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    M'runa yae Galvus


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    M'runa yae Galvus Empty M'runa yae Galvus

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:14 am

    Name: M'runa yae Galvus
    Age: 20
    True Age: 777
    Sex: Female
    Personality: M'runa is arrogant, contemptuous, selfish, and callous. Having been raised as a prodigy, she disregards the importance of life itself. Drunk on power as an arrancar within the Espada's ranks and former noble human, M'runa cares little for her job within the Espada itself, only that it brings prey and battle to her. Since M'runa never found challenge in battle prior to encountering Bashira within Hueco Mundo, she treats her conquered subjects, or would be foes, as prey to hunt and partakes in battles in general for the thrill of the kill. Her purpose in "war" is to collect trophies and increase her "Kill Count" beyond anyone else's by comparison standards. What M'runa loathes most is an opponent who does not provide enough "sport" in battle or cowards who flee and otherwise do not participate in the battle(s) M'runa happens to be involved in.

    Though M'runa views enemy with contempt, she acknowledges the uses and strengths of her servants and allies as well as how powerful, or lack thereof, her opponents may be whether it is physically, mentally, or spiritually. Nonetheless, despite any allies supposed loyalty, they and all foes are expendable in the end to M'runa. She has little tolerance for incompetence and will execute subordinates for even the slightest display of perceived cowardice or failure—even a messenger who had nothing to do with said failure—but will spare the lives of those she still has use for, even if they do not understand what that use is themselves.

    Height: 5'3''
    Weight: 140 lbs | 190 lbs with her Armor
    Physical Traits: Her Armor increases her weight by 50 lbs

    History: [History goes here, optional, can be skipped]
    Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

    General Fighting Style: This character is a berserker in combat, using explosive style tactics as she tries to slay her enemy as quickly and effectively as possible using as much overbearing power as she can muster without mercy or hesitation. She does not hold back nor does the thought of doing so ever cross her mind. She is aggressive beyond reasoning when in "Battle Mode" and will not stop until her opponent is either dead, dying, or M'runa herself is satisfied with the results of the "Battle" which is exceedingly rare. However despite her erratic and random choices for attacks and patterns she is very capable, dangerously so, of determining the "Right Action" to take when dealing with an opponent's movements and attacks. So despite being seen as a reckless beast she is shown to have analytical abilities when it comes to combat.

    Strengths: Heirro, Strength
    Weaknesses: Hakuda

    Heirro Explaination: M'runa's Heirro is unique in that the bulk of it forms the armor she constantly wears as a visual. Because of this, the armor, while able to receive damage and possibly even be destroyed outright, will eventually regenerate itself with her reiryoku as a Hierro otherwise would normally do. This does not mean her head, which has no helm, is more susceptible however as she retains a Heirro around that as well at the same strength.

    Sealed Appearance:
    Zanpakuto Name: Nidhogg
    Zanpakuto Call Out: Consume All
    Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscuras

    Ability Name: Regenerative Shielding
    Ability Description: M'runa automatically applies a energy shield "Trap", similar to the Kidou "Millon Escudo" from a shinigami, to herself fixed to two central areas, the back of her neck and her chest where her heart used to be. When inactive, the "marker" where the shield is remains invisible, but the energy in place to make the shield is still present. Upon contact with an outside force of any kind, the ability enlarges to fully protect M'runa from all directions against that particular attack (Simultaneous/Combo attacks only cause this ability to counter whichever attack struck first/closest. The second attack would land normally). The barrier keeps the attack away from the target, gathers the energy in one area, and momentarily absorbs the energy from the attack before forcing the attack outward and away from the shield, dispersing the attack altogether. This can block up to a forbidden Kidou. Once activated this ability gains a CD equal to the power it dispersed plus one additional post. The barrier only activates if she is hit by an AoE that actually strikes either area or a purposeful attack aimed to the back of her neck or chest area. The dispersion of the incoming attack does not deal damage as backlash towards the opponent that caused the ability to trigger, nor anyone else. Every time the ability is re-applied after the first time it consumes her reiryoku in the amount of the previous activations CD (Meaning if she blocked a gran rey cero the first time. The second activation 3 posts later would consume a GRC energy from her, then proceed to function as normal.) This does not consume reiryoku the first time per thread.

    Ability Name: Momentum Dampening
    Ability Description: M'runa is constantly cloaked in her own reiryoku granting her the ability to slow down her bodily impact before colliding with anything (i.e., she got launched by an attack.) This effectively means M'runa cannot be launched "through" any object, as she will automatically regain her balance before hitting it and probably land with her feet against said object, (i.e, you hurl her at a wall/building she'll likely bounce off of it similar to a cat rather than slam into it and break it.) This does not reduce the damage of the attack recieved in any manner nor prevent any additional effects the attack may have had. (Such as Poison or Burning or some such.)

    Ability Name: Collision Inducement
    Ability Description: M'runa causes damage equivalent to a normal strike (from her for her tier and such) anytime she makes contact with another person or object (i.e., running, tackling, bear hugging, slapping, rolling, ect.), the damage from which occurs said contact with any part of her body or armor is made. The damage is considered blunt force as if struck by a gauntlet covered fist. This ability only activates if M'runa is IN MOTION and is always functional as long as the motion requirement is met. If she is not moving her legs to specifically cause movement motion in a lateral way, such as standing still(ish) to strike with her Zanpaktou or the Spear of Annihilation ability (and by association it's secondary ability), then this ability cannot activate against an opponent even if they make full contact with M'runa during this timeframe. This ability can only deal damage in this way once per enemy per post. She can also choose to not allow this ability to activate. (Such as if she leans against a wall or simply doesn't want it to activate.)

    Ability Name: Intervene
    Ability Description: M'runa is capable of causing attacks which would hit someone else to instead hit her, dealing full damage to her but protecting someone else in the process. M'runa takes the blow in the exact same location her ally would have taken said attack. AoE attacks that are redirected to M'runa can still affect others around her normally but the bulk of the attack would still be aimed at M'runa herself. She can only redirect one attack at a time in this manner and each time this would move her in the place of the intended target, but she can otherwise do this consecutively.

    Appearance: When her resurreccion activates, M'runa's armor turns white like a hollow mask and her body grows thicker fur-esque hair, though the armor mostly covers that up it would still be visible when the armor inevitably received damage. She grows to a height of 6'6 and a weight of 215lbs (This means 265 lbs in total from armor weight). Her muscles also bulge inside the armor (Though she does not increase in strength nor lose/gain speed.) causing it to shift around her new form though the armor remains a perfect fit for her after a split moment of adjustment.

    Ability Name: Spear Construction
    Ability Description: M'runa is capable of creating a spear made of pure energy while in her Resurreccion. She only requires one hand to use this spear regardless of how she does so and it is always at her disposal until thrown which does not heatseek or anything it's simply thrown. After its thrown she may reform it immediately and use it as a normal zanpaktou strength weapon or even throw it again. It is not any faster than anything she would normally be able to throw would be on it's own nor is it more powerful than what her Zanpaktou would already be capable of.

    Ability Name: Yeeticus Deleticus (Name Possibly Pending.)
    Ability Description: Once per six posts M'runa is capable of empowering a single throw attack using the Spear Construct from her previous ability. (Not her Zanpaktou) This causes it to be thrown at bala speed in a straight line toward a singular target, anything that even lightly touches the spear (Though contact must be made) while it is travelling will take a cero worth of damage as "burns" to the affected area, but these burns do not spread and will not impede anything beyond physical pain caused. The spear will penetrate any non-person object that is not Zanpaktou equivalent and continue on it's straight unerring path for 200ft. Anything hit directly by the Spear that does not get penetrated, i.e., a person or something equal to a Zanpaktou in durability/quality, will cause the spear to collapse on itself and explode outwards for 100 ft. This explosion, if it is even triggered in the first place, will deal damage equal to a forbidden kidou to anything and everything within it's blast radius including M'runa herself. Regardless of whether or not the explosion actually occurs the CD remains the same.

    Ability Name: Reckoning
    Ability Description: M'runa sends a "harmless" wave of reiatsu at a single target that deals absolutely no damage but can't be dodged through conventional means due to it's sheer speed between the time it leaves M'runa and the time it hits the intended target. This wave ignores all physical matter that impedes it's path towards the target but can be blocked by energy shields and similar barrier techniques like Kidou. When a target is hit by this ability they find themselves in a two fold situation first they are "encouraged" mentally to focus any and all attacks against M'runa herself. Secondly, and more importantly, any attack that the intended target attempts against anyone other than M'runa (Whether AoE or not.) will find itself diminished by half of it's normal potency. (Except for any damage that would otherwise hit M'runa. Such as an AoE. That would still deal full damage.) This does not prevent any attacks from being made against other targets nor does it force someone to solely attack M'runa against their will. This effect lasts one post and has a three post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Shake It Off
    Ability Description: While in her Resurreccion, M'runa does not bleed or bruise. Nor show any sign of being damaged at all on her body, though her armor/heirro is still able to visually seem damaged by attacks itself. Attacks still deal full damage when they land and are not an any way impacted from hitting her directly beyond having to go through her Heirro or other abilities, but she is able to easily 'no sell' them, pretending as if they did nothing at all. M'runa is fully cognizant of how much damage she has actually taken at all times despite this. This also does not prevent her from feeling the actual pain caused by any damage she receives. You simply won't be able to tell by any means.


    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    M'runa yae Galvus Empty Re: M'runa yae Galvus

    Post by Ika Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:52 am

    Approved 1-3

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