Codename KING


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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Codename KING Empty Codename KING

    Post by Alysstrasza Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:51 pm

    Name: King [True Name Unknown]
    True Age: Somewhere North of 5,000
    Sex: Male
    Personality: The first and most important thing to understand about King is that he is more intelligent than you think he is. As a Hollow, most people assume King is on some level of brainless berserker, but in fact King is a very highly read individual who has countless lifetimes to call upon. Due in part to [Majesty], King struggles to remember his actual origins; he only knows that he took the name King well over 5,000 years ago. He doesn't even remember how old he actually is anymore, as he has several hundreds of thousands of years of experience and memories at his disposal. Despite all of that, King has never 'lost' himself or forgotten who he was.

    King has an extremely charismatic presence. Despite his being a Hollow, he has a way to connect with most creatures due to his memories, and has a tendency to pretend he's dumber and softer than he actually is. King trusts no one and nothing, and typically knows exactly what to say to manipulate others into trusting him. He is able to swallow his pride when necessary, and absolutely loathes the feeling of being betrayed.

    King is terrifyingly patient. He has experienced more than even he can truly comprehend; more horrors, more joy, more sorrow. King expects to outlive everyone he's ever met, and isn't currently aware of anything that has the power to kill him. Having survived even the Soukyoku, he doesn't think anything in existence can kill him, but he's well aware that he's been trapped inside the Muken for so long that things could have changed.

    Regardless of all others, King is a selfish creature. He wants what he wants, and he will stop at nothing to achieve it. His submission to the Gotei was out of a desire to save his subjects and allow them to get away. He's been trapped in the Muken longer than he knows because there's no accurate way to keep track of time down there, but he's spent his time reading and planning and plotting.

    One day, he will escape.

    They will never capture him again.

    Height: 7'6" [229cm]
    Weight: 315lbs [143kg]
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Codename KING CmFxKdB

    History: A very long time ago, Hueco Mundo had been conquered. All Hollows who existed within the dimension bowed down to a single creature who they all called King. For the first time in History, All Hollows worked together to achieve a singular goal: the creation of a super structure within Hueco Mundo that they would call Los Noches. Once the construction was completed, life in Hueco Mundo was surprisingly easy; the Hollows were working together instead of just killing each other, and for a brief moment in time they wondered how far they could push this whole 'society' thing to see if they could be on par with the Shinigami of the Soul Society who had been hunting them their whole existence.

    The Captain Commander of her era marched into Hueco Mundo with an army. They had gathered enough research, they knew about Los Noches and the community the Hollows were building, and the Gotei weren't having any of that. All Nine Captains had been gathered for a single assault on Los Noches, to both wipe out the community and take out the supposed King. When they arrived, the battle began almost immediately; the Shinigami wasted little to no time before they released their Bankais and started slaughtering his followers left and right. Though there were a few strong followers among them, most of his people were dead with only one Captain having fallen.

    King stepped forth from the throne room and stared at the Eight remaining Captains. He didn't know much about their sociopolitical system, but he could identify the white coats meant those Eight were stronger than the ones who didn't have them. Leaping into the fray, King began to fight all Eight Captains by himself, allowing his subjects time to escape Los Noches and scatter back to the winds.

    Seven out of the Nine Captains who went into Hueco Mundo did not return. The only survivors were the Captain Commander of her era and the Kidou Corps Commander. Los Noches fell into ruins that day, where it would remain for the foreseeable future. Though King was apprehended, he proved to be more of an issue than anyone was expecting. He was ordered to execution by the Captain Commander; her sealed Zanpakutou broke in half over his neck. He was ordered to execution by other Hollows; all of them simply bowed to him, knowing who and what he was. He was ordered to execution by the Soukyoku; it shattered into hundreds of pieces. Nothing Central 46 came up with seemed to be enough to actually kill King.

    Eventually, after about twelve other attempts at his life, King was brought before Central 46 while wrapped from head to toe in sekiseki stone. He could barely even breathe, let alone talk back or break out of his bindings; he couldn't even see out of his mask, he could only hear the words that were being spoken to him. Central 46 offered King a deal: Live in the Central Great Underground Prison at the bottom floor for the rest of his life, and they will graciously allow him to continue surviving.

    King agreed on the condition that they treat him like a Shinigami. Originally Central 46 seemed to be taken aback, and immediately they started to get huffy with him and upset at his audacity. King remained calm, however, and after several hours of arguing amongst themselves, King was granted a reprieve. He would be locked in the Muken but would be regularly fed and given ways to kill his time. When he was thrown into the Muken, King realized he had been slightly played; the darkness would make it impossible to read any of his books, and there was literally no one else to even talk to.

    Over five hundred years later, the doors opened once more. A new Captain Commander stepped out and introduced himself to King. After a brief conversation, he promised to return and left King alone once more. Though he could not accurately count the days, it was nearly a month before the Captain Commander returned, as promised. King was gifted a few toys to keep himself occupied that day: a source of light which required no battery so he could read his books, a single chair so he could sit somewhere that wasn't the ground, and a villainous soul who needed to be executed. At this point, mostly due to the Sekiseki stone, King was slightly starving, so the villainous shinigami served as a needy meal to the Hollow.

    So it went that every 500 years or so another criminal was thrown to King. He was being fed, he understood, and helping them out by killing criminals they probably didn't want to bother with. This continued for a long time, until King met Doku Mazi. Doku initially was digusted by the idea of feeding King, and attempted to have him executed once again. Central 46 however remembered the past and refused Doku's request, as despite being a Hollow, King was treated as a Shinigami by Central 46. This infuriated Doku, but he realized it was beyond his power to do anything about it. Though Doku was Captain Commander for well over 1500 years, he only visited King one time.

    King has no idea how long it's been. As he's locked inside the Muken, the bottom floor of the Central Great Underground Prison, King has no way to check the passage of time. The only indicator that it's been 'long enough' is when his stomach starts to rumble. That was a long time ago, though, and no one else has come down here. Did he get forgotten about? Was this Central 46's plan all along? Was Doku successful in his attempts to prevent the world from ever discovering King's existence?

    He didn't know. He just kept reading his books to pass the time. Despite having well over 200,000 books, he'd read them all countless times by now. Maybe if he ever got a visitor again, he could ask for a pen and some paper so he could try to write his own story. Then again, he was so hungry now that if that door opened, he might just mindlessly attack whoever steps out. If it was much longer, that would certainly happen, but as it stood now he could hold out for another hundred years or so... he hoped.
    Exposition: The O.G. King of Hollows
    Side Notes: Far, far more intelligent than you think he is.

    General Fighting Style: "Tactical savagery" would be the best words to describe King's fighting style. There is nothing considered 'illegal' in a fight, no tactic too underhanded to be performed. Fights are meant to be to the death, and King does not show mercy. While he may be able to fake it, and can seem as though he is a kind and gentle god, King is a cruel and vengeful creature who will hold grudges for millenia. If King shows you mercy in a fight, he was never really fighting you.
    Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Speed, Strength, Durability
    Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Reiryoku Control, Sensing

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Vasto Lorde +
    Hollow Abilities: Negacion, Sonido, High Speed Regeneration, Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscuras

    Ability Name: Majesty [Passive]
    Ability Description: King has an aura that cannot be ignored. Upon noticing his presence, King's name is innately known by everyone who looks at him. There is no doubting that he is the true King of the Hollows. Additionally, whenever King eats a soul, he gains all knowledge and understanding that soul had ever known. If he eats a Hollow, this remains true for every individual soul that makes up a single Hollow. As a result, King has countless lifetimes of experience to call upon.

    Ability Name: Core Release
    Ability Description: By flexing his Reiatsu, King is able to create an aura around him which darkens the surrounding area to nighttime visibility regardless of what it was before. This aura encircles King by approximately 100ft on all sides, forming a sphere around him. Creatures inside the sphere will very likely notice that their reiatsu glows much brighter than normal while inside the sphere, and all creatures inside the sphere who flex their reiatsu receive a +1x Strength/Agility boost. This includes King, but also includes any enemies who catch on and flex their own reiatsu.

    Ability Name: Sheer Force
    Ability Description: King is able to attack so powerfully and so fast that he can create vaccuum waves to attack his opponents at range. Any motion King makes, from a swing of his sword to a flick, can create a shockwave which travels at Bala speed and replicates his initial energy; if the vaccuum wave is from a sword, the vaccuum wave will likely pierce what it comes into contact with, but if the vaccuum wave is from a flick, it would be a blunt force that stopped at the first thing it hit.

    Ability Name: Overdrive
    Ability Description: King is capable of flooding his body with reiryoku in a closed loop which causes his body to enter hypermode. While active, Overdrive causes King to gain a +1x Strength/Agility boost, which stacks with [Core Release]. Overdrive can be active for up to 3 posts, but always has a 3 post cooldown when turned off. If King turns off Overdrive on the first or second post, he gets a little bit of the reiryoku used back, but if the whole 3 post duration is used King is left with nothing to return to him.

    Ability Name: Acero
    Ability Description: Despite being a normal Hollow, King has developed his own version of a Hierro. Acero functions as a "Strong Hierro-like Effect".

    Ability Name: Command
    Ability Description: King can issue a 'command' to an object. This acts almost like telekinesis, but he doesn't have specific accurate control. As an example, King can hold out his hand and command any uncontested sword to fly to his hand; he could hold up a rock and command it to fly into an enemy's face; etc. This can only affect one object at a time, but can be used repeatedly without issue. When used as an attack, the damage from this ability is capped at a Cero.

    Ability Name: Royal Decree
    Ability Description: Any "ability" which has affected King and caused him damage is considered [Disabled] until a different ability from the same person also causes King damage. Regular attacks are unaffected by this ability, and can even be used to reset the [Disabled] status. Any ability considered [Disabled] cannot be used to ANY extent, and the character who has the ability is considered to NOT have the ability until it is no longer [Disabled].

    Ability Name: Ancient Understanding
    Ability Description: King has an innate understanding of brand new subjects and materials. Even when exposed to state-of-the-art concepts that don't exist yet, King seems to completely understand them. Despite being a Hollow, he fully grasped the sociopolitical environment of Soul Society in under a day. King has an extraordinarily strong instinct, and trusts it innately; simply by seeing one move of an opponent, he can fully understand it's limitations and make educated guesses as to other, different abilities that opponent has.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:26 am