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    The Hunt gets interersting


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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:15 pm

    Within the white sand of the Hueco Mundo Hollows would be roaming either in packs or alone hunting doing anything they can to sate their hunger. For some it was simple as finding the next prey and if they win or lose is up to their strength. But for those who are smarter lay traps or bait for unknowing hollows to come in and get fed on.

    Within a cave a pulse of weak reitsu would be felt periodically weaker hollow as well as semi strong hollows would approach thinking free meal only to never come out again. What they didnt know was there was a hollow waiting within pouncing on each and every hollow that enters in. Its gotten pretty famous where majority of the weaker hollows doesnt roam around there anymore.

    Within the darkness a fox like hollow would sigh in frustration. Her trap would have to be modified made to be stronger so it attracts even stronger hollows for her to feed. A small modification she was willing to do with her field shes invincible after all. Within the days her cave produced stronger pulses bringing in stronger hollows and also attracting unwanted attention she had no idea what she was in for.

    Posts : 19
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by OnyxLockdown Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:50 pm

    Ah yes, the hole where hollows went to die. Bashira had been keeping an eye on this place for a little while now. At first she figured it might just be a nest and these hollows were hiding from something bigger. But no, the real danger was inside the cave itself, like the lure of an angler fish drawing in the hungry, weak, and stupid. So of course she decided she'd go in there today and see what was going on. Even if the hollow wasn't particularly strong, it was crafty, and she could use someone with more brains on her payroll.

    Conjuring a small sun in her hand, she stepped into the death trap like she would if she were simply entering her room. Hmmm... Perhaps it was just a bunch of hollows hunting as a pack, and she was just sensing them as a large clump as opposed to individuals. Maybe she should've grabbed some sensing equipment before she left the Gotei. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that...

    "Hellooooooooo~" she called out in an almost sing song tone, her voice echoing off the wall as she illuminated the cave around her. Whatever she had sensed was in this room, but for some reason, she just wasn't seeing anything. Hhmm... Maybe I should just light everything on fire."

    Posts : 37
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:07 pm

    As Bashira would roam around Reitsu would flood the cave and her eyes snapped into black. What she didn't know was that a field was created that allowed Ahri to cut her sight from her making everything pitch black. Though Bashira would be able to feel mist or something gas like flowing around her as she would hear a whisper coming from all side.

    "Well well well... What do we have here now. A Shinigami huh.. What is your kind doing here. Especially in my cave hmm?"

    She was confused on why a Shinigami was roaming the Hueco mundo so freely something was off. Her first instinct was to pounce and strike on the unknowingly Shinigami but her thoughts drifted and her gut was telling her to wait and study first. She's only heard stories about the Shinigami's and their strangest abilities. Though she can vaguely recall fighting something or someone in similar outfits when she was a measly hollow. She wasn't about to lose and die just because she didn't go into a situation without information. No no no that will not do at all. Whether she killed this stupid Shinigami for coming into her home or she will have to drive it away.

    Posts : 19
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by OnyxLockdown Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:46 am

    Bashira's eyes lit up as her view of her surroundings disappeared. It seemed like the cave did indeed have an occupant, and one that was capable of coherent speech at that. What a lucky find indeed. "Oh, there is someone in here. Lovely! If you you wouldn't mind showing yourself, we can have a conversation. I have an offer for you that I'm sure might pique your interest. It's of the pure unbridled power variety."

    Her posture relaxed, her hands dropping to her sides. She stifled her reiatsu as a gesture that she bore no hostile intent. After all, encountering strong hollows here that were willing to talk was a rarity, even more so than finding one that could string a sentence together. Still, she needed to be careful, since she was in a hollow's home turf. I even brought sake, though I don't know if hollows get anything out of it. Guess we'll have to try and see, hmm?"

    Posts : 37
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:07 pm

    Ahri would hesitate. This... was different. Something she wasn't used to.

    "You have an offer you say..." Seeing the clear intention of not being hostile she would deactivate her field allowing Bashira to see once again.

    "I don'tknow what this Sake is but that is not the offer you are stating is it. Speak if this is worthless i will devour you." Though with that she was more or less bluffing she herself didn't think she could take this shinigami on. There was just something about how she walked and how casual she was about walking into her territory. She was confident and strong.

    Bashira would see a 10 Feet tall Kitsune like Hollow her mask imposing and showing no sign of her guard being down. Yet her 9 Tails she had behind would swoosh and move almost in a trance like manner.

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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by OnyxLockdown Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:31 pm

    "Never mind on the sake, then." Bashira laughed at the notion that she'd come all they way to a hollow's burrow just to offer it alcohol. Now that she was able to put a face to the voice she was speaking too, she smiled as she tucked the sake away on her belt. "My offer is most certainly more than just that. You see, I'm building myself an army, one that will raze the world of the living and scare the ever living daylights out of the Shinigami."

    This one lacked a humanoid form, taking the appearance of some kind of kitsune on steroids. There was a beauty to its appearance, one that would hopefully transfer over during the hopeful transformation into a proper arrancar. Maybe she'd even keep the tails? She clasped her hands together, a wide smile curling her lips as she stepped towards the hollow. "All you have to do is aid me in this matter, and I can promise one such as yourself immeasurable power, an ascension into something beyond any hollow. And should you survive, you'll be allowed to do as you please, keeping that power all to yourself. How does this sound? Or do I need to go into more detail?"


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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:29 pm

    Ahri would look intrigued at the very least. An army is an interesting take of the hollow world. Though sadly when it comes with hollows working together that's the take she cant believe. She knows what her kind does and she doubted that they would be able to tolerate themselves. Then there was the matter of Immeasurable power she described. There was a catch she knew it. No power like that is free.

    "So... An army you say. Please enlighten me on this plan of yours to gather these stupid hollow runts for an army. I doubt you would be able to accomplish anything with them even with this so called Ascension of yours. Tell me what's the catch."

    She would step forward trying her best to intimate the shinigami though if it worked or not she didn't know. She knew she was strong but she still had much room to grow.

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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by OnyxLockdown Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:25 am

    "Well, to be honest, most hollows have been very receptive to the offer of unimaginable power. Of course some of them require a little more to get them on board. It's not like I'm taking that power away after all is said and done." Bashira stepped forward after the hollow did so, a show that not only told this one that she wasn't intimidated, but also saw them as a prospective business partner and equal of sorts. "The same would go for you. I'll be honest, Hueco Mundo will probably be my home for the foreseeable future."

    "That being said, all I aim to do is bring the Gotei to it's knees, burn away the corrupted tumors that plague it. The end result should be a new Gotei that runs they way it used to, with strength and conviction, not politics and scandal. Though if it doesn't recover and simply does, then... Perhaps it doesn't deserve to exist." A slight smile curled at her lips as she produced an odd stone from her clothes. The object was emanating incredible power, practically pulsing with it. ""Now, the benefits for hollows is that they'll be on a level that can truly match the Gotei, with a power structure that allows them to organize and become a threat beyond anything you could ever imagine."

    Posts : 37
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:37 pm

    Ahri would laugh as the offer was given.

    "You think i need this power of yours to defeat this Gotei Hahahahahaha I am amused. I will join this whatever you called it again but i do not need this power you offer. I do hope you keep this entertaining though it would be awful if this becomes boring."

    She slowly getting up would start making her way towards the exit of the cave.

    "Come show me this abode of yours if you wish to make this place your home be prepared. This place is not kind for those who are weak. Though i doubt that will be an issue."

    Her tails would swish as she walked out All nine tails shining in their glory as they walked out a couple of hollows would have gathered smelling new blood and yummy treat. She would cackle and blind them all as she devoured each and one of them in quick time.

    Posts : 19
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by OnyxLockdown Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:04 am

    "A hollow turning down an offer of power. That's... New. But I can't exactly turn down skilled help, so I'll just take you as you are, I suppose." Bashira would take one Moore moment to admire how such a creature could evolve like this in such a blasted and forsaken place before leaving with Ahri.

    While Vasto Lordes were quite powerful, the boost that exposure to the Hogyoku could provide would increase that power substantially. It was a shame that Ahri had turned it down. Maybe Bashira could just... Force the hollow to accept it. No, that would just result in unnecessary conflict and possibly end with losing Ahri entirely. If many shinigami didn't take to being force to do something, it was t a stretch to imagine a hollow reacting in a far... less productive manner.

    As the departed from the cave, a number of Gillian class hollows that Bashira had converted waited outside like loyal soldiers awaiting commands. They all possessed the top parts of their masks, the human part underneath wrapped with shemahg scarves. Bashira gestured to the dozen or so that waited for them, a smile on her face. "And I'm quite prepared for the dangers of this world. You're a bit of an oddity, turning down power. These Gillian, as... Simple as they are, all gladly took what I had to offer. They're not as strong as you, even now. It the average rank and file are tissue paper before them. Now, let's get him and discuss what's next, hmm?"

    Posts : 37
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    The Hunt gets interersting Empty Re: The Hunt gets interersting

    Post by thunderbrood Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:28 am

    Eyeing the newly power gillians judging and observing their stance and power. This was standard huh. Not the worst but those who gain power through actual effort gaining another boost would make them even stronger. It was enticing if it wasn't for the fact that she loved the thrill of the hunt. If she became too strong then there want a point of a hunt and everything will become stale.

    "Interesting indeed I look forward to those who you recruit. You sure do like to make things much more exciting"

    She would laugh before wiping her mouth of Hollow blood. Eyeing the smaller gillians giving them a blast of power to show that she was stronger then them before flauntly following Bashira into where ever she was going.

    --------- End Thread----------

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