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    Mia Baonaru


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Mia Baonaru Empty Mia Baonaru

    Post by Rena Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:29 am

    Name: Mia Baonaru
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: She is quiet to the point of almost being thought as mute though she can talk. She is calculating and quite intelligent which explains her quick mastery of the quincy powers. She pretends to be sort of like a robot in social situations saying only calculated things after thinking about it or nothing at all. It can make her either hard to understand or irritating to talk with depending on which one she chooses to do. She isn't exactly shy because she doesn't mind being around complete and total strangers but she doesn't talk to them much or if she does its hello and goodbye. The only people she seems to talk to more than a little is the people at her archery club.

    Height: 5'3''
    Weight: 137 lbs
    Physical Traits: She carries an mp3 player with music that gets her blood pumping.
    Mia Baonaru 0LaVkq2

    History: She is a noble raised Quincy, highly trained and naturally gifted in the use of Quincy ability.
    Side Notes: She owns an Archery Club in Karakura Town. This "club" has dozens of members. None of which will matter. This exists to be annoying.

    General Fighting Style:  She fights like a fairy tale Knight because they are who inspired her combat choices.
    Strengths: Speed, Strength
    Weaknesses: Hakuda

    Ability Name: Heilig Bogen
    Ability Description: As a master of this technique Mia is allowed to change the shape of her quincy bow at will. As a result of her peculiar training habits she has chosen a katana and a large quincy styled shield big enough that she could hide behind it in an emergency, both of which are made of her quincy energy, sharing the characteristics of her quincy bow's ability to fire arrows from them, as well as the sword being capable of matching Zanpaktou, while the shield can block up to a cero before she has to spend energy making a new one, though she can only make one shield per post.

    Ability Name: Charged Arrow
    Ability Description: Mia is capable of charging the power of her arrows, one at a time, up to the point they cap at a cero and perform a beam attack akin to a Cero instead of a regular arrow. This causes the attack to try to penetrate what it strikes rather than explode similar to a laser beam. She can perform this cero level feat once per post however she is able to split that total cero power into as many normal looking quincy arrows as she could normally fire (The combined power of which won't exceed a cero regardless). She is capable of using the katana itself to fire this cero as a slashing wave of energy that follows the trajectory of the slash that made it for 100 ft. Upon colliding with something it causes damage as if a sword strike had occurred in that spot rather than a laser beam and does not explode on contact. The ability has the same limited use regardless of how it is used. This shares a limit with Exploding Arrow. They can't be used in the same post.

    Ability Name: Exploding Arrow
    Ability Description: Mia is capable of change the effect of her arrows, one at a time, up to a point they can now cause an explosion. When fired that energy is shot as a single regular looking quincy arrow, upon reaching 30 feet of a target, or closer, or coming into contact with anything. It explodes for a cero's damage outwards in a spherical shape for 50 feet. If she uses this with the katana variation of her "Quincy Bow" it instead causes an explosive blast wave upon her weapon striking another object, regardless of what it was, once contact is made the blast wave is fired shotgun style out for 50 feet away from Mia's position. The ability has the same limited use regardless of how it is used. This shares a limit with Charged Arrow. They can't be used in the same post.


    Quincy Powers: Ginto, Ransotengei, Hirenyaku, Licht Regen
    Quincy Items: Quincy Bangle, Quincy Cross, Sneele Schneiders x5, Gintou Tubes x5

    New Quincy Powers: Blut Arterie, Blut Vene

    Ability Name: Mirror Shield
    Ability Description: Using her shield Mia is able to redirect any attack as long as it makes contact with her shield. Upon doing so everything associated with that attack is hurled back at it's owner, doing equal damage to what it would have otherwise dealt, this gains a CD equal to what it redirected plus one extra post. This also prevents the shield from being destroyed upon this abilities activation. While on cooldown it remains limited to one cero before breaking.

    Ability Name: Schneider Katana
    Ability Description: Once per post she is able to coat her quincy "bow" Katana in extra visible reishi which begins to vibrate and act like a chainsaw blade for the katana. The next thing she strikes with the Katana will be hit as if attacked with a serrated Zanpaktou with the extra power of a cero behind it. Because she's vibrating the reishi like a chainsaw it's more likely to cut through defense based effects such as armors or heirro's as well as any defensive ability However this only applies if the ability is not stronger than two total cero. As it will weaken it by half before applying Mia's own attack power against the weakened shield. Possibly breaking it in one swing regardless.

    Ability Name: Blasting Zone
    Ability Description: For one post duration with a one post cooldown, Mia is capable of using her spiritual pressure to increase the reach of her katana well past it's physical blade tip. She can extend the spiritual pressure "Blade" up to 25 feet (It's normally 5.) During the one post duration is she can make as many increased range swings as she desires, the effect will not expire early.

    Ability Name: Clemency
    Ability Description: Character is able to grant the effect of high-speed regen to either herself or one target for one post, during which all superficial wounds will heal immediately, as will anything that doesn't include an organ, this includes the brain. She cannot hit the same target, including herself, with the ability again for three posts.

    Ability Name: Hilbert Effect
    Ability Description: Mia causes a 150 foot explosion with herself at the epicenter of the blast. This blast is similar in energy quality as her quincy arrows but the power of which however is much higher being on par with a gran rey cero. She can perform this ability once with four post CD.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Mia Baonaru Empty Re: Mia Baonaru

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:20 pm


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