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    Sasaki Kojiro


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Sasaki Kojiro Empty Sasaki Kojiro

    Post by Alysstrasza Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:43 pm

    Name: Sasaki "Yojimbo" Kojiro
    Apparent Age: Unknown
    True Age: Around 450
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Sasaki Kojiro, despite being a Hollow, is surprisingly honorable, and will not intentionally attack people who are already in combat or weakened from previous encounters. He wants to test his mettle against strong opponents, not the scraps available after everyone else is done eating the feast. He knows he's one of the weaker Hollows due to having been an Adjuchas when he evolved, but he also fucking hates that fact and goes to great lengths to try and change it.

    Sasaki is almost always training in some fashion, and is even capable of learning from nature itself when it comes to making himself a better fighter. He has seen nearly every attack performed at least once, and has invented several ways of combat himself. Sasaki has a tendency to think himself untouchable, but shows no fear of death, accepting it as the natural inevitability of his actions. He is fully aware that one day he will get himself killed, and just wants to see how far he can go.

    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 200 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Sasaki Kojiro XwC6X41

    History: Born as the son of a samurai, the boy was raised to be a swordfighter his entire life. He lived his life having never known defeat, and that very lack of knowing what defeat meant drove him to stay as a spirit after his death. Even when a Shinigami showed up to perform the Konso, he considered it to be an attack on himself and struck that Shinigami down. As a result, he eventualyl turned into a Hollow, while keeping control over his own katana the entire time, as he didn't pick up the Shinigami's due to not knowing what it was. As a Hollow, the boy would go on to challenge samurai to a fight to the death, never knowing the taste of defeat as he transformed into a gillian and eventually an arrancar, expanding his horizons to other Hollow out of boredom, before he eventually met Bashira Kinoshita. With her power, and the god pebble, he was transformed into an Arrancar. In his transformation, a wolfdog was produced who was named Sif and became the boy's only companion. He adopted the name Sasaki Kojiro, but genuinely cannot remember if that's the name of a swordsman he defeated or if it's his own name.
    Exposition: Whether he is actually Sasaki Kojiro or not is up for debate, but he did adopt the name.
    Side Notes: Don't hurt his dog. Or wolf, whatever that thing is. Don't hurt Sif.

    General Fighting Style: Sasaki Kojiro is a master of Zanjutsu, and that's putting it lightly. Even as a Hollow, he possessed a physiology that allowed him to practice swordfighting for his entire life, and has never stopped putting effort into growing his skills and challenging the strongest figures he can find in order to grow even stronger.
    Strengths: Sensing, Speed, Zanjutsu
    Weaknesses: Hakuda, Bala (Can't Perform)

    Sealed Appearance: An ornate, decoarative blade almost as tall as Sasaki himself is, and thicker than most katanas should be.
    Zanpakuto Name: Zanmato
    Zanpakuto Call Out: A Test of your Reflexes
    Cero: Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscuras

    Ability Name: Sharpened Sense of Smell
    Ability Description: Sasaki has an incredible sense of smell, far beyond that of bear or shark. He is capable of tracking multiple scents at the same time both including the number of targets he is tracking and the number of scents incoming. He can accurately identify up to 50,000 individual scents at a time, can process up to 750,000 scents at a time, and can remember individual scents for as long as he lives. His sense of smell is so good, he can essentially smell the slightest shift in the air from the movement of a weapon, smell the buildup of reiatsu, be informed of how tired an opponent 'should' be based on how much they are sweating or breathing, and track anything by blood accurately within 500 meters or loosely, at least the existence of, within up to 25 miles. Even when covered up or the source of blood has stopped, he is capable of detecting the existence of and age of blood down to the tiniest drop on a person for up to a week after it has been cleaned with bleach or shampoo. Despite the usage of bleach, perfume, cologne, etc, he is able to distinguish the layers of scent and cannot be overloaded with any singular smell, including rotting flesh, earthly aromas such as cologne, perfume, bleach, etc, literal fecal matter, an overabundance of bacteria such as a closed bag or petri dish; he will smell it, process it, compartmentalize it, and be fine. This sense of smell cannot be used against him.

    Ability Name: Iaijutsu
    Ability Description: Sasaki refuses to wield his blade with two hands while not in his resurreccion. As a result, he has developed a one-handed style that invokes extremely quick attacks at shunpo speeds and sheathing the weapon in between each attack. He can swing his katana with a level of accuracy that nearly defies reality, allowing him to cut the individual molecules he aims for, allowing him to sever molecular bonds and cut things that otherwise shouldn't cut able to be cut such as large solid steel doors, chains made of titanium, large boulders, and other physical things that normally can't be 'slashed' through. This causes objects he wants to cut to be cut entirely along the axis he chooses to cut them, regardless of the length of his sword vs the object or how much of his sword actually touched it. This doesn't work on targets that have spiritual pressure, only against objects and other such interference. He can attack in this manner several times in the same instant, performing up to 12 slashes per actual physical motion he makes, and can even delay the results of his slashes until he finishes sheathing his katana.

    Ability Name: Trichiliocosm
    Ability Description: Sasaki can slash his weapon, or make the same motion unarmed, which releases a wave of energy which expands up to 10ft wide traveling at bala speeds for up to 50 feet before dispersing. This wave of energy is invisible to the naked eye as it is pure force in nature, and contains barely any reiatsu in it. Though this attack is hard to sense spiritually and difficult to see physically, the amount of effort Sasaki must put into the movement indicates the attack is incoming, and the vaccuum wave which is the attack itself can be seen by exceptionally skilled fighters. This inflicts purely physical damage ranging from that of Hado 1: Sho to Hado 90: Kurohitsugi, based on how much energy Sasaki puts into it and gaining a cooldown of the entire ability based on how strong it is, which ranges from 4 per post to 5 post cooldown on the previous scale.

    Ability Name: Midare Setsugekka
    Ability Description: Sasaki enters a state where he creates a nearly visible aura of red energy which surrounds him 15ft on all sides. Anything that so much exists within this space is made fully understood and comprehensible by Sasaki and is subject to attack by Sasaki with deadly accuracy and speed, coming near instantly and almost always with killer intent. This move is not for show, and is only for when he feels he absolutely needs to take his opponent seriously and end them before he even gets in their range. As a result of the focus this ability requires, Sasaki becomes completely oblivious to everything that happens outside of the 15ft aura, and cannot process it as it is filtered out.

    Ability Name: Sif
    Ability Description: Sasaki has a companion Hollow who is a wolf. This wolf is, for all intents and purposes, just as fast and strong as Sasaki is, but is only capable of biting and tackling as its forms of attack. It cannot release energy blasts of any type, but can essentially deliver a single Bala worth of physical damage through any means, such as biting, pawing, tail wagging, head booping, etc. If the wolf is killed by any means, it revives under its own power 3 posts later so long as Sasaki is still alive. The wolf has high speed regeneration but is incapable of forming its own garganta, negacion, etc.

    Appearance: Becomes This. His blade appears normal at first before his reiatsu literally drips down the blade, red like blood.

    Ability Name: Ikishoten
    Ability Description: In his resurreccion, at all times and without his control, his blade is surrounded by dense, compact reiatsu. This causes it to fling off with every swing, releasing boiling hot blood with every swing of the weapon. This can be dealt with any number of ways, but is typically distracting the first time it makes contact. The blood causes first degree burns on contact, but repeatedly suffering the effects do not increase the burn effect to second degree, but do cause increasing pain as more flesh suffers. The blood spilled by this blade cannot be controlled or manipulated by Sasaki beyond flinging it off the weapon during a swing. As the weapon is fully coated in dense reiatsu, it is always at peak power against Hierro type effects insofar as piercing them with his weapon.

    Ability Name: Grandmaster of Ryōdan
    Ability Description: In his Resurreccion, Sasaki will discard his sheathe entirely and forgo his usual Battojutsu fighting style, exclusively wielding the weapon with two hands and instead opting for movements that more accurately resemble a Samurai. His movements are quick and decisive, and he is capable of cutting with such accuracy that an energy-based attack of up to Cero strength can be negated, once per post. Bala can be cut through, as well as bullets, canonballs, missiles, and most other attacks that are that strength or weaker at will. The trajectory of Sasaki's attacks can be changed midswing with no loss in speed or power, even outright reversed.

    Ability Name: Kaeshi Setsugekka
    Ability Description: While wielding his katana with both hands, Sasaki can create a tear in reality, creating an area of 50 ft by 50 ft by 50 ft anywhere within 300ft of his body. When this ability begins, an ominous red cube will engulf the chosen area and then disappear entirely. While active, Sasaki is capable of attacking any creature or object regardless of what they are, so long as they are within the cube. The cube's location cannot be changed once created, and lasts for up to 2 posts, gaining a 3 post cooldown when the effect expires or is ended.

    Ability Name: Ogi Namikiri
    Ability Description: While wielding his katana with both hands and in his resurreccion, Sasaki can perform a purely physical attack that is swung at bala speeds and inflicts damage equal Hado #96, completely cutting through and essentially negating incoming attacks that are weaker than it is. This attacks does not travel beyond the confines of the blade used in it, and creates no shockwave. This attack is performed as a straight vertical attack coming from above and cannot be performed in other manners. This slash has a 7 post cooldown, due in part to its incredibly high speed.

    Ability Name: Great Wolf Sif
    Ability Description: If Sif is dead when Sasaki activates his resurreccion, Sif is immediately revived. Regardless, upon activation of his resurreccion, while Sasaki is undergoing his own changes, Sif grows massively in size, going from about 3ft tall and 5ft long to 30ft tall and 50ft long. Sif also forms a large katana in his mouth which is unimpressively average looking despite its massive size but is of Zanpakutou durability due to being his compressed fighting spirit. Sif is as experienced with Zanjutsu as Sasaki is, and the katana is approximately 18ft in length and extraordinarily thick, like a broadsword. Sif is much more durable in this form but is still limited to basic attacks and bala damage despite his size increase, and still revives himself after 3 posts if it's killed. The major difference aside from the size is the sword generation which allows it to cut things instead of just bite them.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Sasaki Kojiro Empty Re: Sasaki Kojiro

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:37 pm

    Approvalness 2-1 stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:27 am