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    Gagamel Marquis


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Gagamel Marquis Empty Gagamel Marquis

    Post by Alysstrasza Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:22 pm

    Name: Gagamel Marquis
    Age: 138
    Gender: Male
    Hollow Stage: Adjuchas
    Personality: Above all else, Gagamel desires to live. He will prioritize his survival under any means necessary, from hiding behind more powerful allies to straight up running away with his tail between his legs. Gagamel has no shame, but is also bold and brash, and is quick to provoke the wrath of those far above his paygrade in an attempt to make himself seem more badass. He is quick to lie and sleaze his way through upholding his reputation and holds that above all else. He yearns for the day when every other being in existence fears his name being spoken and will follow him simply because of who he is. He will step to absolutely anyone with no delay, because he is number one.

    He represents pride. He is narcissistic, self-delusional, and absolutely willing to do whatever it takes to survive and live to see another day. He will backstab anyone under the slightest of circumstances, and is not afraid to tarnish anyone's reputation except his own. He will hold grudges until the heatdeath of the universe, but is exceptionally skilled at appearing friendly despite his hatred of most others simply for not being him. Gagamel holds no aggression towards those he deems weaker than himself, which is everyone who isn't him, even if they prove themselves to actually be far stronger he still looks down on them with disdain in his heart and love in his eyes. All beings that are not Gagamel are just pests on the windshield and should be treated as such in the grand plan.

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 225 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Gagamel Marquis Y7XIruq

    History: [History goes here, optional, can be skipped]
    Side Notes: Has 2 Zanpakutou stolen from dead Shinigami.

    General Fighting Style: Gagamel is exceptionally dumb, and will often hold back against stronger opponents, and go all out against weaker ones, at least at first. This makes him seem stronger than he actually is, because he's "growing into his power" against uphill battles, and at "full force" against peasants. Gagamel is far from honorable and is quick to fight dirty, especially kicking sand into his opponent's face when in Hueco Mundo as an example.
    Strengths: Endurance, Durability
    Weaknesses: Reiryoku Control

    Ability Name: Wild Potential
    Ability Description: Gagamel learns and adapts as fighting progresses during any thread. This increases the users ability to limit the effect of pain on their body, slowly become faster, memorize things that occur in order to better prepare for the next time it happens, and grow physically stronger as the need arises, up to double his normal potential. This increase happens 20% per post of combat. This resets at the end of every thread.

    Ability Name: Reactive Evolution
    Ability Description: Gagamel can either instantly develop powers or abilities to deal with threats or his body dynamically learns from experience. In this case the effect is temporary and instant (though they must still witness or be hit by the attack once first and it MUST have this user as a target for this to work), lasting two posts with a two post cool down, but the cool down only applies to THAT situation. As an example, if the adaptation dealt with fire, then Fire could not be dealt with again until the cool down is done, but if fire is under cool down ice could still be dealt with by this ability. This ability also only generates two abilities: one melee ranged and one long ranged per activation. Neither the melee nor ranged ability can exceed the power of a cero regardless of what it does/is and would receive a cool down based on the power output used for or by said abiity up to the gran rey cero limit. Neither generated ability would share this cool down but her total output in one post is capped at a gran rey cero, so even if he uses both abilities at once he only gets 1 Cero worth of damage/effect. The melee ability can be substituted, as many cases may/will require this, with a self transformation / replication ability following the rules of clones and other rules that may become relevant, Examples being he fights someone like Sonic the Hedgehog who he can't keep up with. He could either start making temporary and powerless clones to keep track of him better or enhance himself based on this ability by making himself faster through some means (i.e., he increased his legs muscles to get more oomph behind his leg movements hence increasing his speed, or maybe he propelled himself forward by shooting fire out of his feet. IDK!) he could not do both though as he's only allowed the one non-ranged skill. No ability can gain perfect homing and the ranged ability cannot exceed 150 yard range. These abilities are lost at the end of every thread. Gagamel also does not retain any special "knowledge" based on temporary abilities even if that ability altered his mind in some way.

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Adjuchas
    Hollow Abilities: High Speed Regeneration, Acidic Touch, Garganta, Soul-Body Separation, Negacion, Cero

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Gagamel Marquis Empty Re: Gagamel Marquis

    Post by Ika Fri Aug 02, 2024 9:04 pm

    Approved 2-5

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