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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Caerbannog Empty Caerbannog

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 19, 2024 3:54 pm

    Name: Caerbannog
    True Age: 222
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Caerbannog is a completely aloof individual who doesn't seem to have a care in the world beyond protecting Master. Master was the person who protected and saved Caerbannog from the dark place, with all the jagged trees and scary creatures who wanted to eat Caerbannog. Master saved him, and brought him to a new place, which is bright and shiny and Master will never know sorrow again so long as Caerbannog has anything to say about it.

    He is loyal, at his core. He will never betray Master, and will attempt to offer peaceful solutions as an initial instinct against most situations. Caerbannog doesn't care about combat; combat is combat and is necessary for survival. He does not, however, "enjoy" being hurt. When he feels pain for the first time in a fight, he has a tendency to lash out in a wild rage due to his dislike of it, but he always manages to steel himself and recover for the rest of the fight. He is surprisingly viscious, and has been known on multiple occasions to murder people simply for being too close to him.

    When Caerbannog feels fully safe, usually by Master's side, he will flop onto his side and just sleep. He only does this when he truly feels safe, and even the slightest bit of hostility would prevent him from flopping. He requires souls for nourishment, but enjoys a good carrot. Caerbannog is, at his core, a gentle giant who just wants hugs and pets from Master.

    Height: 7 Feet Tall, including Ears, when standing at full Height; otherwise usually hunched over and looks about 3 and a Half Feet Tall.
    Weight: 300 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Caerbannog EDwPOpE

    History: Born into the Beast Realm, Caerbannog was lucky enough to escape at a young age. He wandered the edges of Rukongai for a while before being eaten by a Hollow. Unlike what everyone expected, however, apparently Caerbannog's soul was potent enough that he infact gained control of the Hollow, even being unaware of what he had done, and managed to find himself trapped in the Forest of Menos for over two hundred years. Eventually, he was found by Bashira Kinoshita, who explained what he was to him and took him in, saving him from the dark place with the jagged trees. Master had saved Caerbannog, and he would stay by her side forever.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Caerbannog usually relies on his claws and teeth in a fight, allowing his powerful arms and legs to do most of the work, ultimately relying on a Cero to get the job done if his own physical power can't do it. He dislikes fighting though, and will usually try to offer a peaceful solution first.
    Strengths: Agility, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Durability

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Adjuchas
    Hollow Abilities: Garganta, Negacion, Sonido, High Speed Regeneration, Cero

    Ability Name: Lagomorphic Physiology
    Ability Description: Caerbannog receives a +1x Agility Boost at all times, and his fur is incredibly silky smooth and soft to the touch.

    Ability Name: Multiplication
    Ability Description: Any body part removed from Caerbannog, up to and including entire limbs, will grow an entirely new Caerbannog from it, with the original regrowing the cut-off part as if nothing had happened. Decapitation will also result in two new copies; only complete destruction of the head (or at least severe brain damage) of the original Caerbannog will cause all active copies of Caerbannog to drop dead on the spot. There is no limit to the amount of copies that can exist at one time. Caerbannog can also rip off his own limbs to trigger this ability.

    Ability Name: Collective Cero
    Ability Description: If Three Caerbannog combine their Cero while it's charging, it will instead transform into a Gran Rey Cero. One Caerbannog is consumed by this ability, turned to ashes, and this ability has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Maximum Collective Cero
    Ability Description: If Five Caerbannog combine their Cero while it's charging, it will instead transform into a Forbidden Kidou. Three Caerbannog are consumed by this ability, turned to ashes, and this ability has a 5 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Air Hike
    Ability Description: Caerbannog can leap over 500 meters in a single jump. Additionally, Caerbannog can "jump" again while mid-air, once per time he touches the ground. Caerbannog cannot Air Walk.

    Ability Name: Tranquil Aura [Passive]
    Ability Description: Caerbannog has an aura of tranquility around him. From the time he first enters a thread until the time he launches his first attack, Caerbannog cannot be the "target" of any specific attack. He can be "in range" of an explosion, but not the "center" of the explosion.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Caerbannog Empty Re: Caerbannog

    Post by Rena Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:29 pm

    Tier 2-4 Approvalness Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:24 am