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    Trevor Belmonte


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Trevor Belmonte Empty Trevor Belmonte

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:30 pm

    Name: Trefor "Trevor" Belmonte
    Apparent Age: 27
    Sex: Male
    Personality: First and foremost, Trefor hates his own name. He has therefore foresaken it and has taken up the name "Trevor" instead. Those closest to him know better than to tell anyone his real name, and he'll never reveal it if he can get away with it. Anyway, Trevor is surprisingly rude and crass to most people he meets, as he fails to read social situations well and doesn't understand most of the times that he's either not being taken seriously enough, or being taken too literally, both of which annoy him. He is quick to get a drink after 5:00 pm as it becomes socially acceptable again, and laments the olden days when you could apparently be drunk all day without your landlord getting onto you about it.

    He's technically "from money", and has enough for himself. He's straight, and will hit on most ladies he sees simply to see whether or not he's got a shot with them, but doesn't want to settle down with any of them, usually lives well below his means, and tries to come across as doing less well-off than he really is, as well as always using protection when he does get to have fun, but always keeping it completly in the dark from his family fortune, of which he is the sole heir. It's not all that much, all things considered, but it's invested well due to a trust fund and it's big enough that Trevor gets to continue the family business of slaying "monsters" which are apparently called Hollow instead of needing to work a normal job, and can afford to live a fairly decent life, such as renting nice cars or drinking whatever booze he wants. He has no idea how the money works, just that it does. Apparently some investor from centuries back wanted to make a donation or something, and it hasn't run out yet.

    Trevor treats most humans with respect, especially the ones who show it to him. He will initially try to appear friendly and outgoing, but is quick to catch on if he is not welcome in an area or has crossed a major political boundary with someone, despite his normal failure to read social situations at all. Against people who are initially angry, he will always try to calm the situation down first, preferring to think rather than act. However, inexplicably, he is quick to jump to conclusions and acts on his newfound conclusions even quicker, and is summarily easily distracted by new and exciting situations that he was unprepared for. Trevor outwardly shows disdain for most new developments, with his favorite quote being "God shits in my dinner once again", but inwardsly Trevor is always excited for the new situation and longs to figure out how he's going to resolve it. With a lot of family training and a lot more practice, Trevor has grown into an excellent fighter of his own accord, but has one major weakness in that regard.

    So far, all of his efforts have been with his physical body and his equipment. He's excellent with both, but Trevor has the power to conjure and manipulate certain elements, within certain rules that he has only begun to understand, and he has no idea how far this power can take him. Due to childhood trauma, he never fully trusted himself with the power, and only recently has he embarked on the journey to understand and learn his own inner powers and see how far they can take him. He is courageous, never backing down from a challenge despite the odds, and even tries to fight when he's dragged away for his own safety. He doesn't care about himself, he just wants to see all the Hollows die. After 27 years, and yes he's counting his own childhood in that number, he hasn't figured out a god damn thing about where the Hollows come from or why they exist or anything to that extent. His family bestiary consists of sketches, rumors, hearsay and jackshit all things considered, because so far every Hollow was distinctly different from the rest.

    The only real thing he knows is that Hollow have masks. Destroy the mask, destroy the Hollow. Beyond that, he is keenly aware of the fact that every Hollow is completely different from the all the other "beasts" around it, and must be treated as such. He will stop at nearly nothing to eliminate a Hollow once he finds one, showing them none of his usual compassion and kindness, with the sole exception being so that he can then take away that mercy.

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 175lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Trevor Belmonte Z5DDMBn

    History: After accidentally burning down his family home, Trefor was very careful with his powers and slightly surpressed them in fear of what he was capable of. He eventually grew to take the name Trevor instead, simply because he didn't like his original name, and is in other fashions honestly pretty average. He had a loving family, none of whom were harmed in the incident, and he was raised with the family business of killing the monsters when they showed up. Despite the normal lack of actual powers they had, the Belmonte family was notorious for their ability to exploit the weaknesses a Hollow has and be completely ready to kill it by their second encounter. As far as Trevor, he simply didn't trust himself for a very, very long time, and kinda held back for the most part. While he trained with his family and became an accomplished grandmaster at wielding a whip, he also became an investigative journalist in the hopes to seek out answers as to why he has any power in the first place, and find out the true conspiracy going on. Where do they come from, and why are they apparently called Hollows?
    Exposition: [In Regards to Strengths: Zanjutsu]: That "All weapons fall under Zanjutsu for simplicity's sake." line is doing a LOT of work right now.
    Side Notes: Now introducing Legally Distinct(TM) Original Character(C) Trevor Belmonte. Please don't steal.

    General Fighting Style: Trevor is surprisingly good at combat, having been raised from an early age to hunt monsters. He later found out the monsters were apparently called Hollows, but he retains a good amount of lessons involving beating them up based on what powers they have. He's surprisingly versatile, but has an almost fatal tendency to rely on his whip in most fights, using his shortsword only when he thinks it'll be more effective in combat. Even in a bar fight, Trevor will find the will to carry on, as he's (so far) never lost a fight against man nor fucking beast.
    Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Reiryoku, Zanjutsu
    Weaknesses: Reiatsu

    Ability Name: Soubenjutsu Grandmaster, Zanjutsu Expert
    Description: Trevor enters every thread pre-equipped with a special, "Blessed" Whip, and a completely average Shortsword. This whip is considered "almost" a Zanpakutou in terms of durability, but is distinctly lesser and is made of technically normal materials. It is "Blessed" insofar as Hollows and Hollow-adjacent creatures are incapable of Wielding the whip for any length of time, as it is supernaturally aware of what they are and both doesn't allow itself to be wielded by them and burns with an unknown limit of temperature if they try anyway. Trevor is able to wield his whip with unparalleled speed and accuracy; in fact, he can utilize any whip-like object to basically do his bidding, from using it to cross gaps, climb buildings like a grappling hook, stop his descent, all while attacking any enemy within range, from point-blank melee to the maximum range of 30ft. Trevor's use of a whip is considered masterful regardless of what he does with it, and he can launch multiple attacks simultaneously when using a whip, as well as use it in new and creative ways such as grabbing objects midair, redirecting incoming physical attacks, attempting to trip and/or disarm people, wielding the whip with just his mouth as if it were either arm, attacking from behind cover, or any other such use he can think of at the moment. With his Shortsword, which is completely average in every way even down to looking mediocre at best, he is considered an Expert in most styles of swordplay, and is capable of performative feats such as twirling his blade or tossing it to the other hand or balancing it precariously on the edge of his finger, or any other such feat he can think of; however, he cannot wield the Shortsword with his mouth like he can the Whip. If the Shortsword breaks, it is considered replaced by the next thread, but is broken for the remainder of that thread. Trevor can use any sword-like object as a replacement, subject to that object's own limitations and rules, usually breaking on the first hit due to obvious circumstances.

    Trevor can "use" two abilities at the same time in regards to both the above ruleset and the below rulesets of [Firaga], [Blizzaga], and [Thundaga], but must use his established "hand signs" to do so. He cannot under any circumstances, as an example, control Fire to do anything if he is already controlling Ice in one hand and wielding his Whip with the other. Trevor is considered completely ambidextrous, which means he is able to use both hands at all times as if they were his primary hand, both for writing and for fighting. Trevor can use, and again these are all examples, his Shortsword in one hand and his Whip in another, then sheathe the short sword and start using Fire from [Firaga], put the whip in his mouth (and still fight as per the above explanation) and use Ice from [Blizzaga], but cannot use all three at the same time under any circumstances (except [Valigarmanda], as described in Secondary Stage). Even if Trevor launches "all of that" as "one projectile" from each of the three abilities in the same post, the "total effect" cannot exceed 6 Bala according to the established ruleset below. He retains the usage of [Firaga], [Blizzaga], and [Thundaga] at all times even when in his Secondary Stage, but in order to use the powers as-described in Secondary Stage, he must use both hands, and is therefore limited to one at a time.

    Author's Note: I understand that all of the abilities on this page are very long, but I only did so in an attempt to very clearly define the offensive limitations he has while also explaining his vast amounts of utility. All of the abilities together may seem like a lot, especially in a matter of sheer words for the text counter, but he is surprisingly weak? All things considered, he has 6 Balas per post Offensively, and... that's kinda it, aside from his Whip and Shortsword. Until Second Stage, he doesn't get any "big attacks", and even then he has a grand total of 3 Gran Rey Cero options at absolute best, and what the site commonly considers a "Final" as his last ability. So yeah, in Second Stage all of this accelerates, but in Second Stage he's also more limited, and can't mix and match the element as much as he can in Primary Stage. That is to say, he has a variety of Specializations but they are all independent of each other in the end, while sharing a grand Total Attack per Post counter. So he can't use [Flare] to create a Cero-level blast, then switch to [Jolt] and do another one in the same post. He could, however, fire five Bala-level blasts while [Jolt] is active, but again all of the abilities clearly indicate what he's going to do at any given time, and he's essentially completely shut down by disabling either of his hands. While he would retain the Whip and Shortsword capabilities as defined above, he would lose access to all of [Flare], [Freeze], and [Jolt] inherently because it requires both hands. Disabling of both hands would, of course, disable entirely his use of [Firaga], [Blizzaga], and [Thundaga], as they require at least one free hand to perform the "hand sign" with. Therefore, if both hands are (as an extreme) cut off, he loses access to everything listed on this page except for [Soubenjutsu Grandmaster, Zanjutsu Expert], and [Valigarmanda, Tri-Disaster]. He cannot even create a new whip as per [Morningstar] because as-written it requires a free hand to do so, despite being able to wield it with his mouth; however, if he already had one in his mouth, he would still be able to wield it as per the rules above unless otherwise disabled. Again, I apologize for the length here, but I'm trying to explain every possible limitation I can think of.

    Ability Name: Firaga
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he has at least one free hand. The "hand sign" associated with this skill can be different every thread, but is permanent on a per thread basis. When used, a tiny harmless fireball floats around the active hand; this fireball cannot set other things on fire, and just rotates around his hand harmlessly. It can be performed with either hand at will, and may or may not even be the same hand sign on both hands. Using two hands to perform this ability changes nothing about the following rules. This ability allows Trevor to create and manipulate Fire to a lesser extent. He can create up to Three "Bala-sized" Fireballs per post as his maximum Offensive potential, or can instead launch "all of that" as "one projectile", but can also use this for Utility purposes, such as creating a Wall of Fire to block passage, or a cigarette lighter on his fingertip, or to provide illumination in the dark, and much more. The three attacks this ability can make are considered unique, and do not interfere with [Blizzaga]'s or [Thundaga]'s own counters. As a result, Trevor essentially has access to "6 Bala Attacks" per post as his grand total offensive potential.

    Ability Name: Blizzaga
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he has at least one free hand. The "hand sign" associated with this skill can be different every thread, but is permanent on a per thread basis. When used, a tiny harmless iceberg floats around the active hand; this iceberg cannot collide into anything else, and just rotates around his hand harmlessly. It can be performed with either hand at will, and may or may not even be the same hand sign on both hands. Using two hands to perform this ability changes nothing about the following rules. This ability allows Trevor to create and manipulate Ice to a lesser extent. He can create up to Three "Bala-sized" Shards of Ice per post as his maximum Offensive potential, or can instead launch "all of that" as "one projectile", but can also use this for Utility purposes, such as creating a Road of Ice to walk on regardless of where he is, or putting out cigarettes in the area, or generating clean water for a variety of reasons, and much more. The three attacks this ability can make per post are bound to the same three attacks [Thundaga] can make. As a result, Trevor essentially has access to "6 Bala Attacks" per post as his grand total offensive potential.

    Ability Name: Thundaga
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he has at least one free hand. The "hand sign" associated with this skill can be different every thread, but is permanent on a per thread basis. When used, a tiny harmless lightning bolt floats around the active hand; this lightning bolt cannot jump to other things, and just rotates around his hand harmlessly. It can be performed with either hand at will, and may or may not even be the same hand sign on both hands. Using two hands to perform this ability changes nothing about the following rules. This ability allows Trevor to create and manipulate Lightning to a lesser extent. He can create up to Three "Bala-sized" Lightningbolts per post as his maximum Offensive potential, or can instead launch "all of that" as "one projectile", but can also use this for Utility purposes, such as creating a Pair of Wings which enable him to fly around at his normal speed unbound by gravity or physics, or to empower/shortcircuit technology at his whim, or recharge batteries, and much more. The three attacks this ability can make per post are bound to the same three attacks [Blizzaga] can make. As a result, Trevor essentially has access to "6 Bala Attacks" per post as his grand total offensive potential.

    Ability Name: Property Shift
    Description: Trevor can adapt to new situations by flooding his current action with reiatsu. At any point while using [Firaga], [Blizzaga], or [Thundaga], Trevor can change the shape and properties of the attack, such as doubling the size of an attack, making a waterfall be made of pure lightning, or changing a lightning bolt into a firebolt, and much more. This ability has it's own independent 3 post cooldown, unaffected by the previous rules, and drains reiryoku as if he'd cast a Gran Rey Cero due to the sudden change. The actual effect of the attack does not change beyond the newly established properties. He still cannot exceed the 6-per-post Limitation as described above, regardless of what he attempts to do, but he can mix and match the elements to suit his needs; this includes but is not limited to abruptly and absolutely changing the temperature of nearly any amount of water by combinging [Firaga] and [Blizzaga] to get the temperature exactly where he wants it, increasing or decreasing at will the conductivity of most materials by combining [Firaga] and [Thundaga] to temporarily manipulate plasma, drastically and immediately changing the weather by producing "thundersnow" by combining [Blizzaga] and [Thundaga] in conflicting harmonies which produce a giant frozen thundercloud, even going so far as to be able to generate an aurora borealis, rainbow, sunshine, basically any other non-extreme weather you can think of, by combining [Firaga] and [Blizzaga] to temporarily control of water vapor which is still subject to the same rules as "thundersnow" in terms of weather control, or anything else in terms of combining his magics. In even the most extreme examples, such as Trevor's "thundersnow", the weather effect is considered drastic but temporary, and is always overwritten by any other attempt to control the weather, as this is beyond Trevor's abilities and is just a side effect of anything he can come up with. It would, unless otherwise overwritten, last for a maximum of 4 posts, during which time it could at absolute best strike lightning at random (he can't control or redirect it even with [Thundaga]) if lightning is even involved, and/or cause it to Hail at random (he can't control or redirect it even with [Blizzaga]). In the event he used "thundersnow", both of these extremes would occur at the same time, but would still be beyond his control while they are considered part of "thundersnow". Though the Lightning never falls under Trevor's control as written, the Hail, once it has come to a complete stop and is no longer considered part of "thundersnow", is then free for Trevor to manipulate as per the rules of [Blizzaga] and [Property Shift] as ice/water/etc.

    Ability Name: Morningstar
    Description: Trevor can "freely" form a whip made of pure energy into either or both of his hands. This whip is up to 50ft long at Trevor's discretion and is always considered to be Zanpakutou Durability. Any Hollow or Hollow-adjacent creature slain by this whip produces a visible but ultimately harmless explosion based on how much reiryoku they had left upon being slain. This "maximizes" in a 500ft explosion of pure energy. This whip, regardless of whether wielded as a single weapon or dual wielded, is an extension of Trevor's body and fighting spirit, and as such can be used even more freely than his "normal" whip. This whip requires one of his hands be free to form the whip in, which costs reiryoku from Trevor as though he had casted Hado #4: Byakurai, even if it is immediately put into the mouth, and then two more are made, effectively giving him three whips at once. This would, however, prevent him from using any of his other abilities as written. Though made of pure energy, these whips look metallic in nature, including feeling cold regardless of the temperature they're in, last as long as Trevor wills them to while also sharing his "normal" whip's properties against Hollows and Hollow-adjacent Creatures, and are "tipped" with a decorative silver lantern-looking object with 4 claws closing in on a single point. At any point, by providing flair and "build up" to his attack, Trevor can "ignite" the lantern, locking in any one element from the list of fire [Firaga], ice/water [Blizzaga], or lightning [Thundaga]; this causes the lantern to be considered "solid blank" at the tip, and only changes the "element" of his attack, it does not increase the speed or power of the attack itself. It does, however, allow him to "explode" the lantern once per post, which would cause it to explode for a Bala's worth of damage in a 10ft area where it currently is. Technically, each whip is subject to its own elemental limitations, while also being able to use any element like Trevor can. To explain, if he performs a fire-based whip attack after providing the flair and build-up, that specific whip is limited to fire for the rest of that post, but any other whip he has is subject to its own flair cost and elemental rules. He can overlap and make up to "all three" whip be the same element, or can vary entirely and have each one be different. The "whips" Morningstar forms will never interact with each other and will pass through each other like they don't exist, allowing him to perform feats that would otherwise be impossible.

    Ability Name: Flare
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he uses both hands at the same time to use it. While active, Trevor's eyes and hair glow red; this also enables him to freely create and manipulate Fire at will. He can perform up to 5 Bala-powered attacks per post, as well as a single Cero-powered attack every post. As a "last resort", after having used all three abilities ([Flare], [Freeze], and [Jolt]) in that thread, Trevor can increase his firepower by one stage, allowing him to create a Single Gran Rey Cero attack; this attack must be comprised entirely of a single element, and has an individual 4 post cooldown separate from [Freeze] or [Jolt]. Use of this "empowered" ability has a shared once per post cooldown, as well as sharing the total attack counter per post. This ability cannot be used at the same time as [Freeze] or [Jolt], and due to requiring both hands it is fairly obvious which element he's intending to use against his opponent, as the "hand signs" never change on a per thread basis.

    Ability Name: Freeze
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he uses both hands at the same time to use it. While active, Trevor's eyes and hair glow blue; this also enables him to freely create and manipulate Ice/Water at will. He can perform up to 5 Bala-powered attacks per post, as well as a single Cero-powered attack every post. As a "last resort", after having used all three abilities ([Flare], [Freeze], and [Jolt]) in that thread, Trevor can increase his firepower by one stage, allowing him to create a Single Gran Rey Cero attack; this attack must be comprised entirely of a single element, and has an individual 4 post cooldown separate from [Flare] or [Jolt]. Use of this "empowered" ability has a shared once per post cooldown, as well as sharing the total attack counter per post. This ability cannot be used at the same time as [Flare] or [Jolt], and due to requiring both hands it is fairly obvious which element he's intending to use against his opponent, as the "hand signs" never change on a per thread basis.

    Ability Name: Jolt
    Description: Trevor can only use this ability if he uses both hands at the same time to use it. While active, Trevor's eyes and hair glow yellow; this also enables him to freely create and manipulate Lightning at will. He can perform up to 5 Bala-powered attacks per post, as well as a single Cero-powered attack every post. As a "last resort", after having used all three abilities ([Flare], [Freeze], and [Jolt]) in that thread, Trevor can increase his firepower by one stage, allowing him to create a Single Gran Rey Cero attack; this attack must be comprised entirely of a single element, and has an individual 4 post cooldown separate from [Flare] or [Freeze]. Use of this "empowered" ability has a shared once per post cooldown, as well as sharing the total attack counter per post. This ability cannot be used at the same time as [Flare] or [Freeze], and due to requiring both hands it is fairly obvious which element he's intending to use against his opponent, as the "hand signs" never change on a per thread basis.

    Ability Name: Valigarmanda, Tri-Disaster
    Description: By unleashing all of his magical ability, and remaining Reiryoku, at once, Trevor unleashes an attack that has a few special properties. First off, due to the conflicting nature of the attack (three opposing elements constantly fighting for supremacy) any target who is "killed" or "destroyed" by this attack, regardless of how much energy they had before their death, there are no remaining traces of their existence. All matter that originated from the target, such as shed blood, smoke from their exhalation, etc, are eradicated completely upon the attack's finale. Secondly, due to the sheer power of the attack, all incoming attacks to attempt to stop, interfere, delay, or otherwise lower the damage of Valigarmanda are instead turned into more fuel for the engine that is the attack itself. Any opposing energy that comes into contact with Valigarmanda is instead consumed by Valigarmanda and is empowered by that attack's power, regardless of what the attack's original effects were or who launched it. Finally, Valigarmanda travels at Bala speed away from Trevor in all directions including straight down, attempting to attack and delete everything completely within that radius, traveling up to 200ft away from Trevor before subsiding. All inorganic matter is completely destroyed, leaving a giant crater in his wake if he was on the ground. Organic beings, such as Shinigami, Humans, Hollows, etc, are instead subject to one Forbidden Kidou worth of damage which originates from all directions simultaneously, and may come out of the attack (if they survive) with burns, cuts, frostbite, etc. This attack culminates in a surprisingly long-lasting vortex of swirling energy around Trevor which survives for a minimum of 30 seconds. Trevor himself is immune to the attack entirely, but is completely exhausted and is always asleep by the end of the attack, even if he wakes up immediately afterwards. Additionally, as a result of this attack, Trevor suffers internal injuries and will almost always immediately cough up a considerably large amount of blood upon waking up after the effect has concluded. This attack very nearly kills Trevor, admittedly, and causes him internal damage equivalent to a Gran Rey Cero, due in part to how much energy he's committing and how quickly he's pulling the trigger. One day he may not survive the attack at all.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Trevor Belmonte Empty Re: Trevor Belmonte

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:54 pm

    Tier 3-3 Approvalness Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:18 am