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    Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC)


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC) Empty Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC)

    Post by Alysstrasza Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:56 pm

    Name: Wukong
    Age: 160
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Wukong is an eternally immature prankster. He finds a great amount of joy in playing pranks on people, even if they end up hurt. He is not very intelligent, and perhaps his greatest weakness is his ability to be played by anyone who is more intelligent than he is. While he loves to prank other people, he loathes being the victim of their pranks, despite falling for them almost every time.

    Wukong doesn't particularly enjoy death battles, like those against the Hollow when he is sent out on a mission, but he doesn't mind challenges of strength and is usually the first in line to spar against a new arrival to the Seireitei. He has a tendency to not hold back on accident, and use more power than he truly intends to, mostly out of excitement.

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 150lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full-Size]
    Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC) Auq7gPB

    History: Wukong was born in the forests surrounding Rukongai's outermost districts. Rife with loose Hollows, his youth was spent playing tricks on the residents of Rukongai and the Hollows of his forest. He had the fear of death put into him quite a few times, but was almost always saved at the last second by either a member of his own kind or a Shinigami of the Gotei. Eventually, when he matured just a bit, he made his way to Seireitei and joined the Eight Court Guard Squads, thinking that they would have the secrets to the immortality that he seeks.
    Side Notes: He's a monkey man.

    General Fighting Style: Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast. Wukong doesn't really spend time planning his attacks, preferring to let his actions speak louder.
    Strengths: Strength, Durability, Stamina
    Weaknesses: Reiryoku Control, Reiatsu

    Ability Name: Cloud Step
    Ability Description: Wukong can form a cloud out of reiatsu which allows him to stand on it. The cloud is capable of moving just as fast as Wukong can, and allows him more manueverability in the air, as well as allowing him to float in areas which disable normal air walking.

    Ability Name: Fiery Golden Eyes
    Ability Description: Wukong can see up to 36 miles in the daytime and 18 miles at night. His vision is not obscured by cover, and can see through disguises and illusions.

    Sealed Appearance: While Sealed, Wukong's Jingu Bang resembles an Asauchi rather than a normal Zanpakutou. It has no distinctive markings on it and looks as though it's never been used.
    Zanpakutou Name: Jingu Bang
    Call Out Command: Come out to play

    Appearance: In it's Shikai form, Jingu Bang is a red staff, approximately 4ft in length and 6in in diameter. The very center has a simple gold wrap around it.

    Ability Name: Jingu Bang
    Ability Description: Wukong's Shikai is capable of changing its length, ranging from the size of a needle to 100ft in length.

    Ability Name: 72 Earthly Transformations
    Ability Description: Wukong is capable of transforming into any form he can imagine. His actual physical stats, aside from weight, are unaffected by his physical form. His minimum size is one inch tall, and his maximum size is twenty feet. He can only transform once per post.

    Ability Name: Heart of Stone
    Ability Description: Wukong has a hierro-like effect while in his Shikai and beyond.

    Ability Name: False Immortality
    Ability Description: Wukong regenerates constantly while in his Shikai and beyond. This allows him to heal from wounds and prevents bleedouts, but he is still mortal and dies if his heart or brain are destroyed.

    New Name: Ruyi Jingu Bang
    Appearance: In it's Bankai state, Ruyi Jingu Bang is a much more ornate staff of golden appearance, inscribed with ancient runes that can't be translated. The formerly gold wrap in the middle is now black, and the gold edges glow like a candle when in proximity to Wukong.

    Ability Name: Ruyi Jingu Bang
    Ability Description: This ability overwrites Jingu Bang. While in Bankai form, the maximum length of the staff is around 1 mile, and the speed at which it changes length is nearly instantaneous. Finally, the staff can also transform into any other tool Wukong can think of, limited only by his imagination.

    Ability Name: Sentience of Self
    Ability Description: Ruyi Jingu Bang is a sentient weapon, and is capable of controlling itself when not being wielded by Wukong. The weapon cannot be lifted by anyone other than Wukong, regardless of how strong they are. The weapon moves just as fast by itself as it does when Wukong wields it.

    Ability Name: Body Outside of Body
    Ability Description: Each of Wukong's 1,000 hairs are capable of transforming by following the rules of 72 Earthly Transformations. The hairs cannot turn into him, and lose the ability to transform again once they have been changed from a hair. As an example, Wukong can make it rain elephants.

    Ability Name: Breath of Heaven
    Ability Description: Wukong is immune to the first attack he receives every post, up to and including Hado 80 in power. He has no control over this, and it can be easily abused by an opponent who figures it out, such as throwing a pebble at him in order to pop the shield before the actual attack.

    Last edited by Ika on Sat Aug 03, 2024 1:47 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Attached Signature)

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC) Empty Re: Wukong (Shinigami) (Squad 5 VC)

    Post by Ika Sun Jul 14, 2024 1:35 am

    Approved 2-2

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:31 am