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    Hanzo Lisola


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Hanzo Lisola Empty Hanzo Lisola

    Post by Alysstrasza Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:13 pm

    Name: Hanzo Kururugi Lisola
    True Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Hanzo is by all accounts a good person. He is first to take his jacket off when someone says they're cold, or at least would be if he fucking wore one. He is from a much colder climate and doesn't really give a shit about the weather. Hanzo has always dreamed of being a hero like in manga and anime, and lives as if he's the protagonist of his own life. He believes that in the end everything will work out somehow, despite his initial lack of power, and this is only exacerbated upon the blessing of one Akiko Lisola. Hanzo becomes completely obsessed with the idea that everything will work out somehow, like the golden child he strives to be.

    Hanzo believes himself to be a hero, and will innately put himself in harm's way to protect others, especially those who are weaker than he is. He is quick to adapt to new situations, despite acting shocked or surprised, and always tries to find a way to outwit his opponent despite his seemingly aloof and whismiscal nature. Hanzo has a strict moral code, and has certain limits that he will under no circumstances cross. It is extremely hard to actually anger him, as most attempts to upset him are met with other emotional states besides anger; in the extremely rare case that Hanzo actually gets angry, he will completely dissociate the remainder of the situation and act without mercy, hesitation, or care for the results of his actions anymore. He will stop at nothing to kill his now target, the aggressor who pushed him over the edge, and despite being able to talk and communicate while in this state he will completely forget about the encounter later, and have no memory of his actions or what he thought or said.

    Hanzo is a paragon of justice and honor, and stands at the front gate of righteousness. He manages to act friendly and polite to nearly everyone, even those he's in the process of fighting with, going so far as to apologize and basically beg them to admit defeat so he doesn't have to keep fighting them. He secretly loathes the feeling of fighting, but being from the ghetto has a tendency to go overboard until the enemy either begs for mercy or admits defeat, and prefers to shield others with his body than to attack others first. He will fight when necessary, but tries to make use of his martial arts and the blunt end of his blade first, having a tendency to show mercy to most enemies he meets, at least at first. He dislikes the feeling of killing and just wishes everyone would be nice to each other.

    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 122 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Hanzo Lisola AMf6Xo4

    History: Hanzo grew up in a ghetto district, and always wanted to be a hero like in the stories, and would constantly try to fight bullies and thugs despite usually losing. One day, this resulted in him encountering Akiko Lisola, and the rest is.... well, not written yet, and will be roleplayed out.
    Exposition: Hecc you, I'm cute
    Side Notes: The plot has begun, Jeff. Also, I am the guinea pig/sucker. Yay.

    General Fighting Style: Sendo Genkotsu - This style focuses on the fluid motion and constant switching of many different forms, stances, and styles to suit the needs of the situation the fighter is currently in. Making it hard to predict and harder to counter this style encourages growth and change rather than rigid "pattern" and "technique". So you may never see the fighter fight the exact same way twice or you could see her do the same thing many times. It really depends on her opponent. It combines all of ones martial knowledge with tactical analysis and through this refines into a style that cannot become obsolete. One might argue it could be considered the "ultimate" style, but due to how complex and never ending it can get.. It would also be considered impossible to learn and dismissed. The Lisola Blood-line specialize in this "impossibly growing" style.
    Strengths: Speed, Reiryoku, Sensing
    Weaknesses: Strength

    Ability Name: Power via Blood: Divine Augmentation
    Description: Due to receiving a blessing of both bloodline and divinity from Akiko Lisola, Hanzo has forsaken his family name and taken up the Lisola mantle himself. He gains access to Sendo Genkotsu as fighting style, and this ability serves as an explanation of his Strengths and Reiryoku in the first place. Without the blessing, Hanzo has no reiryoku whatsoever, but with the blessing, Hanzo has every other ability listed on this app.

    Ability Name: Power via Blood: Physical Supremacy
    Description: Hanzo is capable of using his reiatsu and reiryoku to augment his physical power. This transforms his Strength stat into a Strength rather than a Weakness. This is done by flooding his body with reiatsu and reishi with his own reiryoku in order to literally increase his muscle mass and therefore Physical Strength. This causes him to chisel out completely from being nearly without muscle to having a significant amount of highly defined muscles, gaining approximately 25lbs of pure muscle as weight and increasing to 147lbs total weight. This costs Hanzo the same reiryoku as if he were casting Hado#40 every post that it is active, and when active he has a visible red aura; this can be turned on and off in an instant, as many times per necessary per post that the price is paid for once, or active the entire post with the same cost. When active, muscles visible; when not active, muscles disabled. He does not "conserve energy" by deactivating it in the middle of a post.

    Ability Name: Power via Blood: Eyes of the Lisola
    Description: As a direct result of his blessing and ascension, Hanzo's eye color changed from green to vibrant red. Additionally, his eyes became much sharper and more accurate, capable of discerning even the tinies physical movements of his opponents to make a guess as to their next action. This allows Hanzo to see everything around him as if he was staring at it or in it's direction, though the actual "images" are in his mind not his eyes as to avoid perceptual confusion. His eyes also have subtle swirling patterns on them which can only be seen in melee range.

    Ability Name: Power via Divinity: Teleportation
    Description: Hanzo is capable of teleporting to anywhere he has visited before and can accurately visualize before making the trip. He can bring along up to two people, as he must hold their hand or make physical contact some other way, and can only visit places he's previously visited. This ability is a travel tool and has no power in combat. Hanzo must flare his reiatsu in order to teleport, and before the ability "activates" there is visual light swirling around him and his guests. Hanzo cannot use this ability to travel across dimensions, and can only travel in whichever realm he's already in.

    Ability Name: Power via Object: Khazid'hea, the Cutter
    Description: As part of his rite of ascension, Hanzo was gifted a weapon made by Akiko Lisola: This weapon takes the form of a katana, of standard average length, with a completely white sheathe and grip, and is considered a Zanpakutou for all intents and purposes, complete with being able to perform Konso. Hanzo is able to call this weapon to his hand from any distance, and in the rare cases that it cannot physically "fly" to him it will teleport. If Khazid'hea is capable of flying straight to Hanzo's hand, it will distinctily do so as harmlessly as possible, going around other beings instead of straight through them. Khazid'hea is capable of the following three things each with their own individual limitations.

    1 • Khazid'hea is able to cover it's edge in extra harmful reishi and allow it to bypass most mundane materials like butter. This effect does not "instantly" damage or destroy Zanpaktou equivalent items, but it WILL damage them if enough attacks, or power, or both, is applied from this weapon. This power drains reiryoku from Hanzo equivalent to casting Hado#4-33 depending on what he cuts through every post it's active, and has a 1 post "cooldown" when turned off, preventing it from being immediately turned back on. The tougher the metal, the more reiryoku it drains from Hanzo to augment the cutting capability: stone is considered #4, hardened steel girders would be #16, titanium or diamond level substances would be #24, and if he is cutting with the "sole" intention of damaging or destroying an opposing Zanpakutou, it can be increased to #33 and allow him to damage Zanpakutou equivalent items over time. This ability can be used in conjunction with Ability•2, but cannot be used with Ability•3.

    2 • Khazid'hea is able to temporarily empower it's wielder, during which time Hanzo is able perform three seemingly impossible slashes from different angles, at the same time, while only moving to make one strike physically. This makes it more difficult to block/dodge/react to due to the 'surprise' factor of the attack. This move has previously been known as Tsubame-Gaeshi. Blocking the initial strike is usually fairly easy, but to "block" the entire attack is usually considered almost impossible, as the attacks are coming simultaneously and from directions that are separate from Hanzo's physical body. Opponents usually end up "dodging" this attack rather than "blocking" it. This attack cannot stack with [Double Tap], nor can it be used during the 3-charge use of [Acceleration Accumulation], and has a 3 post cooldown upon it's use, regardless of whether or not the attack succeeds.

    3 • Khazid'hea can fire a small wave of red hued/colored spiritual power from his weapon, following the arc of his swing. Equal in strength to a Cero and covering a 20ft by 20ft area, this ability explodes upon coming into contact with anything except air and produces an 80ft explosion centered on the ability's impact. This has a one post cooldown. This is considered Hanzo's "equivalent" to Ankoku Shuuha.

    Ability Name: Zanzōken
    Description: Hanzo can infuse his reiatsu into a temporary afterimage that lasts for up to one post, and reacts to taking damage including staggered breathing and/or blood from the wound. This ability has a 4 post cooldown and can be used 3 times per thread.

    Ability Name: Double Tap
    Description: Any time Hanzo makes physical contact with an enemy, regardless of what he did, the enemy receives "damage" akin to it happening from opposing sides simultaneously. Enemies see, hear, and feel, both versions of Hanzo making the attack. As a result of this ability, any damage "counter inflicted" upon either version of Hanzo hits Hanzo as normal, as he is both versions at any given time.

    Ability Name: Kinetic Resistance
    Description: Hanzo is very resistant or even outright immune to the side effects of moving at superhuman speeds. These effects include, but are not limited to, g-force, inertia, friction, intense heat build-up, massive kinetic energy build-up, etc. Considering he is a human of flesh and blood having these "immunities" is the sole reason he can even reach such speeds without destroying his own body in the process. He is also fast enough to outrun helicopters, motorcycles, and other vehicles with enough effort on Hanzo's part without needing to use Blur to do so. With his natural speed, he can move faster than the normal eye can see and avoid an opponent’s perception with careful movement.

    Ability Name: Acceleration Accumulation
    Description: Hanzo can accumulate speed and motion from any/all types of activity and unleash it all at once, granting him the ability to move at virtually any speed depending on how long he accumulates it. This allows him to produce sonic-booms, move at shunpo-speeds, and other impressive feats, simply by being active and storing the "acceleration" rather than getting faster at the time. Hanzo stores this passively in his daily life, allowing three uses at the start of any thread. Examples of "activity" include but are not limited to: Jumping up and down in place, shadowboxing, jogging/running/walking, rapid breathing, blinking! or any other action that produces movement can store energy for this technique's use. This ability can safely store 5 charges. Each time the ability is used a charge is spent rather than Hanzo's own actual stamina/reiryoku. If Hanzo uses 3 charges instead, he can move at shunpo speed for an entire post instead of in "short bursts" as would normally happen. Each post that Hanzo does literally anything to purposely gain a charge, a charge is gained. This can only happen once per post.

    Ability Name: The Quicksilver Effect
    Description: Hanzo's brain operates so insanely fast that it's difficult to put into words. He can process anything in existence in less than a picosecond, and is capable of performing critical thinking skills at that speed. This does not give him "dodgebot" nor does it make him any more intelligent than he is, it simply dictates that regardless of how fast he's moving, regardless of what's going on around him, and regardless of what may happen as a result, Hanzo is well aware of it and has already processed it. He can react to anything, without fail, but whether or not his body can keep up with that reaction speed remains to be seen.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Hanzo Lisola Empty Re: Hanzo Lisola

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:04 am

    Approved 2-5

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