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    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain)


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain) Empty Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain)

    Post by Rena Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:05 pm

    Name: Tina Almenor
    Age: 300
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Tina is a surprisingly gentle and caring person to women and men alike as well as children, animals and the elderly but has a battle spirit second to none as she'll fight at full strength against anyone and anything that challenges her even if they are women and children. she is highly intelligent almost to the point of seeming omniscient, though she obviously isn't, and thinks logically and rationally to the point of making life seem like a game of Chess. she finds absolute joy in the world around her and prefers nature and the wild animals of the world to that of actual humanoid company for the most part but doesn't necessarily shun being in the presence of other people in social gatherings. She is very sympathetic to others in trouble and can't help herself but to give them any aid she can even if it's not that much. she can also be seen as hypocritical however since she says things to others that would make them lead "good" lives but she herself generally doesn't follow hers own advice. She does try to follow the path of light but has shown on multiple occasions to give in to less than righteous desires and emotional thinking. She also always has a pack of joints on her anywhere she goes. Despite doing this herself she will always lecture others for smoking the substance, or anything else, and warn against doing it. At home, or at least whichever building she is squatting in at the time, she keeps a very organized and tidy area of living and never seems to lose anything she owns.

    Height: 5'6''
    Weight: 126 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain) Tumblr_nnivprlBIS1u7esouo1_540_zpskj9lbgej


    General Fighting Style:  Tina can create strategies and plans several steps ahead of the opponent seeming like she can see into the future. She is able to elaborate complex plans and strategies and apply them in not just battle but any other activity that involves cunning intellect. E.g Strategic games. Because of this she is a very brutal fighter using all of her tactical knowledge to it's fullest. She also prefer pressure style attacking and drawing out a fight rather than trying to overcome obstacles quickly

    Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Reiryoku, Speed
    Weaknesses: Strength, Reiatsu

    Ability Name: Enhanced Perception
    Ability Description: Her eyes are capable of seeing all spectrums.. light, color, energy, thermal, night vision, etc as well as detect which direction any certain amount is coming from. She is able to heighten her eyesight to be akin to that of an eagle and purposely dilate her eyes if necessary. She can also change their color though she generally keeps her red eye color as she likes it.

    Ability Name: Power Legs
    Ability Description: The user's legs are so powerful as to be akin to kicking with steel poles. Able to attack and block most things with just their feet and legs as if they were blades and shields. The user can make sharp, acute turns at any speed, even zero radius turns, not only changing direction on the ground, but in the air, while jumping, making sharp flying turns, leaping, etc. This is usually done by curving or zigzag movements. They can change direction to dodge obstacles and attacks while moving. They can fly clumsily by changing their direction to go up every time they start going down while moving forward or by changing direction in the air by changing direction upward to counteract gravity.

    Sealed Appearance: standard looking Asauchi katana
    Zanpakutou Name: Nanomashin no Mure
    Call Out Command: Mechanize

    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain) C6n3ZaF

    Ability Name: Nanobot Swarm
    Description: The user is able to generate a large amount of Nanobots which flow like water when commanded to move. These nanobots can configure themselves into any shape the user can think of. Destroying a single nanobot is useless due to their sheer number and extremely tiny size, and destroying the swarm with a big AoE attack just forces the user to make another swarm of them, which they can do at will within 150 feet of themselves. The highest potential the attacks and defenses of this "Swarm" can reach is equal to a cero, but doing so limits the actions of the swarm to one per post. Otherwise the user just mentally commands the swarm to do whatever they want.

    Ability Name: Electrobot
    Description: The user commands their nanobots to surge their circuits creating a massive shock of electricity against anything they come into contact with on par with hadou 11. This lasts one post with a two post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Overheat
    Description: once per two posts the user is able to command their nanobot swarm to explode. The total damage the attack can do is limited to a bala, but there would be dozens or more possible explosions hitting intended target(s).

    Ability Name: Conversion
    Description: The user is able to turn incoming or residual reishi/reiatsu into nanobots. This ability gains a CD equal to the amount or power of the energy converted into nanobots plus one. The nanobots created in this fashion are no different than her normal nanobots.

    New Name: Genshi Nanomashin no Arashi
    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain) LPbZajd

    Ability Name: Nano Regen
    Description: while in bankai the user is able to use their nanobot generating ability to make medical nanobots which replace, stitch up, foam over, and otherwise heal wounds the user has on a microscopic level. In essence the user has high-speed regeneration while in bankai.

    Ability Name: Sensory Field Projection
    Description: She can scatter nanobots that are linked directly to her own senses, these nanobots are specifically made so that they can detect anything that happens within their range and due to the sheer number of them they can cover a large area. Essentially letting the user know of any movement or attack made within the field in real time. It's obvious when and where each "camera" for this is, but she can just replace them as needed so attacking them one by one is not worth the effort.

    Ability Name: Self-Alteration
    Description: The user is able to convert their body, temporarily, into a mass of nanobots. In so doing they gain the same metal property of the nanobots throughout their entire body. Nothing emotionally or mentally changes in the user. While in this converted state, normal attacks are all but rendered moot since they can self-repair/replace any nanobots damaged by the attack(s) let alone just "move" out of the way of the attacks since their aren't one body but millions of nanobots. AoE attacks are more effective against this form. This lasts one posts with a three post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Replicator
    Description: The user creates a single copy of themselves that is completely indistinguishable from the original. In fact it is so perfect that it would even believe it is the original. The original always knows which one is real and has absolute authority over the fake at all times though. There can only be one replicator at a time, the replicator can only use abilities directly tied to nanobot abilities from shikai, and lasts three posts on a three post cooldown or until defeated. When dealt lethal damage the "Clone" falls into a puddle of goop which used to be nanobots. The cooldown doesn't begin until the clone is off the field.

    Last edited by Alysstrasza on Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:16 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Added History)

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain) Empty Re: Tina Almenor (Shinigami) (Captain Commander/Squad 1 Captain)

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 12, 2024 7:04 pm

    Approved 0-2

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:31 am