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    Lazarus Renault


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Lazarus Renault Empty Lazarus Renault

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:35 pm

    Name: Lazarus Renault
    Apparent Age: 23
    True Age: 982
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Lazarus is a cold and calculating individual, preferring to listen rather than speak. He isn't one to raise his voice even when under pressure, and is known for speaking few words when he does open his mouth. Lazarus has a habit of overestimating what others are capable of, which leads him to be generally disappointed in others as they usually fail to meet his expectations. While Lazarus dislikes when he's treated poorly or as an inferior, he isn't one to be goaded into fights very easily and typically waits for a prime opportunity to swiftly end those who have wronged him. Those who treat him fairly, and those who look up to him with gratitude are the first to be saved and spared when their times come, while those who get on his bad side have a tendency to be forgotten at the most inopportune times for them.

    Lazarus tends to represent the inevitability of death, and is always watching from the shadows. Due to his abilities, putting him down is surprisingly difficult, and most creatures can't even wound him which has left him with a bit of an inflated ego. Much like he overestimates his enemies, he has the nasty habit of overestimating his own abilities as well, though they're more often proven right. Lazarus has had a long and lonely life, and has trouble opening up to people, which leads him to be ostracized and left even lonelier.

    Lazarus APPEARANCE
    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 225 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    Click for Full Size!
    Lazarus Renault NjGAKoF

    History: [History goes here, optional, can be skipped]

    General Fighting Style: When he bothers to fight at all, Lazarus generally overpowers his enemies quickly and without mercy. He isn't known for playing with his food, and would much rather reserve his energy for later uses.
    Strengths: Sensing, Speed, Reiatsu, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Durability, Reiryoku Control, Zanjutsu

    Ability Name: True Sight
    Ability Description: Lazarus has an incredibly high level of perception: He can read lips with perfect accuracy, anticipate some moves based on muscle tension, physically see Reiatsu, is able to distinguish it by composition and source, can detect irregularities in a person's flow, and can see through obstructions less than 6in thick. This has no cooldown or charge time, and when it is active Lazarus's eyes are completely white. Additionally, this drains no reiatsu from Lazarus whatsoever.

    Ability Name: High Speed Regeneration
    Ability Description: Lazarus did not give up High Speed Regeneration upon becoming an Arrancar, and as such still has it. His High Speed Regeneration is average in strength, restoring lost limbs after two posts, and all other wounds after one post.

    Ability Name: Bleed Out
    Ability Description: Lazarus causes all beings within 500ft to be reminded of their old wounds. The older they are, the more they hurt (This is relative to the beings own lifespan). This can be activated to cause all recent wounds (within the past 5 posts) to reopen as if they had just been inflicted as well. This has a 4 post cooldown.

    Sealed Appearance: A straight katana-like weapon with a solid black handle and a red blade.
    Zanpakuto Name: Mahoraga
    Zanpakuto Call Out: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
    Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscuras, Cero Doble, Cero Cornea

    Click for Full Size!
    Lazarus Renault ITV2lRH

    Ability Name: Adaption
    Ability Description: Lazarus adapts instantly to attacks, causing him to take less damage from them in the future. The first time any attack lands, it inflicts full damage; further uses of that same attack deal half damage to him. This does not wear off and has no quantity limit. This is, however, very specific: a punch to the left side of his face is not a punch to the right side of his face, etc. The attack must be the exact same as the previous attack which landed.

    Ability Name: Cero Metralleta
    Ability Description: Lazarus can fire off five cero simultaneously, each with their own trajectory. This ability has a 5 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Bala Oscuras
    Ability Description: Lazarus can fire off black bala that have the power of a Gran Rey Cero. This has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Inertia Negation
    Ability Description: Lazarus can negate inertia, allowing extraordinary feats of agility, including turning on a dime and moving around tight corners even at high speed without losing speed or acceleration and/or deceleration from top speed or even to/from zero speed instantly. Being hit by an attack will still hurt him the same but it won't knock him back or move him at all unless he desires for it to do so himself.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Lazarus Renault Empty Re: Lazarus Renault

    Post by Ika Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:23 pm

    Approved 1-2

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