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    Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC)

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2024-07-11

    Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC) Empty Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC)

    Post by Okami Shiba Sun Jul 14, 2024 2:24 am

    Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC) Okami310


    Name: Okami Shiba
    Age: You'll never get a straight answer, but somewhere around 800.
    Gender: Male

    Personality: Okami is typically relaxed and easy-going, quickly forgiving those who wrong him. This is not because he is too trusting, however. He is an amazing judge of character, and can often tell when someone is lying without even monitoring for changes in reiatsu. While he does enjoy a good fight, Okami is not one to waste time extending them. He dispatches his enemies quickly and hates long, drawn out battles. He has much respect for most of his opponents, and honors their valor before killing them so that they know he harbors no ill will. When a loved one is at risk or killed, however, Okami is utterly merciless and sadistic. While fighting against someone on an equal level, he will often escalate his reiatsu as the fight dictates so that he doesn’t exhaust himself, as not even he can withstand the full force of his own power. However, if an opponent is stronger than him, Okami will put his full force into his opening blows to harry his enemy’s advance and prevent them from using their own techniques.

    When around women, the esteemed Shiba Clan Head changes slightly. His aloof behavior becomes even more pronounced, and his judgment tends to err more often. He is a severe romantic, and will often attempt to woo those that catch his eye. He is undeniably straight, however, and this never wavers. Okami's ideal woman varies, as he views each as a unique work of art, valued in their own way. Tsukiakari Shojo comes first in his mind, as she is the embodiment of his "soulmate", as he views it, and if she disapproves of his actions or his choice in companions, he will immediately rectify this slight against her.


    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 175lbs
    Physical Traits:



    History: He's a good, loyal soldier of the Gotei. Sort of. That being said, you'll never get him to tell you the whole story. You had to be there.
    Side Notes: "The moon isn't just some stone in the sky. Ancient civilizations believed that it was much more than that. The sun may be a symbol of light and life, and the moon is it's mirror. It drives others to madness, whips up storms and tides. It is the gateway to the unknowable, cold and untouchable, and yet burning with unearthly power. It is chaos, destruction, and the void. That is the true essence of the moon, and the truth of my Zanpakuto." ~ Okami Shiba


    General Fighting Style:  Okami relies heavily on Zanjutsu and his Zanpakuto's unique abilities, but has a working knowledge of high-level Kidou to raw from as well. He tends to use his experience and creativity to his advantage in combat, often coming across as a berserker due to his tendency to never let up until he is physically incapable of doing so.

    Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Reiatsu Control, Zanjutsu
    Weaknesses: Sensing, Stamina, Durability

    Ability Name: Forceful Reiatsu
    Ability Description: Okami is gifted at flexing his reiatsu, allowing him to attempt to influence targets even stronger than he is with his signature destructive vibes. Targets who are not strong enough to exert their own reiatsu are usually brought to their knees, at least at first. Can be fought against. When released, his reiatsu darkens the area with cracks of glowing silver appearing across the air and ground spreading out from his body.

    Ability Name: Zanjutsu Mastery
    Ability Description: After years both on the battlefield and duels, Okami has gotten used to the flow and tempo of combat. Due to this, he is able to roughly predict what an enemy swordsman is going to do. So long as he has seen a zanjutsu technique before, he can recognize it's use and react accordingly. This becomes more difficult with opponents on a similar level as he is, but still theoretically possible.


    Sealed Appearance:

    Sealed Appearance:

    Zanpakutou Name: Tsukiakari Shojo
    Call Out Command: Eclipse

    Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:

    Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:

    Last edited by Okami Shiba on Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC) Empty Re: Okami Shiba, the Blessed Destroyer (Squad 8 VC)

    Post by Ika Sun Jul 14, 2024 7:17 pm

    Approved 2-1

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:21 am