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    Takao Kamakura (Squad 6 Captain)


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-07-11

    Takao Kamakura (Squad 6 Captain) Empty Takao Kamakura (Squad 6 Captain)

    Post by dziprisoner Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:33 pm

    Name: Takao KamaKura
    Age: 734
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Takao makes considerable effort to ensure he seems cool headed and reliable to those around him, always willing to lend an ear to those who are in need of council or sage advice. Hard working and diligent are both attributes commonly ascribed to him, never willing to rest on his laurels and always aiming higher. Despite his position as Captain of the Sixth squad he makes great pains to maintain approachability, a skill that was honed during his tenure as Bashira's lieutenant.

    Inwardly the side he never allows others to see he's a greedy manipulator determined to climb the ranks of the gotei to the top and he'd do anything within his power to do so, when finally playing his hand Takao is petty, vindictive prone to gloating. Due to he himself being aware of his own tendancies He does his best to restrain this more childish side of himself. Among his other negative traits he's also a coward and should it appear his life is in danger he tends to panic.

    Height: 5 foot 9
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Physical Traits: Takao has a Slight frame and a middling height. his muscle definition isn't all that noticeable and his limbs have a noticeable thinness to them. His skin is an almost porcelain white. He had black hair that reaches his shoulder blades usually tied into into a pony tail but has short bang that end in a straight cut above his eyebrows. His eyes have a hazel colour to them. Takao's face has a gentleness featuring few sharp features. this comes together to give him a serene countenance.

    Takao is never seen out of his standard issue Shinigami robes coupled with a lose fitting haori with the insignia of Squad six across the back. The haori has the coat of arms of the Kamakura house on small buttons on the front of each shoulder. Takao's Zanpakuto is usually attached to his person by an obi worn on the right side of his body.

    History: Takao was discouraged from entering the academy by his family and as threated with disinheritance should he go through with becoming a shinigami. Despite this greave threat hanging over his head he chose to forge ahead. Within the academy Takao excelled academically but showed a poor aptitude for the actual dirty work of being a Shinigami. He however passed despite his poor combat performance though officially he had excellent marks. after leaving the Academy He was assigned to the internal affairs squad which he quickly shot up the ranks due to his exemplary investigative work, and exposed a large amount of corruption within the middle ranks of the squad. In time he became the Lieutenant to the then Captain Kinoshita and continued to work as an indispensable part of her squad until her ascension to captain commander. Takao Barely met the requirements to promotion to captain and took the first seat. After Bashira's ousting Takao discovered that his then lieutenant had been acting as a private informant for the former captain commander and had him placed within the maggots nest much to his own disappointment.

    Since then Takao Has served the gotei faithfully hand helped to maintain a degree of peace and stability    

    General Fighting Style:  Due to his poor skills upclose he took a cue from his previous captain and spent some time mastering kidou with more a focus on bakudo as if he can restrain enemies before really having to get close it short cuts his weakness. He also uses this as bait to trick opponents into medium ranger where his Zanpakuto is most effective.
    Strengths: Sensing, Kido, speed and reiryoku control
    Weaknesses: Swordsmanship, hand to hand combat, Durability and physical strength
    Ability Name: Earthen Snare
    Ability Description: The ground swells encasing the feet of the target, not a particularly powerful trap but enough to be a pain in the ass (roughly on part with a Bakudo spell between 1-40 1 post CD)

    Sealed Appearance:
    Zanpakutou Name: Tsuchigumo
    Call Out Command: Reveal your fangs, Tsuchigumo


    Ability Name: Stone manipulation
    Ability Description: Within the range of 7 meters around himself Takao can manipulate the stone in the area, once past that range he can only sense vibrations within the ground

    Ability Name: Fangs of stone
    Ability Description: Launching spears make of stone at high speed at the target (it's a really fast really sharp rock 2 post CD)

    Ability Name: Web of stone
    Ability Description: By placing both hands on the ground Takao can fully sense even the slightest vibration from within the stone, being enough to detect any subtle sounds for up to 100 meters away.

    Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Takao Kamakura (Squad 6 Captain) Empty Re: Takao Kamakura (Squad 6 Captain)

    Post by Ika Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:40 pm

    Approved 2-1

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