will that can never be broken, damaged, and always seems to come out victorious when tested. Short of literally murdering her, you can't really make her submit or admit defeat, because she's always capable of something else, even if she feigns that submission.

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 120lbs
    [Click for Full Size]
    Kiyoshi Shiba Pio4GJg

    History: Kiyoshi was born a very, very long time ago. Reno Kitsugi, who at the time was a Shinigami within the Gotei Eight, working as Lieutenant of the Fifth Division under Yamamoto Kishibe, found himself in the unfortunate situation of being the targeted object of affection of one Naomi Shiba. Naomi was a high ranking Noble within the Shiba clan, who herself wasn't a Shinigami but was well known among the Gotei as she'd always been the first person to seek news stories or rumors. Naomi found herself head over heels for Reno, and spent years trying to court him. Eventually, exactly one time, Reno reciprocated the feelings, and the two found themselves in the middle of a one night stand. As a result, Kiyoshi Shiba was born nearly a year later. However, due Naomi's public image, Reno's reputation, and the politics involved in High Noble Households, Kiyoshi's existence was kept a closely guarded secret for centuries.

    She wasn't allowed out of the house, was forbidden from pursuing her own interests, and was never much allowed to do anything. Eventually she grew into a rebel, never doing what she was told to do nor caring about the outcome, knowing that somehow the Shiba Clan would bury anything that mattered anyway. She never directly met Reno Kitsugi, despite him absolutely being her father, as Naomi never slept with another man due to her infatuation. By the time she was allowed to explore unguided, Reno had already left the Gotei. This left her feeling abandoned, like she didn't even matter, despite having a roughly positive upbringing she found herself wanting more. Kiyoshi vowed that somehow she'd find Reno herself, whether or not he was alive, and make him answer for her shitty childhood.

    Due highly in part to the Shiba Clan Genetics, Kiyoshi looks largely unmatured, like she's still only 16 at best despite her vast age making her one of the oldest Shinigami in the Gotei. However, because of her secretive past and sheltered life, she was only "allowed" to enter the Academy approximately five years ago, and has been shown making great strides since then to improve her own ability. Kiyoshi's only current goal is finding Reno, and she cares not about the politics of The Gotei's Noble Households.
    Exposition: Bastardized Child of [npc]Naomi Shiba and [pc]Reno Kitsugi.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Kiyoshi fights with Zanjutsu as her main go-to. She relies on her swordplay to get her through the day, and uses it in conjunction with her Pulse Strike and Spontaneous Combustion abilities to fight effectively at all ranges. She has few known weaknesses, though getting both swords away from her is a good one, and she has never been seen "succeeding" at Kidou, as it has a tendency to backfire in the most humorous way possible.

    Strengths: Agility, Reiryoku, Reiatsu, Zanjutsu
    Weaknesses: Hakuda, Durability, Kidou

    Ability Name: Spontaneous Combustion
    Ability Description: Kiyoshi is capable of unleashing an explosion at her targeted location by adjusting the percentage of oxygen in the area. This results in an explosion that can vary in intensity from completely harmless to Hado #60 in power. This explosion can also range size-ways from the size of a cigarette lighter to the size of a lighthouse. This explosion can occur up to a maximum of 150ft away from Kiyoshi once per post regardless of it's size and intensity, and is always premeditated by the distinct smell of gasoline at the explosion location. To use this ability, Kiyoshi must be capable of snapping her fingers, and the explosion always occurs as a direct result of that snap.

    Ability Name: Pulse Strike
    Ability Description: The user is so spiritually or physically powerful that they are able to essentially create a "pulse" from any motion they make whether it is a back hand, a pulled punch, a sword swing, etc and cause an enormous shockwave originating from her body/weapon that quickly spread out to 50ft of the point of impact in every direction. The damage against other beings is capped at being cero with repulsion properties similar to Bakudo #9: Seki (which would send most people flying several dozen yards with ease if not MUCH further.) Against objects (not weapons) and landscape (including buildings) the devastation is much greater capping at that of a gran rey cero. This can be used once per post. Kiyoshi herself is immune to this ability. This ability only triggers the repulse effect once per use meaning if she misses hitting a person and hits a non-person the effect will only affect objects and the landscape within the blast radius of 50ft. This ability can only trigger if Kiyoshi makes contact with something, as hitting nothing air is not enough.

    Sealed Appearance: A Daishō sword pair much like Shunsui Kyōraku, Kiyoshi's sealed Zanpakutou takes the form of two matching Katanas, one of standard length and one of Wakizashi length, which are both worn at Kiyoshi's right hip. The two blades are remarkably similar, with both having jet black blades and matching sheathes. The only "visible" difference between the two is on their handles: the standard Katana has a proper handle, complete with silver menuki in the middle of the wrap; the wakizashi, on the other hand, has a basic flower print on its handle, and is made of wood instead of being a proper grip. In order to release to her Shikai or Bankai, both weapons must be in Kiyoshi's hands, drawn and ready for combat.
    Zanpakutou Name: Kaze to Honō no Monban [Gatekeeper of the Wind and Flame]
    Call Out Command: Burn away their sins, rend away their flesh; burn away their mistakes, rend away their transgressions. Gatekeeper of the Flames of Honor and the Winds of Victory, I alone stand at the forefront of justice. Come to me, Kaze to Honō no Monban.

    Appearance: Both swords possess the same design, being wide, curved blades resembling the classic fictional depiction of an Arabian scimitar or pirate cutlass. However, Agni and Rudra, rather than being plain blades, are comprised of a curved support to which a series of backward-pointed segments each with its own rear-sloping cutting edge are fixed, forming a vicious serrated design that is somewhat reminiscent of a spinal cord. They are colored for their respective element, Agni orange for fire and Rudra turquoise for wind, though on both the cutting edges of the blade segments are bare metal and the guard, grip and pommel gold. The talking heads are mounted in the ends of the pommels of the two swords, and the guards of both are round and plain. The original katana becomes Agni, whereas the wakizashi becomes Rudra. "Agni" and "Rudra" refer to the name each sword assigned itself, as they are entirely capable of speech and have their own mannerisms, etc.

    Ability Name: Three Heads are Better Than One
    Ability Description: Agni and Rudra are both, simultaneously, Kiyoshi's sole Zanpakutou. While they are capable of talking, and each has their own distinct personality, both are of course extensions of Kiyoshi's inner self; Agni, the Orange Sword, is all about Nobility and Honor, whereas Rudra, the Turquoise Sword, is all about Rebellion and Anarchy. Technically, Agni represents the Shiba Clan while Rudra represents the Kitsugi bloodline. Anything that Angi or Rudra "see", "hear", "smell", or "touch" is made instantly aware to Kiyoshi as if she'd sensed it with her own physical abilities. This "effectively" gives Kiyoshi three separate sources of physical sensations, as all three must be dealt with in order to neutralize her.

    Ability Name: Ember
    Ability Description: The air immediately surrounding Agni (within 2ft) is considered very hot and humid, increased by approximately 30 degrees celsius. Kiyoshi is immune to this heat, but is aware of the temperature increase. When Agni is swung, Kiyoshi can create and release an aura of flames which travels for up to 100ft and explodes either upon reaching maximum distance or running into something. The explosion engulfs an area of 50ft in all directions and inflicts Cero damage, as well as Second Degree burns to everything it touches. This ability can be used once per post.

    Ability Name: Gust
    Ability Description: The air immediately surrounding Rudra (within 2ft) is considered very cold and biting, decreased by approximately 30 degrees celsius. Kiyoshi is immune to this frost, but is aware of the temperature decrease. When Rudra is swung, Kiyoshi can create and release an aura of wind which travels at Bala speeds for up to 100ft, producing no explosion and instead piercing through anything it comes into contact with in an extremely accurate and linear fashion, with the piercing power of a Cero. This ability can be used once per post.

    Ability Name: Firestorm
    Ability Description: When Agni and Rudra are swung in a combination attack, or when their pommels are interlocked and swung as a complete weapon, Kiyoshi can unleash a very fast, very powerful vortex of wind and fire. This vortex travels at Bala Speeds for up to 50ft, is on its own approximately 20ft tall and 5ft wide at it's widest point, and will engulf the first "target" or object it comes into contact with, where it will increase in intensity until it implodes and creates a minor implosion which inflicts Cero Oscuras damage to whatever is stuck inside the vortex. This vortex has a 5 post cooldown, and can be used regardless of whether [Agni] or [Rudra] are available. Any impacted "targets" will suffer Second Degree burns.

    New Name: Ten to Ji no Shihai-Sha [Ruler of the Sky and Land]
    New Description: While in her Bankai state, Kiyoshi's clothing and skin change to encase her in a thick rubbery armor. This armored state represents Kiyoshi's remaining reiryoku, especially in the cape, which is longer and thicker the more reiryoku she has left, and is the first thing to get tattered or destroyed in combat.

    Ability Name: Assault Mode
    Ability Description: Due to her Bankai, Kiyoshi becomes encased in a thick rubbery armor which lessens impacts she receives. This essentially gives Kiyoshi a Hierro of average strength, and allows her to manipulate Agni and Rudra regardless of whether she's actually holding them, so long as they are within 15ft of her at all times. She still has to pretend she's gripping the weapon and swing it to make it do anything, but the actual weapons themselves can do so without being directly connected to Kiyoshi.

    Ability Name: Overheat
    Ability Description: In Bankai, Agni is always considered "on fire", and is treated as 75 degrees celsius hotter than unsealed. Kiyoshi remains roughly immune to it, but as an RP Tool may indicate the heat is bothering her. This fire can spread to other targets if left unattended, as an RP Gag Tool. Agni can produce a wave of pure fire energy which travels for up to 200ft before exploding for a Gran Rey Cero in all directions up to 75ft after either colliding with anything or reaching maximum range. All affected enemies/targets receive Second Degree burns. This ability has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Hurricane
    Ability Description: In Bankai, Rudra is always considered "frozen", and is treated as 75 degrees celsius colder than unsealed. Kiyoshi remains roughly immune to it, but as an RP Tool may indicate the frost is bothering her. This "ice" can spread to other targets if left unattended, as an RP Gag Tool. Rudra can produce a wave of pure wind energy which travels at Bala speeds for up to 200ft but never explodes, instead piercing in an extremely accurate and linear fashion until it reaches its maximum distance, and has the piercing power of a Gran Rey Cero. This ability has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Zero Point Explosion
    Ability Description: When Agni and Rudra are swung in every which direction all around Kiyoshi, it creates a whirlwind around her which alerts enemies to the technique's existence, which is then saturated in Kiyoshi's reiatsu to further warn enemies before it is lit on fire. This produces a massive explosion around Kiyoshi, travelling for 200ft in every direction and inflicts damage roughly equal to a Forbidden Kidou to all targets, living or otherwise, within range of Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi herself is not immune to this technique, and has never come out unscathed, with minor burns and cuts always visible after usage, if she's even still standing. Aside from Kiyoshi herself, all affected targets will receive Second Degree burns.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Kiyoshi Shiba Empty Re: Kiyoshi Shiba

    Post by Rena Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:38 am

    Tier 2-4 approvalness stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:26 am