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    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Rex Empty Rex

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:18 pm

    Name: Rex
    True Age: 65 Million Years?
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Rex is capable of speech, but it's alien to him and sounds forced, symbolizing his existence from before speech was necessary. His body language is on point though, and he's very good at reading other creatures' as well, despite his poor eyesight. As a literal T-Rex, Rex is lonely due to being the last of his kind, and desperately wants to meet another Dinosaur.

    Having spent multiple millions of years wandering the White Sands of Hueco Mundo, it's no wonder Rex has barely any social skills to speak of. He nearly starved from the ambient reishi in Hueco Mundo almost not being enough for him, but was able to perservere through sheer grit and determination. He's a wildly driven creature, despite knowing damn well he's the last of his kind, he longs to find another creature he can communicate with like the old days, before speech.

    Despite his "status" as a T-Rex, Rex cherishes his friendships and allegiance to Bashira as they ended his loneliness. Any creature who attempts to harm or otherwise endanger Rex's Friends are subject to violence from Rex, as he really does take his friendships seriously. Rex remembers every single creature he's ever met, and will often try to share stories about his past when he can, but due to the difficulty he has speaking he usually gives up halfway through. Of course, only Hollow can be considered friend; anyone else is just food.

    Height: 24'Ft Tall, 48'Ft Long (42'Ft Tall when Rearing)
    Weight: 13,225 Pounds; Approx 6000 Kilograms
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Rex AGTqBuI

    History: Rex was biggest. Rex was best. Rex Wife got sick. Rex eggs broken. Rex go on rampage. Rex watch as meaner, bigger dinosaur kills Wife. Rex revenges. Rex also die. Somehow Rex not die? Rex wake up in white desert? Rex have few memories to go off of, but Rex biggest again. Rex happy. Rex eats! Rex eventually gets lonely. Why Rex wake up if Wife not wake up? Where Rex Wife? Where Rex eggs? Rex wander dark desert place for very long time. Rex gets so lost he doesn't even know where he is! Eventually, Rex finds tiny person. Tiny person knocks Rex to ground with one attack; Rex submits. Rex does not want to die again; at least not yet. Rex wants to live, to find Wife, to have eggs. That is Rex.
    Exposition: Rawr
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Rex mostly just runs up and bites 'em. Not a whole lot going on up there.
    Strengths: Strength, Durability, Stamina
    Weaknesses: Reiryoku, Reiatsu

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Dinosaur! [Adjuchas]
    Hollow Abilities: Garganta, Negacion, High-Speed Regeneration, Cero

    Ability Name: Primordial Roar
    Ability Description: Rex can unleash an apex predator roar, which causes him to gain a temporary echolocation-based map of his immediate surroundings, while also causing temporary paralysis during the roar. Rex himself can take no other actions during the roar, and can roar once every three posts. The roar can be heard vaguely as far as 5 miles away, but only gives Rex a 'map' of up to 500ft from him, and only causes paralysis to creatures within the first mile. Creatures who hear this roar are incapable of any form of flight, airwalking, or other aerial maneuverability for three posts.

    Ability Name: Skyrend
    Ability Description: By charging up with a deep inhale, and his exoskeleton temporarily turning maroon from the tail to the head signifying the length of the charge, Rex can unleash an extremely dense Maroon-Colored Cero blast which is technically more on par with a Cero Oscuras; this attack is extraordinarily large, being able to "melt" a mountain, and is incredibly large in comparison to a normal cero blast, but will stll only deal 'Cero' damage at maximum. When fired, his exoskeleton returns to its normal bone-white color, and this ability has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Iron Exoskeleton
    Ability Description: All of the visible 'bones' on Rex are in fact plated protrusion from his body that act as armor. All bones are considered "treated Iron" in terms of durability, and are approximately 6 inches thick each. The unprotected parts are, as one might suspect, unprotected from this ability.

    Ability Name: Motion-Based Sight
    Ability Description: Rex's eyes aren't so good, and making out the tiny details has gotten harder and harder in his old age. As a result, he's focused on his instincts; any movement, no matter how slight, is detected by Rex so long as he's already looking in that direction. Stay perfectly still; his vision is based on movement.

    Ability Name: Tail Smash
    Ability Description: Rex can use his tail in creative and powerful ways, such as smashing through a building or causing a minor earthquake by slamming it on the ground. Being hit directly by this tail almost always ends in at least one broken bone. The 'earthquake' attack can be used once per post, and causes major damage to nearby buildings and such. Each time the 'earthquake' is used, the magnitude on the richter scale increases in order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. After the sixth use, the magnitude stops increasing, but Rex continues to be able to use it every post. Every use of the 'earthquake' inflicts explicit 'additional' damage to all targets who are on the ground, following the scale of: hado 4, hado 11, hado 24, hado 33, hado 39, hado 60.

    Ability Name: Trapjaw
    Ability Description: The inside of Rex's mouth is coated with a nearly Zanpakutou-durable substance, which prevents him from being cut on the inside of his mouth. This substance does not travel any further inside Rex, and is unhelpful versus attacks from outside his mouth. Due in large part to his size, Rex can attempt to swallow a person whole; because of the previously mentioned substance, attacking your way out of this is nearly impossible, but not quite: his tongue is still unprotected, and if a person were to go further inside of him, cutting their way out would be much simpler. Rex can effortlessly bite through stone and most metals.

    Ability Name: Detective Nosework
    Ability Description: Rex can spend a post memorizing a person's scent. He can memorize up to 3,000 people at once, and can track these scents the entire length of whatever realm his target is in. Rex's nose is much better than his eyes, and he relies on people's scent to figure out who they are rather than identifying them by sight. Rex can also detect the existence of blood on a binary level, and if blood exists Rex can track it. This is mostly an RP Tool and has very little use in Combat.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Rex Empty Re: Rex

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:50 pm

    Tier 2-3 Approvalness Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:22 am