Tier System


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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Tier System Empty Tier System

    Post by Alysstrasza Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:48 am


    The Tier System

    On Bleach Story, character power is summarized by Tier. Ranging from 5 to 0, a character’s tier determines many things about their capabilities and who they can fight on equal grounds. With the exception of zero tier, each tier class is subdivided into five tiers. Zero tier is undivided. The severe majority of characters, if not all of them entirely, on this site will be 3-5 and up, as that is the current "Skill Floor" on the site. Anything below that is only here to establish backstory potential and shenanigans. Maybe a character is 4-3 because they're, as quoted, a brand new Hollow, or is 4-4 at Birth or some such reasoning.

    [TIER 5 / NPC RANK]

    5 Tier • Characters of this tier are considered "Powerless", and are exclusively NPCs. As the "vast majority" of Humans can actually see Hollows, they are technically Tier 4-5 as per the rules. Humans of Tier 5 are exclusively "Powerless" and yet still manage to be imposing due to usually having guns, knives, etc. Humans of this tier have a tendency to resort to crime, and ironically are more prone to become Hollows.


    4-5 • You can start seeing, and interacting with the world of spirits. Freshly made spiritual beings and newly awakened humans start here. For the most part you won't have any powers beyond that of a normal human. Think like the Kurosaki girls.

    4-4 • Your powers have just started manifesting, and you can feel the flow of your reiryoku and start manipulating it. You might even have started to exhibit slightly enhanced physical traits. Don Kanonji would fall here "BOHAHAHAHA"

    4-3 • You can do basic things at this point. If you’re a Hollow, you were recently born into this world and may not have even made your first kill. If you’re a Shinigami, they may even be letting you swing a sword.

    4-2 • Your unique attributes are about to manifest, so don’t give up! If you’re a Hollow, you may even have your first kill, congrats!

    4-1 • Your unique attributes would start manifesting here, most hollows would progress here after just a few days, when figuring out what it is they can do.


    3-5 • There is a thin line, that they have now crossed. A young hollow, that has made a few kills, or a low-seated shinigami, who is no longer a brat, but a warrior in his own right, could fit here. There might be a noticeable change from the Tier 4, but even if they didn't like it, they are still taking baby steps with their power. This is the minimum tier most characters on the site will ever actually see.

    3-4 • They're so close to understanding their power, so close to harnessing it to their will, but not quite there. A quincy struggling to manifest her bow, a bount trying to uncover the secrets of summoning a doll, or a shinigami attempting to hear the whispers of his zanpakuto, either way, they know how close they are to real power.

    3-3 • They are now capable of tapping to first power, be it a spirit bow, a hollow ability, their first zanpakuto release, that they have successfully summoned; their control and skill of their newly harnessed power is still limited, but they are definitely stronger now. Mid-ranked seated officers would fall here. Shinigami receive their first Release State at this Tier.

    3-2 • At this point, tapping to their power doesn't feel as alien as it did before. They are beginning to flesh out things about their abilities, but are nowhere near knowledgeable about them. They begin to realize, that they already have a long road behind them, and that they are actually getting powerful.

    3-1 • A weaker arrancar, or a higher-seated shinigami - they are proficient in tapping to their powers, and while there is still much space for personal development, they have pretty much learnt everything they can from their mentors. Though still outmatched by a lot of people, they are now a formidable warrior. This is quoted as being a "highly seated" level, typically third seat..


    2-5 • They are very close to mastering their current power, but lack much of the experience that is essential for finally bringing themselves to a whole new level of power. Nonetheless skilled and trusted combatants, or another entity matching the power level. This is quoted as being roughly "beginner Lieutenant" level.

    2-4 • Finally, the day of mastering their current power has arrived. The idea of becoming even stronger and reaching their full potential walks in hand to hand with this level of power, even though they have no idea of how or when they would be able to do so. They are strong, yet only halfway done with their evolution. This is quoted as being roughly "average Lieutenant" level.

    2-3 • As they grow more powerful, reaching their potential comes closer, day by day. These are the vice-captains, who have been there for a while, but are not quite there to match the skills and experience of more seasoned colleagues. However, they will take note of how harsh the training for more power has become. This is quoted as being roughly "seasoned Lieutenant" level.

    2-2 • Their vigorous training to become stronger has yet to reward them with the completed potential of their own powers, but they can feel that they are close. They are very skilled, versatile combatants, though not masterful. Senior and seasoned vice-captains, as well as more older warriors would be categorized here. At this tier, all Release stages are unlocked regardless of race; this is also the minimum tier of Arrancar. This is quoted as being roughly "veteran Lieutenant" level.

    2-1 • They have finally reached their full potential, only to realize, that they have no idea how to control it or exploit it to the fullest. While they certainly may have the power, they still require further training and experience to be anywhere close to calling themselves a master of it. This is quoted as being roughly "fringe Captain, peak Lieutenant" level.


    1-5 • You've almost mastered your Bankai/equivalent, you're just a few steps away from a position of leadership, and may be powerful enough to keep up with some of the other Captains, but you are unlikely to beat most of them yet. This is quoted as being roughly "beginner Captain" level.

    1-4 • The peak of a Secondary man, one who has mastered their Bankai/Equivalent, and is now waiting in the wings, training, and becoming powerful. Barely a step below a leadership position, but a step nonetheless. This is quoted as being roughly "average Captain" level.

    1-3 • At this point, you have enough control of your true potential, for you to be qualified into a leadership position, like that of a new captain. Your control over your power is limited, when compared to your colleagues, but if you take a glance over your shoulder, you'll see those seated officers you could easily overpower. This is quoted as being roughly "seasoned Captain" level.

    1-2 • It's only a matter of time before you are up there with the best on the site. This tier is generally for Captain level characters with a bit more experience than a newer Captain, but not quite as much seasoning as a true veteran. Anything beyond this is usually considered "Legendary" in power. This is quoted as being roughly "veteran Captain" level.

    1-1 • It's only a matter of time, when you master the full potential of your powers; you're already a legend - when you enter the battlefield, all heads turn at you, and when you leave, the only thing left is destruction. These people are senior captains, but not yet among the elite, who have a terrifying amount of brute power. This is quoted as being roughly "fringe God, peak Captain" level.


    0 Tier • This tier is all-encompassing representing the apex of power. It still has it's limitations, but they are few and far between. Members of 0 Tier are meant to be plot-moving devices rather than individual characters anymore, and while they can have interpersonal relationships must maintain activity or will be replaced as necessary. Almost all Organization Leaders are 0 Tier, as well as anyone who "could" run the Organization if necessary, or anyone who otherwise has plot relevance and needs the strength. Members of 0 Tier have essentially as much strength as the plot demands them to have, and it is officially considered "difficult" to directly compare them to one another. This is quoted as being roughly "average God" level.


    Event-Based Promotion

    Certain threads and events may result in your character earning a tier increase. This is highly subjective and is determined by the needs of the plot, the importance of the thread/event, and other factors as determined by staff. If your character is eligible for an event-based promotion, staff will inform you.

    Merit-Based Promotion

    As you play your character, you may want to raise their tier. You can achieve this by asking Rena politely on the Discord, and/or pestering Ika. Without one of their backing, Tier Ups cannot happen.

    Release Restrictions

    Release stages are bound to a character’s tier. If a character is below the required tier threshold for a release, that release can’t be used. Consult the table below to see when a release can be used.

    4-5Primary Stage
    2-2Secondary StageBankaiResurrecciónLetzt Stil

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