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    Alexander Cobain


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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Alexander Cobain Empty Alexander Cobain

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:17 pm

    Name: Alexander Cobain
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Alexander is a surprisingly nice individual with deep-seated traumas that he can't shake off. As he was used for child experimentations, he never learned how to make friends or even read and write until he was far older than he should have been. The boy is a charismatic enigma, because by all accounts he should be a reclusive shut-in but is instead extremely extroverted and tries to make friends with everyone.

    Alexander shows a shocking amount of mercy. Even to opponents who stand for everything he is against, he has a hard time bringing himself to kill anyone and anything, as he doesn't believe anyone has the right to take anyone else's life away. Alex hates when his height is brought to anyone's attention, and it can set him off, but his tantrums very rarely end in anyone being hurt.

    Height: 4'11"
    Weight: 94 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Alexander Cobain T6VBar0

    History: On the day of Alexander's birth, a Hollow showed up and killed both of his parents, as well as abducted him into Hueco Mundo to be a midnight snack. Later that night, in Hueco Mundo, a Shinigami showed up and saved him from his due fate. As the Shinigami had no idea what to do with a small human, much less how he'd gotten here, the Shinigami decided to keep him safe the only way he knew how and take care of the kid himself. This went on for about four years before Alexander's earliest memory, which was the Shinigami handing him over to a Human for seemingly no reason. The human who adopted Alexander was in fact a member of a shadow organization which used Alex as a human test subject for years to develop their soulrunner technology. Eventually, Alex was fitted with the proper equipment, and was loosed unto the world with tracker technology so they could watch his development.
    Exposition: Wants Humans to be responsible for their own Fates
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Alex is a capable fighter with nearly any weapon he can come up with. He's got a surprisingly wide range of skills, and through use of his abilities can construct his own weapons to fight with. Even unarmed, he's no slouch and knows a few martial arts. He fights for what he feels is right, and will stop at nothing to prevent what he perceives as injustices.
    Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Reiatsu, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Durability

    Ability Name: The Truth
    Description: Alex is capable of manipulating anything he touches into anything else. He can touch a building and draw a sword out made from the building's sturdiest materials, he can create doorways in nearly any substance, he can create giant cannons out of the very earth he walks on. He can even manipulate his own body, including prosthetics, into whatever form he desires. Alex can do basically anything he wants with this ability, within reason. He cannot, for example, stop an incoming attack and turn the energy into anything else. In fact, he can't control other people's spiritual energy at all, and cannot use this ability directly on them. They can still be affected by what he creates, but they can't be the source of the creation. Anything Alex makes must fall within standard power rulesets, such as creating a Cannon large enough to create a Gran Rey Cero blast causing a 3 post cooldown; individual attacks have their own cooldown. Alex must clap before every use of his ability, and if he can't clap for any reason he can't use the ability.

    Ability Name: The Cure
    Description: Alex can cleanse any body of all impurities including damage dealt, up to and including missing limbs. To do so requires a great deal of power from Alex, more than a Forbidden Kidou. This has no direct cooldown, but takes a minimum of one post to perform, where it's his sole action. Alex cannot use this ability on himself under any circumstances.

    Ability Name: The Alpha
    Description: Alex has an arm made out of supernatural metal. This arm cannot be damaged or destroyed, but it can be ripped out of the socket and disabled in that manner. The arm is capable of generating a field of particles around itself which allows him to interact with technology on a deep sublevel. He can crack accounts, open safes, change the channel, rewrite programs, and is ultimately the administrator of any technology he comes across. This has no combat applications.

    Ability Name: The Child
    Description: Alex suffers from extremely strong emotions when in his Overdrive. He cannot process them completely, and can only feel one emotion at a time. If he's slightly angry, then he's extremely angry. He suffers from violent moodswings and deep-seated trauma, and cannot regulate his own emotions.

    Ability Name: The Dreamer
    Description: Alex can create hardlight constructs which externalize his emotional state: anger is red, courageous is green, avarice is orange, fear is yellow, hopeful is blue, compassionate is purple, love is violet, and happiness is gold. The constructs can produce energy-based attacks at a rate of 5 bala or 1 cero per post, or beyond that up to cero oscuras at 4 post cooldown following the standard power rules. Abilities that are considered "on cooldown" from [The Truth] are also considered "on cooldown" for [The Dreamer]. He cannot create two cannons that fire Ceros in the same post, regardless of how he formed them. Constructs are immune to [The Truth] as they are solid light, but are capable of supporting buildings in the right circumstances. The constructs are merely his own emotions manifested and are not any stronger than he is regardless of what he creates or does with them. Each Hardlight construct is considered "steel durability glass", as any weakness in the construct would cause the whole construct to fail much like glass, while they are steel in durability. Existing constructs shatter when his mood changes even if they're currently in motion.

    Ability Name: The Omega
    Description: Alex can generate more reiryoku than his body can handle, causing it to slowly refill his battery. In technicality, Alex has a "bottomless well" of energy that he can pull from; in reality, Alex must sit perfectly still and charge his energy slowly. He can recover energy faster when he's not in high-stress situations, but in combat can only recover up to 10% of his total energy per post. This has an upper limitation of 250%, at which point his "bottomless well" is dried up for the rest of that day. To use this ability in combat, Alex cannot attack in any manner during the post. He can create a shield, whether through [The Truth] or [The Dreamer], but cannot otherwise make constructs or transmutations while channeling his energy in this manner. In absolute truth, Alex is unlikely to ever get the full 10% in a single combat post, but enough time spent trying can still restore his energy nonetheless.

    Last edited by Alysstrasza on Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Alexander Cobain Empty Re: Alexander Cobain

    Post by Ika Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:21 pm

    Approved 3-1

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