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    Carmilla san Diego


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Carmilla san Diego Empty Carmilla san Diego

    Post by Alysstrasza Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:14 pm

    Name: Carmilla san Diego
    Apparent Age: Late Teens, Early 20s
    True Age: 328
    Sex: Female
    Personality: Carmilla is an odd creature that's hard to understand. She is equally likely to get completely infuriated as she is to laugh off the same joke, and is permanently in her adolescent rebellion phase. She doesn't do well with direct orders, but if you tell her that something needs to be done and that a reward is awaiting the person who does it, she'd likely be first in line. She has been a Hollow for a few hundred years, and as such has come to terms with what she is, enjoying the creative liberties she's been granted for what is essentially the first time ever.

    Upon becoming an Arrancar, Carmilla's issues only became more prevalent, with her constantly having some scheme or plan to get stronger, usually involving the betrayal of one or more parties. She also isn't very subtle, and brags about her plans to anyone who will listen, and as a result has developed a bit of a reputation regarding her willingness to apparently backstab everyone. No one is apparently safe from her plotting, even though she hasn't actually done anything yet, and has an equal reputation as a wolf crier, for never acting on her plans.

    Ultimately, Carmilla is just a girl who wants to watch the world burn down. She has no true schemes or plans, she doesn't want to rule over it all, she just wants to burn it all down and dance on the ashes.

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 100 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Carmilla san Diego 5KJeli5

    History: Carmilla was born into a brothel in Spain, where she was forbidden from leaving for the first sixteen years of her life. Eventually, as one does, she died there, and proceeded to be chained to her body due to obvious issues regarding her life. Eventually she was found by a Shinigami, but somehow managed to turn into a Hollow right then and there and eat that very Shinigami. She wandered Hueco Mundo and the Living World for centuries, bored, until finally Bashira had located her, and she became an Arrancar; Carmilla was reborn.
    Exposition: Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
    Side Notes: Underneath the Mask.

    General Fighting Style: Carmilla fights with extremely acrobatic movements, having a lifetime of flexibility to call upon in a fight. She is quick, accurate, and very lethal, but enjoys toying with her victims and rarely goes "all out" from the get-go, though she can if she thinks it's necessary.
    Strengths: Agility, Strength, Sensing
    Weaknesses: Reiatsu, Zanjutsu

    Ability Name: Venom
    Ability Description: Carmilla can create a venom in her body which is fast acting and far spreading, causing the entire body pain as if subject to the damage of a point-blank Bala fired from Carmilla. The injection point or method don't matter, and this pain occurs as a climax every post, coming in waves over a span of 3 posts. After which, individual targets have a 2 post grace period from more injections.

    Ability Name: Fang & Claw
    Ability Description: Carmilla's right hand claws and teeth are Zanpakutou Durability. They are also bright blue and look like they're made of solidified reishi, glowing ever so slightly in the darkness. The rest of her body is only covered in an average Hierro.

    Ability Name: Webs
    Ability Description: Carmilla can create webs from her wrists and ankles which can travel for up to 100m while still being connected with her. She can use these for travel, to disarm people, to attempt to blind/gag them with face shots, etc. She's basically Spider-Man, without the Spider Sense.

    Ability Name: Cero Grenades
    Ability Description: Carmilla has multiple grenades as a belt around her shoulder. Each grenade has an independent one post cooldown before regenerating itself on her belt. Carmilla can throw up to two grenades in a single post, with each exploding for a compressed Cero worth of damage in a 50ft explosion centered on the grenade, which explodes at her leisure. Carmilla is always immune to this explosion, but cannot fire normal Cero.

    Ability Name: Mask
    Ability Description: Carmilla's mask is unique among Arrancar. Every night while she sleeps, the mask reforms until it's completed; as such, she enters every thread with a complete mask. The more of Carmilla's mask that is removed, whether by her or by force, the stronger and faster Carmilla becomes as a result. With her complete mask, Carmilla is treated as roughly 50% lower than she should be across the board. When a quarter of the mask or less remains, Carmilla is treated as being approximately 33% higher than she should be across the board. This is in regards to things like her Spiritual Pressure, Physical Strength, Speed and Reflexes, etc.

    Sealed Appearance: A White Tanto
    Zanpakuto Name: Reina Araña
    Zanpakuto Call Out: Drink
    Cero: Sonido, Pesquisa, Hierro, Bala, Gran Rey Cero

    Appearance: The white on Carmilla's outfit and mask become black, the black becomes white, the blue becomes red, and the red becomes blue. Basically she inverts all of the colors on her outfit.

    Ability Name: Spiderling Sentry
    Ability Description: Carmilla can create a generic-looking spider made out of her reishi which travels at spider speed. Anything the Spider can see, hear, or otherwise process, Carmilla is made to process as if it were herself. She can create up to 5,000 Spiders at once. These spiders are incapable of biting, and exist solely to provide Carmilla with more information.

    Ability Name: Spiderling Hive Bomb
    Ability Description: Carmilla can create a nest made out of her reishi and attack it to any substance. When any target other than Carmilla comes within 5ft of the nest, the nest explodes to reveal hundreds of various types of Spiders, even neglecting normal geographical limitations and behavior, as all of the hundreds of newborn spiders will quickly attempt to bite at their new prey. Carmilla can have up to 5 Nests formed at a time. The Spiderlings do not do actual damage, they just cause massive amounts of pain on their bite, and should probably be dealt with.

    Ability Name: Sticky Webs
    Ability Description: While in her Resurreccion, all of Carmilla's webs are coated in a thin sticky silk syrup which causes everything that comes into contact with them to be nearly guaranteed to be stuck on the webs. They can be broken free from, but it is much more difficult and usually requires a lot of reiatsu.

    Ability Name: Rune Carving
    Ability Description: Carmilla can use the claws from her right hand to carve runes into any substance she can find. This allows Carmilla to create abstract effects such as making a piece of wood glow, forbid a mirror from showing certain reflections, use any mirror as a scrying device, and other such essentially harmless things, as well as allowing Carmilla to turn any object she "carves" on into a bomb, which explodes at her whim for a Cero's worth of damage within anywhere from 5ft to 60ft based on what Carmilla carved the runes onto. The larger the resulting explosion, the larger the initial object must have been, and the longer it would have taken Carmilla to carve the runes.

    Ability Name: Stinger
    Ability Description: Carmilla can produce a 6 inch stinger from anywhere on her body. She can create one at a time, and any target that gets even lightly grazed by the stinger is subject to Carmilla's [Venom]. While Carmilla can only create one stinger at a time, she can retract it and recreate it anywhere else at will, as well as recreating it if it's cut off or damaged.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Carmilla san Diego Empty Re: Carmilla san Diego

    Post by Rena Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:02 pm

    Tier 1-5 approvalness stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:25 am