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    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:09 pm

    Having been dragged out of a bar nearly without his permission by Ika Mazi, Reno Kitsugi had found himself once again in the power of having responsibilities. He had agreed to Ika's plan to make the Humans get stronger, and now he was apparently going to act on it. It had been two weeks since the Tokyo Incident, and Ika had still just been gathering people without spending so much as an hour making them any stronger. Determined to do it himself because it was the original plan, Reno has therefore decided that all of them must be trained personally by Reno into better sharper thinking machines of violence. He was well aware that he had limited information for each individual to work with, but he did know each one's basic strengths and a weaknesses, so at worst he still knew exactly how to fight each one even if the method he would be forced to improvise changed on the fly. The only true "challenge" was making sure Reno did not accidentally kill one of them. While he could hold back easily enough some of these humans weren't as tough as others, and they tend to do that whole "protect the weak thing" despite injuries..

    Luckily short of actual death, Reno could feasibly heal their wounds himself. So that was less of a real problem. He was currently leaned against the west wall of the training arena's huge empty room of a steel box. With the door into the room being right next to him. He had arrived purposely an hour prior, just in case anyone got too excited and tried to arrive early. Whether or not they actually did so they would not have arrived before Reno without Reno having already noticed them. Thus no one had arrived yet.

    He had very little idea what to do for mr I can change fucking reality by clapping my hands.. but he figured pushing him around with kidou was likely the way to go.. He did not know what to expect from an "enhanced" human which he had only recently even been told was called a Soul Runner, because he'd never fucking seen or heard of a mother loving soul runner in the history of everything. What the hell even was this shit. Regardless. He would try physical strain and see what happened,

    That just left "I'ma use a sword in my mouth" which made Reno very curious what would happen if he just.... clanked that sword from the side like a hammer strike. Wouldn't his jaw..just..kinda.. ..unhinge and possibly break entirely? Did he have some kind of unhuman jaw power? Questions for later. Would simply test him against Reno's obviously superior swordsmanship since this was a mere man and Reno was old as fuck. this guy would live twenty life times before Reno would consider him his equal in the way of the blade. Probably going to need to kick him in the ego before he will begin "learning" at a probably massive rate.

    Must investigate limits.

    Until they arrived however he was left here waiting and bored. Damn.

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2024-08-07

    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Mei Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:31 pm

    Well, Maiden didn’t seem to understand why she needed to go to this undisclosed location and meet with this mysterious trainer. She hadn’t really crossed his path before, but Mr. Avon was adamant that she go and learn something from him. Learn something? What was she to learn? She was already the best cleaner in the country and she was certainly prepared for practically every scenario. Her determination and focus were unmatched. What could he possibly teach her? If anything, she hoped it would be for Mr. Avon’s benefit, because she didn’t need to improve herself if she wasn’t gaining useful skills. Even now, she was planning a trip to the grocery store after this, while also planning to stop by the usual place to replenish Mr. Avon’s cigarettes. He certainly knew how to smoke them. Oh, but money cleaning day was also coming up, so she needed to make sure she had the supplies for the three day excursion. One day, one day she would do it in less time!

    Anyway, Mei arrived at the giant, metal box of a training ground with eyes scanning every spec of dirt in sight. She was glad that Mr. Avon hadn’t tagged along or she would have had to take matters into her own hands. She couldn’t allow this filth to touch him. Even now, her fingers twitched as she held back the urge to just make it all disappear. Her eyes finally focused on the task at hand and the man that was supposed to be teaching her. Honestly, this wasn’t what she expected to see of him at all. He was older and seemed quite disgruntled. Or perhaps he was just stern? It was hard to tell at this stage.

    Maiden would make her way over to where the man stood. She had been told his name was “Reno”. With a deep bow, Mei would introduce herself properly, ”Hello, I have arrived as requested. You may call me Maiden. What would you request I call you?” She couldn’t just outright offend the man, especially if Mr. Avon had given her orders to “play nice”. What did that even mean? Wasn’t she always nice? What would he do if she wasn’t nice? Well, it wasn’t like that question mattered much, since she was determined to do what she was told. Should she fail in her mission, she would certainly have to punish herself.

    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:10 pm

    Apparently, Avon de Grey had joined Chaos. Alex had never met the man personally, but had heard numerous stories about how frivolous he was with his wealth, so to find out that Chaos' leader Ika Mazi suddenly had a sixty story underground base built into Aokigahara led Alexander Cobain to the understanding that Avon had joined, simply because no one else would have the money to fund that.

    Deep underground, on the 45th Level, there was a large wide open space that intentionally resembled the Aokigahara on the surface, but down here had several large "boxes" scattered throughout the forest, each approximately five stories tall and nearly the length of a football field, with a width to match it. Each of these buildings were painted identically to each other, with the sole exception of a giant number above the door.

    Far above Alex's footsteps shone the Sun, an artificial image generated by Avon's technologies, which replicated the day/night cycle as on the surface quite accurately. Alex noted that even the insects and flowers looked like he was still on the surface, and if it weren't for the long-ass elevator ride he just took, he'd be convinced he still was.

    Finally arriving at Building 3, clearly labeled as such, Alex walked in to find two others already here; one he recognized as Reno from the big meet 'n greet, and one he couldn't recall the name of except that she was one of Avon's crew. Why was she here? Research on the properties to make sure everything was up to code, or was she here for the same reason Alex was, to learn and grow her powers? If so, why wasn't Avon here too? Did he have any powers of his own?

    "Cobain, reporting for duty as ordered, sir." He saluted Reno lazily, more as an acknowledgement of Reno's power than out of authoritative recognition. Alex crossed his arms behind his back, standing mostly at attention as he awaited further orders.

    Posts : 76
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    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Ika Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:49 pm

    Zato had been asked to appear and, given his relatively unimpressive performance in Tokyo, decided that he was probably best served coming along for whatever ride he was being offered here. Sure, he knew literally none of these people and had flatly no clue why he'd been pitted against them or what it could mean, but that was secondary to the point. Zato was here because he wanted to improve his skills as best he could, and this was seemingly the best available path to do so.

    As Zato's footsteps began to become more clear to those gathered around, he slowly but surely begin to draw his blades from their sheathes. "Sorry if I'm a bit late.. Not sure how to navigate that damn forest and I kept running into those monsters.. anyway."

    Zato looked around, a rich cunt, a woman, and an old guy. What was this a fucking joke? "Hey old man, wanna tell us what exactly we're doing here?"

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Rena Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:22 am

    Reno simply pulled out a flask from his clothes and sipped it while waiting on everyone to finish arriving, Mei was first though apparently she forgot her brains and asked Reno's name when he and she both knew she knew it. So he ignored her question and just grunted in acknowledgement before he simply started to drink from his flask until Alexander Cobain arrived, saluted lazily, reported for duty, and stood there like a bored soldier. Great another one. Lovely.

    He continued to wait, still ignoring "Maiden" for the most part, but had at least given a nod to Alex to show he had been heard. Once Zato finally arrived, late, and apparently clueless to reality, Reno started to talk, mostly to answer Zato's questions despite Reno fully believing the guy should be well aware of what the hell is going on, "Well now that you are "all" here I suppose I'll start by answering Zato before getting on with things. You are here to get stronger because you suck." he swished around the flask in his hand to see how much was in it and shrugged before putting it back in his clothes somewhere where it just..disappeared.

    "Regardless of the fact you stink at fighting and think otherwise.. I'm here to work on making you better. So." He drew his zanpaktou, an old and otherwise completely battered looking Katana that seemed like it had definitely had better days, before raising his spiritual pressure to signify he was ready whenever, "You are hereby "commanded" to fight me until I die. If I die you win. If I don't die I will continue to make you suffer and train you into proper weapons against evil."

    He cracked his neck to the left and straightened up a bit before resting a zanpaktou against both of his shoulders. At no point had he drawn a second weapon, nor did he "have" a second weapon sheathe on his body. So that might spook someone, maybe, who knows. Either way Reno had both his weapons out.


    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2024-08-07

    Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato) Empty Re: Chaos Training Squad 3 (Reno/Alex/Maid/Zato)

    Post by Mei Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:22 pm

    Well, she was just trying to be calm and proper. He didn’t have to go ignoring her, the grumpy, old man. Mei would roll her eyes and sigh as she mumbled to herself, ”Mr. Reno it is, I suppose.” The woman would mention as another individual came waltzing through the door. She didn’t know this one. His bright, red hair and brilliant, green eyes would be noted in her mind. Although, she was more interested in just who he was and what his so-called “powers” were. He seemed fairly similar to her. Human, but not quite. He wasn’t Quincy though. She knew that much for certain. Mei would pull out her phone to take notes on the new arrival. Appearance, name, mannerisms, and more would be jotted down to report back to Mr. Avon. All of this would be reported back in great detail. He sent her here for a reason and she would leave no dirt unchecked. Her eyes would look him up and down very noticeably. Maiden was definitely checking him out and would even shoot him a friendly smile with a small wave. Just an act on her part. She had to seem like the prim and proper Maiden she was hired to be.

    To her dismay, another individual would appear directly behind this Cobain character. A new arrival with swords grasped in both hands. He spoke about the forest and running into the monsters, but she didn’t necessarily see them as a problem when she came through. Perhaps, he was weaker than they were? Or maybe he was just more battle excited and decided to fight them all? Who was she to really judge? Her only judgment would be on his choice of wording and vulgar mouth. Sure, she said some questionable words, but not nearly as frequently. She would note the same information that she did in Cobain’s file with a similar, kind greeting. Then, she would continue to listen to Mr. Reno. He was as curt as she remembered, however that wasn’t always a bad thing.

    He spoke about them being weak. Was he just talking to this Zato fellow or did he mean all of them? Mei didn’t ask for this training. She didn’t think she was all that weak, but it was what Mr. Avon wanted her to do. Besides, she knew she could always improve… like how she would one day clean all of that cash in less than three days, dammit! Maybe some training would do her some good. She would do whatever it took to protect her employer. Wait, when did he get two swords? Didn’t he only pull out one? Did she miss something? Tossing her phone into the air, it would disappear the moment it left her fingers. Immediately following this, she was ordered to attack and so she would. Mei would lower her hand into “finger guns” that had quite literally transformed into guns from the tips of her fingers. Upon doing so, she would fire 5 shots at Mr. Reno. The .22 caliber rounds would make their way toward him 2 aimed for the head and 3 aimed for the chest. She wouldn’t be the only one attacking, so why waste all of her tricks on this first attack. It would be interesting to see what the others could do.

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