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    Komodo G


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Komodo G Empty Komodo G

    Post by Alysstrasza Tue Aug 06, 2024 2:24 pm

    Name: Komodo G [The G stands for Gluttony]
    True Age: 225
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Komodo G is a hungry individual who simply wants to sate his desires. Unfortunately, due to his abilities, this will never happen, leaving him eternally wanting more and more because he feels so empty. No matter how much he eats, he can never fully gain the benefits of eating it in the first place, and is irrationally angry because of it. Komodo G is surprisingly witty, and has no qualms about talking to his victims, though usually it's just an attempt to invoke fear in them because it's funny.

    Truthfully Komodo G regrets his life and what he's become, but is so god damned hungry that he doesn't care. He decided long ago that he'd come to terms with it and make reprimands when he finally felt full, and until then will continue to sate his desires. As he learns everything his victims knew, he has a surprisingly wide array of knowledge at his disposal, and will share that knowledge freely when he desires, especially if it's knowledge that leads to his victims being shocked.

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Komodo G 5uySDp3

    History: After living an unfortunate life which ended in death due to starvation, the Hollow who went on to become known as Komodo G was born the day he died due to immediately eating the spirit of his dog who had been kidnapped and tortured days prior. As such, he immediately became a Hollow with no down time, and was still hungry. Nothing he ate could satisfy his hunger, be they alive, dead, inorganic, or anything else, it never seemed to matter. He's just so hungry.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Komodo G is a brutish fighter who prefers to eat his opponents bit by bit, tearing off their flesh especially while they're still alive. Since most creatures can't survive his bite to begin with, he loves watching them suffer the effects of his injected poison. Komodo G is surprisingly patient, and will sit down before his opponent is dead if he thinks the fight is already over, to conserve energy.
    Strengths: Endurance, Strength
    Weaknesses: Zanjutsu

    What Kind of Hollow Are You?: Adjuchas
    Hollow Abilities: Garganta, Cero, Soul-Body Separation, Sonido

    Ability Name: Bottomless Stomach
    Ability Description: Komodo G has a bottomless stomach; well, more accurately, his stomach has spatial shenanigans going on, and anything he eats is stored where his stomach "would" be as a physical organ, which is somehow 500 meters by 500 meters by 500 meters in total volume. Objects eaten are not shrank down, and in the event of his death all spiritually aware objects (like Zanpakutou, special arms for prosthetics, etc) fall to the ground harmlessly. Technically speaking, objects within this dimension are stored safely for up to 500 years before Komodo G can process them and move on with digestion, but as this is it's own space-time dimension, it has its own Dangai Cleaner which patrols within it, accurately deleting anything that's existed unchanged within his stomach for 7 days. As such, Komodo G is always hungry, as nothing ever lasts long enough for him to accurately digest it.

    Ability Name: Offensive Digestion
    Ability Description: Komodo G can puke stomach acid at bala speeds once per post. This attack does not explode, but instead causes a 1ftx1ftx1ft glob of acid to splatter on contact, causing first degree burns immediately, which advance to second degree burns if not taken care of quickly. The acid is especially effective on Hierro and Hierro-like abilities, acting as though it were a seele schneider to those types of abilities exclusively, and is even more effective on non-spiritual beings such as normal humans, their clothing, terrain, buildings, etc. If a normal human melts away from this acid, Komodo G can slurp it back up to gain the nutrients as if he'd eaten them in the first place.

    Ability Name: Indigestion
    Ability Description: Komodo G can "spit up" anything he's eaten. The object travels at bala speed, is usually coated in a tiny amount of Komodo G's stomach acid which does nothing, and Komodo G instinctively knows how to manipulate his stomach in order to spit up exactly what he wants to spit up. Komodo G starts every thread with an abundance of refuse and scraps in his stomach, and can spit up things that he hasn't eaten in that thread specifically.

    Ability Name: The Jaws
    Ability Description: Komodo G's teeth are Zanpakutou durability. In the event that Komodo G attempts to eat a Zanpakutou, especially by biting the blade when used against him, it will leave harmless dents and scratches on the blade which indicate how powerful his bite is. He is capable of dislocating his jaw to bite with even more force, which he can use to swallow elongated objects whole, and can bite clean through titanium metal without breaking a sweat. Komodo G's teeth, if somehow destroyed or damaged, instantly regrow like a shark.

    Ability Name: Molecular Bite
    Ability Description: If Komodo G sinks his teeth into any creature, they are immediately injected with a poison effect. This poison causes numbness of the affected area immediately, preventing his target from even feeling the pain of the bite, and is followed by a growing-in-strength pain effect, capping out after five posts with excruciating physical pain. Normal, non spiritual humans die immediately upon being bit, as the poison overdoses them. This poison has no cooldown nor immunity buildup, and lasts for a total of 10 posts per individual application: numbness, 5 posts of growing pain, 5 posts of capitalized excruciating pain, relief.

    Ability Name: Imitation
    Ability Description: Komodo G can replicate the voice of any human he's eaten with perfect accuracy, even if he's never heard them before. He also knows all of their habits, family members, history, etc; anything that human knew, Komodo G now knows. This is usually used to entice people out of the safety of their homes by calling for help with a familiar voice.

    Ability Name: Powerful Limbs
    Ability Description: Komodo G has arms that are 5ft and legs that are 3ft long. Each of these four limbs are surrounded by dense, powerful muscles, and allow the limbs to be used with great force. Each arm has four total fingers each with a 9in claw of hardened titanium strength on them, and the legs have three toes each with a 6in claw of hardened titanium strength on them, complete with vestigial toe. With these limbs, Komodo G is capable of leaping to the top of a skyscraper in a single jump, can cleave through hardened steel with just his flesh let alone the claws, and is capable of lifting most objects with great ease.

    Ability Name: Vestigial Arms
    Ability Description: Komodo G has a total of 4 arms. The normal two which attract the attention are nearly as long as his entire body and have those long 9in claws on each of them. However, much closer to the body, Komodo G also has two very small, 1ft long arms that are much more nimble and dexterous than his large arms. He uses these for the task of opening doors and shaking hands, as they do not possess claws.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Komodo G Empty Re: Komodo G

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:49 am

    Approved 3-3

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