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    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)


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    Age : 32

    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:54 pm

    Having been dragged out of a bar nearly without his permission by Ika Mazi, Reno Kitsugi had found himself once again in the power of having responsibilities. He had agreed to Ika's plan to make the Humans get stronger, and now he was apparently going to act on it. It had been two weeks since the Tokyo Incident, and Ika had still just been gathering people without spending so much as an hour making them any stronger. Determined to do it himself because it was the original plan, Reno has therefore decided that all of them must be trained personally by Reno into better sharper thinking machines of violence. He was well aware that he had limited information for each individual to work with, but he did know each one's basic strengths and a weaknesses, so at worst he still knew exactly how to fight each one even if the method he would be forced to improvise changed on the fly. The only true "challenge" was making sure Reno did not accidentally kill one of them. While he could hold back easily enough some of these humans weren't as tough as others, and they tend to do that whole "protect the weak thing" despite injuries..

    Luckily short of actual death, Reno could feasibly heal their wounds himself. So that was less of a real problem. He was currently leaned against the west wall of the training arena's huge empty room of a steel box. Kite, being a monk, was going to be hard to test the physical limits of. He was also apparently quite proud of his power, but refused to go all out. Reno would have to investigate further and likely find a way to anger the boy. Rinoa was a spellcaster, and while Reno was no slouch with Kidou it certainly wasn't his specialty. Which meant that he could at least help guide Rinoa in what directions to go with her magic possibly finding out if her current "hunch" about having healing powers is accurate.. Sakura, meanwhile, was significantly weaker than the other two, but she definitely had some untapped potential there that Reno wanted to explore. She didn't seem to understand how her own power worked entirely. Must investigate further.

    Kite was the first to arrive, and after acknowledging Reno was right there, was immediately taunted by Reno shouting "Training Begins Now." and backhanding him further into the room itself. Reno then took a fighting stance, which was loose and obviously had several flaws in it, and faced Kite before making the obvious and cliche "come and get it" motion with his hand. Whatever Kite may do in response, Reno knew that despite his lesser ability in Hakuda he had superior speed and strength and it wouldn't matter, he wouldn't even need to draw his swords, while simultaneously showing Kite's own strengths and weaknesses. Reno figured he could handle anything Kite threw at him, and moved on with more important things because Rinoa arrived at this junction and Reno turned his attention to her while continuing to essentially make Kite look like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

    "Okay, Rinoa, I want you to show me exactly what your current limits are. I will compare them to Kidou, which you may or may not already know about due to being what you are, fricken mall cop." Even if Kite was currently throwing a wild barrage at Reno, he would be speaking while dodging Kite, and speaking loud enough to make sure that he could be heard despite any grunts Kite may make from the occasional counterattack.

    Before Rinoa could reply let alone decide how to best push her limits, Sakura bumped into her from behind not quite paying attention to where she was going as she got here. After she apologized to Rinoa, Reno began trying to grab her attention next, leaving Rinoa to figure her own damn task out herself, "Sakura, I want you to explain what you think you are capable of, because I'm not sure either of us fully understand it just yet. The more I can know the more I can try to push you to get stronger." He finished, awaiting their replies. Kicking Kite in the stomach at this point to send him quite far into the distance in case Rinoa finally made a move or Sakura actually joined the fray while talking. Otherwise he waited for the either of them to speak up. Preferably Sakura. As that was slightly more important right now.

    He hated being the one to have to train them himself, but since Ika wasn't doing it, all that was left was Reno himself. Shocker.

    Posts : 89
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    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by Alysstrasza Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:25 am

    Kite was the first to arrive because, obviously, he's the protagonist. Immediately he was taken aback by what he'd entered alongside Reno. If it wasn't for the fact that he could no longer see the sky, Kite wouldn't even know he had entered a steel box. It was massive, bigger than even that Temple back in Kyoto, and could have easily engulfed everything he'd ever known and be locked away forever. That thought immediately disappeared from his mind, replaced by how cool it was that this young looking guy apparently had enough money to build the damn thing in under a week, and had it crafted underground to make sure that it could hold anything that happened inside of it. Apparently he was the opposite of Kite, where Kite had forsaken his earthly tethers, the other man had apparently gripped them so tightly he was forever bound to the planet or something, he didn't really understand it admittedly, but he did understand that he was far more rich than Kite could fathom.

    Anyway, he'd built this room to contain them while they trained and got stronger. Apparently it was built to withstand Ika Mazi himself, which meant that nothing they did was supposedly going to leave a lasting impression in this room. It was empowered by nanobots to be self-repairing upon the correct buttons being pressed near the entrance, including having the ability to holographically change the box edges to whatever setting the user wanted. Reno was apparently leaving it blank today, which made sense for Reno as he very likely would have thought it a waste of time, and was a disappointment for Kite, who wanted to play with it and see what options it had.

    Immediately upon arrival, Kite was taunted by Reno. Kite, not one to be easily taken advantage of in this manner, decided to amuse himself by holding back at first. It wasn't that he was under the impression he could actually "beat" Reno, as he could sense a large amount of energy coming from the usually drunk man, but Kite never took situations seriously. Everything was a joke somehow to him, and this situation was no less; Reno taunting him wasn't meant as "fight for your life", it was meant as "show me what you got".

    Kite charged forward and punched center mass at Reno's chest, following it up with a spin resulting in an elbow attack aimed at Reno's face and a simultaneous kick aimed at his legs. Reno seemed to simply overpower Kite, showing him that, at least initially, his technique meant nothing. Deciding to kick it up a notch, Kite attempted to continue his onslaught of seemingly random attacks that were all in uniform tandem. Unfortunately for him, despite his skill in Hakuda and Reno's lack of similar skill, Reno was significantly older, and simply knew more than Kite did. Which meant that, as Kite was quickly becoming aware, everything Kite knew and attempting as far as Monastic Martial Arts was being negated by sheer power, as Reno had yet to use any of his own ability whatsoever, instead stopping most of his attacks before they even launched by attacking Kite's shoulders and hips, preventing his motions in the first place.

    When he turned his attention to Rinoa, Kite felt something snap inside of him. He'd been ignored before, but never like this; never so easily and so casually had he been tossed aside like a plaything. He began to go even faster, his flurry of attacks increasing in speed and decreasing in accuracy. His right fist had become coated in visible energy, but as Reno was dodging everything he put out it never seemed to connect, and Kite realized that Reno was intentionally trying to wear him out and make him exhaust himself, but being a monk and following a strict training regime, he had a lot of stamina to spare. Probably less than Reno, but enough to keep going for a while. Occasionally, Reno would fire back with a weak counterattack meant to showcase how drastically open he was at the time; Kite quickly caught onto these, and they slowed down as the barrage progressed. Kite was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't even notice Sakura arrive, continuing to miss his barrage of attacks against Reno, and when Reno once again ignored him to address Sakura, Kite stopped attacking altogether. Which was ironic, because a moment later Reno kicked him in the stomach, though whether that was just for funsies or as punishment for stopping, Kite would never know. Either way he felt he deserved it, so he wasn't going to question it.

    "You wanna see what we're capable of? Then here's a taste!" His right fist was once again cloaked in visible white energy, and fueled by his anger at being ignored, Kite charged forward and used Blur to close the distance even faster before unleashing the punch squarely aimed for Reno's center mass. It was technically 'only' a Cero, but it was the first time Kite had directly hit a living creature who wasn't a Hollow in years, and he couldn't be sure he'd gone all out on it. Regardless, it was very likely to hurt Reno, assuming he let it hit him at full power like it currently was attempting to.

    Posts : 37
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    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by thunderbrood Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:50 am

    Sakura after getting healed and finally convincing her foster parents to let her out of the house and that she was perfectly safe and fine. Went out to meet this Chaos group in hopes to get stronger so that the previous event wouldn't have happened in the first place. After being lead downstairs she would admire the how big the place was. Even her place wasn't this big and they were pretty well off as well.

    Not paying attention Sakura would accidently bump into Rinoa and muttering an apologie before seeing the carnage/bully session Reno was giving Kite she would pause before listening to what Reno said.

    She would take a moment not really sure how to answer that question. Her cards it was never really explained to her properly since her parents died. All she knew was that she was from a magical family who used these cards to vanquish evil. But the more she would think about it the more she questioned. Her summons were all mythical like creatures, where did they come from? Are they imprisoned? Are they conjured made by previous owners? She just didn't know.

    "Um.. Mr. Kitsugi-San... I'm not really sure.. my parents died and it was in their will to give me these cards I only started recently figuring out that I can summon my guardians. Though there's also a book I can't open they left with me too..."

    She would pull out the book in which would be a pink book with the description of what it looks to be like a sun and moon of sorts. On the side of the thick book was a small lock of sorts though the book to those who can sense it was radiating a lot of energy hell it was even stronger than Sakura energy. Though it had the same energy signature as Sakura too so maybe she was the key.? She didn't know.

    "I tried everything to open the book.. but it just won't open."

    Sighing in a disheartening voice. At the fight level Kite and Reno was going at she was worried she might hold them back.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by Rena Fri Aug 16, 2024 10:10 pm

    Rinoa didn't really get a whole lot of time to actually think about squat, what with Reno's sudden demands, having to realize Kite was already trying to hit Reno, and then Sakura bumping into her from behind. However she still did as requested and jumped into the fray with Kite by throwing an ice javelin at Reno right after Kite finished tossing his cero punch.

    It wasn't that Reno couldn't have, and probably was about to regret not doing, dodged either attack or otherwise dealt with them using various methods. However it donned on him that while Rinoa likely knew what kidou was as an idea, she likely wouldn't understand him if he compared her to a higher number beyond that the number was high. Irritating but manageable. It did mean however he was going to have to take that punch. He's fairly confident he had not been struck that hard since "The Bitch" however.. He was still basically able to no sell it and ignore him long enough to deal with the ice javelins by shooting a hadou 33: Sokkatsui forcing them to be destroyed long before the got to their target, or at least that would have happened had he not realized her version of kidou was more on par with a Hollow's cero than he had originally believed. So her singular ice javelin pierced his kidou and forced him to exhibit his speed by drawing his fucking zanpaktou and swiping the god damn attack into dust with it. Ironically, Reno thought, if it were any element EXCEPT ice, he probably wouldn't have cared as much, but having just been punched almost as hard as she could, he wasn't about to let one of her signature attacks haunt his fucking future, like god damned Ghost Nappa.

    This caused a bit of an issue for poor Kite who now remained in range of a semi-irritated Reno who was now armed and had basically stated he could fix anything but death. Plus Kite had been the offender of why Reno was suddenly mad.

    First. Sakura. Without moving Reno began talking, "That book likely is or contains some mannerisms regarding your ability, which as I hear you say, was inherited. If it's anything like a kidou lock, it would likely need some, if not loads, of your own energy just to get the darn thing open. Let alone working. I suggest beginning with that."

    and he left her to that as he immediately shunpo'd his knee into the stomach of Kite. The force of which proceeded to bounce the boy off the ground several times for a few dozen feet. He would never say this out loud, but that Bitch even remotely coming to mind caused him to be impressed with their attacks even if they were ultimately pointless and only reminded him on accident.

    Posts : 89
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    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:21 pm

    Reno had taken the punch from Kite at full force center mass, and had basically taken no damage. His face had contorted, however, and Kite realized in fear that Reno had simultaneously flexed every muscle in his body to no sell the punch, and managed to fire off some sort of magical energy blast like an anime at Rinoa, who was doing magical girl shit of her own, and Kite watched as Reno freaked out and drew his Zanpakutou in a panic and obliterated the poor ice javelin.

    Kite continued to observe the man, interlocking his fingers and placing them behind his head as he slightly leaned back, watching Reno handle Sakura without moving. Kite could tell he was upset, but it wasn't until Reno kneed him in the stomach that Kite realized how irritated Reno truly was, even if he didn't understand why. Having bounced off the ground and rolled a few times, Kite kipped up and had a scowl of his own on his face.

    Immediately, he swung his fist to the right, stopping as though he'd hit the wall directly behind him even though he was nowhere near the wall right now. Simultaneously, cracks in reality began to form; mirror images of each other, as though the spot Kite had swung his fist into was breaking reality itself, like Kite's fist was going to continue from directly behind Reno's head, only for the cracks to explode for a Cero's force right behind Reno.

    Kite wiped the dust off his nose from where he was, easily 50-ish feet away from Reno, placing his hands behind his head once more as he leaned back and kicked up a foot, relaxing. Kite knew damn well that hadn't been enough to kill or stop Reno, but he was torn between not wanting to go overboard and wanting to have the stamina to keep going. He could already feel himself slightly struggling to catch his breath, and wondered if that was just due to being out of practice or if his limits had actually receded.

    Posts : 37
    Join date : 2024-07-15

    Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 1 (Reno/Rinoa/Kite/Sakura)

    Post by thunderbrood Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:33 pm

    Sakura would stare at the book in confusion she didnt know what a kidou lock was but if he said her magic was the key then maybe... she closed her eyes gathering as much energy she could muster at the current moment which took a lot longer than she expected. A part of her confused on why but if the book has answers then she would get her answers eventually. After a minute or 2 of gathering she would throw the book in the air then summon her staff and hit the book as if it was one of her cards pouring all of her energy into the book in hopes of opening it.
    For what seemed like hours the lock seemed to Crack then explode opening the book. But what none of them expected was the book to unleash a Massive amount of energy blasting everything around them back including sakura who would go flying backwards. As she was flying before anyone could save her from being splatter on the wall a silver haired tall man figure would catch her effortlessly and sigh as he did.

    "My master it is too soon for you to be calling for me. Though I am surprised you were able to call me it seems things must be dire."

    Lowering sakura down he would set her up in a proper manner dusting off any harm or dirt that managed to get on her dress before lowering himself down to his knees and pledging himself to his new master. Sakura not really sure on what's going on tries profusely to stop the handsome silver haired man with elf like ears and long hair. (Think of sesshoumaru) Then slowly start to fall as her magic has been depleted before getting caught by the unnamed person. Oh and the book is floating where it was opened. It kinda looks cool right out of a manga or something.

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