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    Jackothy "Jack" Rowan


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Jackothy "Jack" Rowan Empty Jackothy "Jack" Rowan

    Post by Alysstrasza Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:48 pm

    Name: Jackothy Rowan
    True Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Jackothy is a sweet, caring individual who goes out of his way to help those less fortunate. He enjoys fighting Hollows especially because it means they're not hurting others whether or not he dies to it. Frankly he doesn't fear death mostly because he doesn't think he's capable of true death due to his plant status. He has no concept of oblivion, and believes (falsely) that he will bloom again regardless of what happens to him.

    Jackothy hates his real name and never uses it, so most people just know him as Jack. He is earnest and kind, even to those who are outright rude to him. He keeps this attitude even when fighting, apologizing when he lands hits or explaining his powers when asked. Jack has no understanding of money, as he only owns the clothes on his back and simply sleeps whereever he can find shelter, having no qualms with sleeping with animals in the barn, with or without the farmer's knowledge.

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Jackothy "Jack" Rowan 8PKvCIa

    History: Jackothy Rowan was born when a botanist fell in love with a biochemist. He was an experiment to see if the two of them could create something greater than what they were individually. This culminated in their child, whom they named Jackothy. Obviously they didn't much care for him, and used him as a human test subject for their various desires. They manipulated his DNA, changing him from a pure human to being literally three quarters from the opposite kingdom. The botanist and biochemist loved their creation, and taught it how to use its newfound powers. He prefers to go by Jack rather than Jackothy for, again, obvious reasons, and is fully aware of what he is and why he's an abomination. He does not eat unless necessary since he's basically part everything, but will not reject good food as he has a wide pallete.
    Exposition: Is 75% Plant. Can sustain himself on just sunlight and water if necessary.
    Side Notes: Has an unaturally young-sounding voice, as though he hasn't gone through puberty yet for some reason.

    General Fighting Style: Jack is decent with his fists and feet, but is better with a sword or whip in his hands. Jack is excellent with both tools, and has studied their usage for years to achieve his combat feats. He's not "bad" with Hakuda, he is simply more proficient with Zanjutsu. Regardless, he tends to avoid directly fighting his opponent when possible, preferring to have them tire themselves out when and where he can.
    Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Speed
    Weaknesses: Strength, Durability

    Ability Name: Razor Leaf
    Description: Jack can create and manipulate up to 50 leaves at a time. These leaves are each 6in long and 4in wide at their widest point, and are hardened to Zanpakutou level from his reiatsu. Jack can make these leaves fly at up to bala speed and inflict slashes wherever they go, individually or as a whole, and can even use half for defense and half for offense simultaneously. Jack is also capable of combining all of them into a single sword of 5ft length that does not harm him, is Zanpakutou levels of durable, and is made entirely of leaves. Jack's leaves are supernaturally protected from fire while being controlled by him, and cannot even catch fire to spread it to other targets or substances. He can control them freely within 250ft of his position, and if they somehow collide with him will cut and wound him due to their rigidity.

    Ability Name: Vine Whip
    Description: Jack creates a 6ft long vine which acts like a whip. This whip is able to be cut through at a durability of hardened steel, and can support him from any surface even when it doesn't scientifically make sense. Typically, Jack uses these as both an offensive tool and a movement utility, able to use them in a manner that allows him to freely swing from building to building. Creating a whip costs as much reiatsu as firing Hado #4: Byakurai, and Jack can use two of them for travel or offense at a time. If not destroyed, Jack can retract and extend the whip as many times as necessary for travel purposes where their maximum range is 30ft, but is limited to realistic movements as attacks.

    Ability Name: Solar Beam
    Description: Jack briefly concentrates the energy that the plants around him have harvested from the sun and fires it off very similarly to a cero. Jack can use this ability once per post, and the "speed" of which he charges varies based on how much plantlife is around him. In an arid climate, Jack can charge this ability in approximately 12 seconds; in a Rainforest, it would charge in 2 seconds comparitively. Jack has no way to use this without the charge being visible to the enemy.

    Ability Name: Bullet Seed
    Description: Jack can spit seeds he creates out of reiatsu out of his mouth. These seeds travel at bala speeds and inflict purely physical damage roughly equivalent to Hado #1: Sho. When they reach the ground, regardless of the path they took to get there, they will immediately take root and produce flowers/grass/etc that fits the environment it's in. Jack can spit up to 12 of these per post, and usually (but not always) does it as a single stream of attacks.

    Ability Name: Iifa Nut
    Description: Jack starts every thread with 1 Iifa Nut. These are created by Jack off-screen and are made of solid reishi that has baked in sunlight for 2 years. He's always making more, but can only supply 1 of them per thread regardless of circumstance. They possess enough energy to fully restore the physical body, including damage to the brain and heart. Even recently deceased targets (within 3 posts, and have a head) can be made to eat a Iifa Nut by putting it in their mouth and crushing it with their teeth or forcing it down by rubbing their throat. Any creature can eat a Iifa Nut with or without Jack's permission, so long as he is in the thread and has either revealed them or their existence is considered premeditated knowledge of.

    Ability Name: Leaf Storm
    Description: Jack's ability to control leaves is increased from 50 leaves to 1,000 blades of grass. As a result, they are still Zanpakutou Durability, but are now 6in long and razor thin. Jack can form them as up to 4 swords of 5ft length made of grass which possess the same qualities, or has the freedom to use them independently of one another. Jack's grass is supernaturally protected from fire while being controlled by him, and cannot even catch fire to spread it to other targets. He can control them freely within 300ft of his position, and if they somehow collide with him will bend and flex like normal grass, despite their usually rigidity. This ability replaces [Razor Leaf].

    Ability Name: Leech Seed
    Description: Jack can launch blasts of energy which travel at bala speeds Any form of physical contact causes the effect to activate, but any form of energy blast will cause the effect to fail. When activated, these energy blasts will inflict no direct damage, but instead take root within the target, piercing his skin and veins as they attempt to integrate themselves with the target's body. When affected by this power, targets lose 1% of their total maximum energy per post, which is transfered immediately to Jack. This ability can only take effect once at a time, as new "seeds" would immediately deactivate the originals. The effect can be canceled with a large flare of reiatsu, costing the target as much energy as a Gran Rey Cero, by literally cutting out or off the infected areas, and by setting one's self on fire (which is usually harmful to one's self and is not typically done). Every post, the seeds will take deeper and deeper root, causing growing pain and discomfort compared to the previous post. After 100 posts of this effect, as previously described, the target will have no energy left and be turned into fertilizer for the plant to fully bloom.

    Ability Name: Chloroblast
    Description: Jack instantly fires off the energy he himself has collected from the sun over the past 24 hours, releasing a Gran Rey Cero worth of energy as a beam that explodes on the first thing it comes into contact with, producing a 60ft explosion of solar energy. This attack is atypically bright, and cannot easily be stared at. It can be fired from his mouth, his eyes, his open hand, in the middle of a kick, etc. This ability has a 3 post cooldown and can be used 4 times in a thread before Jack is considered "out of ammo" for the remainder of the thread.

    Ability Name: Petal Blizzard
    Description: Jack harnesses the plantlife around him, regardless of his current usage of [Leaf Storm], and produces leaves which swirl around him in a wild attack against anything and everything within range of him. This attack negates incoming attacks, physical or energy, of Cero strength or weaker, while it is active. It is considered "active" for the remainder of the post it is used in, and inflicts wild swirling slash attacks from the leaves and grass inside of it. Like all of his leaves, they are supernaturally protected from fire while being controlled by him, and cannot even catch fire to spread it to other targets. This attack happens "nearly instantly" and attacks everything within 50ft of Jack. Jack himself is also affected by this ability, and has never come out of it unscathed, but as the middle of the storm is always the calmest, his wounds are always surface level and more annoying than damaging unless he's already wounded. Targets who stay in range for the entire effect will suffer damage similar to a Gran Rey Cero of purely physical cuts and slashes, and this ability has a 4 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Solar Blade
    Description: Jack can collect all solar energy in the area, darkening it by two stages while this ability charges. This is hereby defined as "Hueco Mundo moonlight would be nearly pitchblack", and "High Noon daylight would look like No Moon Midnight", including every comparison within. At any point on the next post, Jack can release the energy producing a 6ft long katana of pure sunlight. This blade is, of course, Zanpakutou durability, and as it is made of pure solar energy it produces strong second degree burns on anything other than Jack it comes into contact with, while being able to "with the ease of a hot knife through butter" cleave through any natural substance. While this ability is active, Jack must wield the weapon with two hands, and can at any point release a bala speed arc of solar energy up to 6ft in length and 1in in width which travels along the arc of his swing for up to 100ft before imploding into nothing. This attack is super effective versus Hierro-like effects, including real Hierro, and pierces with great accuracy with the force of a Forbidden Kidou. This attack has a 7 post cooldown, and can only be used twice per usage of Solar Blade. Solar Blade itself costs the energy of a Cero Oscuras to create, and lasts up to 10 posts before disappearing. If knocked out of Jack's hands, it stays formed so long as it was completed before being knocked away. If anyone other than Jack attempts to wield the blade, it will burn them immediately with first degree burns. If they attempt to ignore this and wield it anyway for any length of time, the burns will increase to second degree immediately. If they continue to ignore it, and wield the blade for an entire post or actually attack with it, the burns will increase in intensity until they reach third degree, at which point the blade immediately falls out of their hand due to melting off the skin if necessary. It will supernaturally not allow anyone other than Jack to wield it.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Jackothy "Jack" Rowan Empty Re: Jackothy "Jack" Rowan

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:38 am

    Approved 3-5

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