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    The Nuckelavee


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    The Nuckelavee Empty The Nuckelavee

    Post by Alysstrasza Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:17 pm

    Name: The Nuckelavee
    Apparent Age: Unknown
    True Age: Around 750
    Sex: Nonbinary, Male Pronouns
    Personality: The Nuckelavee is incapable of human speech. The Nuckelavee does not care about you or your problems, and simply wants to be left alone. The Human Side is usually slumped over and looks already dead and rotting compared to the Horse Side which just wanders around. In a fight, the Human Side will slowly get up and defend itself and the Horse, but all in all neither head are capable of understanding anything said to them.

    The Nuckelavee has memories, but they exist only to infuriate and inspire it further. Any attempts to talk down the Nuckelavee are met with aggression as, again, he can't understand you anyway. If he could find a place where no one could ever bother him again, he'd probably just stay there, but alas he needs to eat to survive and thus patrols the Human World regularly, causing a neighborhood or town to disappear in a single night every so often.

    Height: 8' Tall at Full Height, 4' tall and 5' long for the Horse
    Weight: 350 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    The Nuckelavee WHvIjSo

    History: How long has it been...? Just the two of us, wandering this desert. I can't remember... and he doesn't talk much anymore... he used to be much more talkative, but nowadays... I'm lucky if he even screams in pain... he used to take me to the water and tie me up while he went inside for his own drinks, but then that monster showed up and he ran out of the big thing and jumped on me and we ran like the wind.. we always ran like the wind together... but it caught up to us and killed both of us in an instant. He never left though.. we stayed together even after death, roaming, walking, exploring, and talking. Then one day he stopped getting off. One day he stopped talking. Maybe one day I'll stop thinking, too, and I'll stop being lonely.
    Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
    Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

    General Fighting Style: The Nuckelavee is a slow fighter who mostly relies on brutish kicks or bites from the horse side to get things done, and prefers to let the human parts sleep. When necessary, the human parts will wake up and can twist and contort themselves in all manners which make no sense, such as spinning 720* and never need spinning back due to a lack of torque.
    Strengths: Reiryoku, Strength
    Weaknesses: Durability

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Gillian + (Not Yet Adjuchas)
    Hollow Abilities: Garganta, Cero, High Speed Regeneration

    Ability Name: Dual Head Physiology
    Ability Description: The Nuckelavee has two heads, a human head and a horse head. When either head is decapitated or destroyed by other means, it gains a 1 post cooldown before the head is regenerated. If both heads are cut off within one post of each other, the Nuckelavee dies immediately.

    Ability Name: Elastic Arms
    Ability Description: The Nuckelavee normally has 5 ft long arms. He is capable of stretching these arms as far as 20ft in whip-like attacks, binding moves, or anything else you can think of that a long arm could do. The human side can even spin around in a circle multiple times without any strain on his body. This does not increase his resistance to damage at all, as they are still flesh the whole way through.

    Ability Name: Death Aura
    Ability Description: The Nuckelavee passively causes normal unspiritual beings to pass out simply for being in his presence, and staying within 100ft of him for 5 posts causes them to be "automatically and instantly" eaten by The Nuckelavee for all intents and purposes. Spiritually aware beings can resist this aura, but automatically feel at least a tinge of dread wash over them while becoming aware of what the aura's intended purpose is. [Translation: If NPC, pass out and die. If PC, survive.]

    Ability Name: Zombie Army
    Ability Description: The Nuckelavee can raise skeletal constructs out of the ground, made of his own reiatsu and reishi. These skeletons are destroyed after a single melee attack regardless of strength, and are only capable of performing basic attacks like slashes or punches, or lunging at the target to grab them. The Nuckelavee can create up to 20 skeletons at a time, at a rate of 5 per post.

    Ability Name: Sticky Blood
    Ability Description: The Nuckelavee's blood is extremely sticky, causing it to adhere to whatever it sprays on in an almost absolute fashion. Surprisingly, unlike normal Hollows, the blood isn't acidic at all even to Quincy, and is instead sweet smelling and tastes like chocolate. Do not ingest Nuckelavee blood, despite the enticements.

    Ability Name: Explosive Blood
    Ability Description: Blood the Nuckelavee has already lost can be exploded for bala damage on whatever it's touching. If there's a significant amount of blood, the damage can be increased as necessary; but having even a small amount on or in you causes it to explode for a bala damage upon the Nuckelavee activating this ability. There is no warning or precursor for this ability.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    The Nuckelavee Empty Re: The Nuckelavee

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:42 am

    Approved 3-1

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:22 am