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    Scylla Charybdis


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Scylla Charybdis Empty Scylla Charybdis

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:50 pm

    Name: Scylla Charybdis
    True Age: 820
    Sex: Female
    Personality: Scylla's memories are locked away to keep out the pain of her past, and she suffers from a lack of ability to let people get close to her. She struggles to rely on other people, even when she knows their assistance is a good thing, and prefers to go it alone simply for her mental safety. She deeply understands the concept of power, and is not afraid to show hers off if necessary or bow down to someone stronger. She's acutely aware of her own limitations and the danger that her fragile body presents.

    She prefers quiet environments, although she can handle chaotic ones the quiet ones are easier to forget about her past in. A lot of her time is spent quietly recollecting herself. Scylla is skilled at masking the pain behind apathy, and comes across to many others as a Hollow who simply doesn't care anymore; quite to the contrary, she cares too much, and is constantly looking for tiny releases to not let it bottle up inside of her.

    Despite being a Hollow, Scylla misses reading a book with a glass of wine next to her, and longs for the days of yore. She is deeply rooted in the past, and struggles to come to terms with the modernization of the world. Scylla also has a softspot for pets, especially cute and cuddly ones, and will straight up opt to eat a Human who doesn't have a pet rather than a Human walking their dog.

    Height: 5'8" [173cm]
    Weight: 112lbs [50.8kg]
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Scylla Charybdis VAcDs3S

    History: A long time ago, in Ancient Greece, there existed a sea monster by the name of Scylla, and a vast whirlpool named Charybdis. Passage between these two dangers was the only way from Point A to Point B, so Sailors oft had to make the voyage between Scylla and Charybdis, a turn of phrase which came to mean between two dangerous things. So it was written in Homer's Odyssey. Eventually, a girl from the Human World would read these books, and feel a calling towards Scylla and Charybdis. Though tragedy struck, the girl managed to find a soft comfort in her new truth. Who she was before was irrelevant; who she was now was Scylla Charybdis. She would go on to claim a tiny section of the White Sands as her own, and was eventually found and recruited by Bashira Kinoshita.
    Exposition: Ain't she cute?
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Scylla tends to use her [Medusa] ability to attack enemies from mid range, while using her Beluga Snake Heads from [Scylla Charybdis] to move around. Because has four "legs" which are each fully flexible and prehensile, she has an extremely wide array of movement options to choose from, which is where her [Medusa] tentacles come in handy as they can stretch much further than the Snake Heads can. She is incapable of firing a "normal" Cero, and can only do so with [Gaze].
    Strengths: Reiryoku, Reiatsu, Agility
    Weaknesses: Durability, Strength

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Adjuchas
    Hollow Abilities: Garganta, Negacion, Sonido, High-Speed Regeneration

    Ability Name: Scylla Charybdis [Passive]
    Ability Description: Scylla's "body" is made up of a central core, which looks vaguely humanoid, and four "Beluga Snake Heads" which act as her legs to an extent. Her hands each have three fingers on them, she has barnacle "armor", and a wolf-head-shaped rock on her right shoulder. Each Snake Head is capable of acting on its own, but they will work together to ensure Scylla's safety, as the humanoid core is the collection of all of her internal organs. Each Snake Head is an empty shell and does not bleed. The Snakes are each 15 feet in length, and can compress themselves down as far as 1 foot. They are capable of biting, but are incapable of performing any other attack; they are mostly for movement and RP Gag Shenanigans. Scylla's High Speed Regeneration is nearly instantaneous, healing almost any wound within the post it happened.

    Ability Name: Sirensong Aura [Passive]
    Ability Description: Scylla's reiatsu is extraordinarily dense, and can be felt at a low level even when "fully supressed" which it normally is, but by "flexing" her reiatsu Scylla can create a 50 foot sphere centered on her which travels where and when she does. Creatures inside the radius "feel" like they are underwater, from the pressure around their bodies, to the difficulty of moving, to the feeling of the very oxygen being crushed under the weight of her reiatsu making it difficult to breathe. The sphere is clearly visible from the outside, but inside it looks "completely fine" and the edges cannot be seen. This sphere can last for the entire thread and "drains" no more reiatsu than anyone else "flexing" their reiatsu would.

    Ability Name: Mirage
    Ability Description: Creatures who are outside of the Sirensong Aura's sphere of influence cannot perfectly see into it, instead seeing the sphere shimmer and refract as though it were clearly underwater. Attacks made from outside the sphere INTO the sphere are less likely to hit due to the shimmering refractions and inability to correctly ascertain locations of targets.

    Ability Name: Molt
    Ability Description: Scylla can choose to abandon her physical body, instead regenerating her entire body from any severed limb or part of her body she feels is in a better position. This can only happen once per thread, and when activated her current body immediately drops over, clearly dead, while she regenerates her entire body at the very end of that post (preventing sneak attack situations). There is a clear surge of her reiatsu at the location of her regeneration, and even people who can't normally sense Reiatsu will be able to notice it.

    Ability Name: Medusa
    Ability Description: Scylla can create and freely manipulate "tentacles" of dense reiatsu and reishi. These tentacles are "nearly" invisible to the naked eye but can be visually given away, such as in rain or fog, even shimmering in standard daylight, and can stretch up to 50 meters in range. Scylla can also use them to grab and hold onto objects or opponents. The tentacles move at the same speed Scylla moves any other limb she has, and do not require her to move her physical body to do so. Scylla is able to use her tentacles to block and deflect incoming attacks that she would otherwise be unable to defend against with her body alone. By manipulating the density and shape of the tentacles, she can create a flexible, yet sturdy shield around herself. While this ability is not foolproof and can still be penetrated by powerful attacks, it gives Scylla an additional layer of defense and allows her to defend against a wider variety of threats. The tentacles can also be used to grab and redirect attacks, or to grab and hold onto opponents, allowing Scylla to control the battlefield and keep her enemies at bay. Scylla has 4 Tentacles at the start of every thread, and "repairs" them at a rate of 1 Tentacle per Post.

    Ability Name: Gaze
    Ability Description: Scylla is capable of firing a Cero from any of her [Medusa] "tentacles" once per post. There is a significant buildup of reiatsu in the nearly invisible tentacle before it is fired, making it detectable but still difficult to dodge without seeing it until it's already fired. Regardless of which tentacle fires the Cero, it can only be performed once per post.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Scylla Charybdis Empty Re: Scylla Charybdis

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:53 pm

    Tier 2-2 Approvalness Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:25 am