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    Let's Talk Warcrimes


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    Let's Talk Warcrimes Empty Let's Talk Warcrimes

    Post by OnyxLockdown Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:58 am

    Bashira had been preparing for this moment for longer than she could remember. She hadn't always seen raising an army of hollows and arrancar as the end point of her plans, yet here she was, finally stripping herself of all things that tied her to the Gotei, excluding her Zanpakuto. Her shinigami garments, even her family name, tossed aside to make way for a rebirth or sorts. Her new white outfit could be seen as her scrubbing away all that she thought was impure, rotten, in need to purging by fire. Or, perhaps it was as simple as her liking the color.

    Her white coat trailed behind her as she stepped into the throne room, her eyes scanning the chamber, observing who had heeded her call to action. It was a good turnout, something she could work with. She'd been debating on what to call them, something both functional and flashy. Her initial choice was to co-opt the name of the Tokugawa Shogunate's police unit, the Shinsengumi. They were a group of warriors willing to do whatever it took to get the job done, regardless of the reputation they garnered. In a way, these arrancar and hollows were her own Wolves of Mibu, but then again, she had noted the distinctly Spanish theme to the names of everything Hueco Mundo. Maybe Espada? Hmm... A bit pretentious, but they were going to act as her blades in the coming conflict she intended to start.

    "I'm glad to see that you've all arrived. There's much for us cover and I'm hoping to make this brief." Bashira's hand rested on the hilt of her sword, the spirit of the blade manifesting behind her. The spirit rested a porcelain hand on the woman's hand, a faint smile on her cracked lips as her vacant eyes watched over the meeting's participants. "We finally have enough arrancar and hollows under our command that we may initiate the first part of our plan. But before I explain, I feel that some of you may not be acquainted with each other. While I do not expect that you like one another, I do expect you at least treat each other as comrades. I will not tolerate infighting, and if need be, I will put an end to it myself. Now, introduce yourselves, let your reiatsu be felt far and wide."


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    Post by Heatwave Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:15 am

    Loki felt rather small in this crowd, and that wasn't a reference to his height. Even as he shifted his eyes side to side, warily looking at those others who were gathered, he felt out of place.

    It was to be expected, he supposed. He only recently learned that his status as a "natural" arrancar was not natural at all and those who were created via whatever means Bashira possessed didn't have the complications or baggage that he did. In a way, their transition from Hollow to Arrancar was smoother, through some means that couldn't really be understood unless you know what about that perfection you were short of. Still, Bashira possessed the means to maybe one day rectify his situation, so the fact that he was here now most likely meant that he was at least getting closer to getting access to that.

    It was all a series of shaky, unsteady steps toward peace.

    He broke the metaphorical ice. "I am Loki." He said, as unflappably as he could. But that was all he felt that he needed to say. He would treat the others as his comrades, for now, but there could never be certainty in relationships like these in Hueco Mundo.

    Posts : 89
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    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:16 am

    "Lazarus Renault." He felt the metaphorical spotlight on him from the moment he spoke, and flared his reiatsu for all to feel it briefly. Some collapsed to their knees, most were able to resist it. He didn't unleash all of it, and it was brief, but he was a good soldier who followed orders right now. He eased off the gas and ran a hand through his hair, his other hand firmly clutching the sheathe of his Zanpakutou, which he was carrying openly. "I am Bashira's Left Hand, the Segunda Espada." He took a step back, having finished speaking. His mask served more as a visor, covering his eyes from view and preventing most people from seeing what the man in an all-black suit would be staring at. He would observe the room with [True Sight] active, watching each person who spoke and everyone else simultaneously to make sure that nothing went awry from his current plans. At the moment, he was completely faithfully loyal to Bashira, and that was all that mattered to him, so he would act on that loyalty and make sure that no one dared attempt anything. ...Was that a fucking T-Rex?

    "My name is Sasaki Kojiro, or you may call me Yojimbo." The man looked like a stereotypical samurai, complete with giant straw hat and obnoxious decorations adorning his body. He looked almost comically out of place, as he was by far the most well-adorned Arrancar in the room, with a mask to match his gaudy appearance. He carried a sword that was almost larger than he was, and had a red and gold lion dog sitting next to him, who barked once playfully upon his name being spoken. "He is Sif, and I serve faithfully as a Fraccion." He chose to leave the name of his master a secret, an homage to his true samurai days as a living soul, or at least the ones he remembers as his, where he would never give the name of his master unless necessary. He took a step back, like Lazarus had before him, and glanced upon the room. Many were swordsman, whether by Arrancarfication or as Hollows, but Sasaki wasn't convinced any could hold a candle to him in pure swordfighting skills. Many would be stronger than him, he knew, but if they were equal in power, with nothing but the sword to defend themselves, Sasaki was confident none in this room could beat him.

    "Carmilla san Diego." The woman in nearly all-white spoke next, wearing a mask covering her complete face. She flared her reiatsu, but knew that due to the mask and its effects it wasn't her true potential. She didn't care, everything was part of her master plan; so what if they thought she was weaker than she really was? That didn't bother her any. "I serve as a Fraccion under Master yae Galvus." She had made the mistake of calling her 'Master Galvus' just once. That wasn't going to happen again, and she wasn't going to be outdone by some stupid Samurai-looking freak. So she made sure that she was next to speak, stepping back like all the others had to indicate they were done speaking. A spider landed on her shoulder, and she gently pet the critter, while listening to everyone else speak. She didn't care much about who else introduced themselves, but she if she couldn't be the first to proclaim her loyalty she would damn sure be the second. Even if she did have her reasons.

    "Well I'M Gagamel Marquis!" He exhaled sharply, steam coming out of his nostrils, holding up two battered katanas at the side of his face, crossed underneath his chin. If he weren't already holding the katanas, he'd beat his chest like a gorilla, simply as a show of dominance on these losers. The 'Hollow' looked almost out of place, looking almost entirely human except for a large boar head in place of his normal head, with no mask in fight. "s'Far as I know, I'm the only one of us to ever achieve Arranicarficication on my own! Just woke up and had TWO swords one day! So get BENT losers!" Gagamel held the swords up for all to see, and for anyone who cared to look they did seem to be actual Zanpakutou, just very poorly maintained. He placed them back at their loose sheathes at his side, irritated that nothing seemed to be able to hold them for some reason; cloth and leather had both given out already. He forgot to both flare his reiatsu and step back that he was done.

    "Komodo G." A deep, guttural voice from the back decreed its name, flaring its reiatsu as intensely as its weak little body could. All he could really think of right now was how hungry he was, and how Bashira had promised him an endless supply of food to eat if he had joined her. He was here, so.... maybe the food would come later.... he had already waited this long, so why not wait a little longer? "I am simply SO hungry...." The hunched over Hollow retreated back a few steps, clearly not interested in being stared at or talked to. He simply waited for Bashira to make good on their deal and feed him like he was promised. His stomach gurgled, and the two vestigial arms closest to it smacked it gently, then rubbed it softly. The orange-horned Hollow took a few more steps back, trying to retreat into the corner, when it noticed a much larger creature than it directly behind it.

    "Rex." The large creature bellowed, crouched over so as not to damage the room. Though his eyes weren't so good anymore, he was pretty sure he was the largest Hollow in the room right now. The exoskeleton shifted as his tail flickered softly, pleased with his observation. As requested, he flexed his reiatsu as strongly as he could, but held back his instincts of using [Primordial Roar]. After easing off the gas, he spoke once more. "Rex submits." Dialogue was still difficult for the creature, as he wasn't used to it, so he opted to let his more informed brothers speak and simply listened for what was very likely the remainder of the meeting. He inhaled deeply, memorizing the scents of every single person in the room, so he could properly identify any of them later. He knew his eyes weren't so good anymore, but his tracking skills had only improved over his lifespan; he was pretty sure he could even track someone from the edge of Hueco Mundo across the entire White Sands. Whether or not he was right, he finished his deep inhalation with a practiced gentle exhalation, and returned to being surprisingly quiet and stealthy given that he was an exoskeleton-covered Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    "We are Caerbannog." A large rabbit-like creature perked up from next to Bashira, standing on its hind legs at almost exactly seven feet tall. The creature took a few steps forward and flared his reiatsu as commanded, holding it for a brief moment before retreating it and sitting at Bashira's feet. "We serve Master faithfully, and recommend you all do the same." The rabbit promptly flopped over, exposing his stomach to Bashira and his back to everyone else; whether Bashira used him as a footrest or ignored him, he was faithful either way. Master had saved him from the dark place with the jagged trees; they all wanted to eatses him, but Master saved him, Master protected him and brought him in and washed him up and taughts him everything he knew now. He was a Hollow! And that meant he ate people, apparently! Caerbannog cared not. He fell into a deep sleep, comforted by the knowledge that Master would keep him safe, and apparently find a better future than being randomly eaten by another Hollow. Apparently Caerbannog was not yet ready to become an Arrancar, but he didn't know what that fully entailed. He saw the people who looked like humans just like Master did but they sure still "felt" Hollow, even if it was Spicy Hollow.

    "I represent our collective consciousness. You may call us Scylla Charybdis." An unnatural, five? headed Hollow crept from the darkness and into the light. All of their "flesh" was snow-white, except for the eerie deep blue inside the mouths of the four Beluga-Whale looking Snake Heads that came from underneath the female-looking "core", who was the one actually speaking. The snake heads looked around, sniffing at people with their actual nostrils. Each of the five "heads" had four solid, unblinking red eyes, and the woman seemed to be covered in rocky barnacle armor. "We will not be 'flexing' our reiatsu, for even if our Strength is lacking, our aura is not. We serve faithfully." Despite what she said, those close by would still feel the uneasy aura coming off of her, and could probably guess as to its potency. Regardless, Scylla attempted to miniaturize herself, with each of the snake heads shrinking to a single foot long and her inching back into the Shadows, with the metaphorical spotlight shifting to someone else.

    Posts : 17
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    Let's Talk Warcrimes Empty Re: Let's Talk Warcrimes

    Post by Mei Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:49 am

    Selica had received a summons the likes of which she had never heard of before. Who in their right mind would care about gathering the scum of Hueco Mundo? Well, it was just interesting enough for her to actually show up, since she happened to know the answer to those questions. It wasn’t often that she decided to wander outside of her forest and intermingle with the other hollows. However, she didn’t want to miss whatever this shit show was about to be. So, she would attend, noting the other hollows scattered about the room. An eye roll here and a sigh there could be heard from her as she listened to the many useless individuals introduce themselves. Awfully talkative for a bunch of runts and nobodies. Fraccion? Please. Who cared? Now, the numbered people were certainly much more interesting and seemed to be a bit stronger than she anticipated. Wait… was that.. a dinosaur?

    The woman would shake her head ignoring the thought about the comically large, prehistoric creature. ”Selica Aciles. Number 10,” Selica would announce plainly and swiftly. This was already incredibly boring. ”Can’t say there’s too much potential in this room,” the woman would mumble, releasing just a fraction of her power. She certainly didn’t want anyone to know the full extent of her abilities or else they might want something from her. Plus, it was always more fun to see the confusion on their faces once they figured it out. Usually, they found out a bit too late. From just her short flair, she certainly seemed like a number 10.

    Posts : 37
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    Post by thunderbrood Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:17 pm

    Within the massive room a giggle would echo around. The voice coming from all around till the voice would originate from behind the T Rex looking hollow and as she walked around showing herself. Her majestic fur glistening red as she always groom herself to perfection.

    "Hello dearies I'm Ahri it's a pleasure to meet you all. I am the 9th I do hope we have the best of times"

    Unlike the others she didn't display any powers or spike her reitsu to show anything she just gave them a smile. If they thought she was weak all the better for her. Those who are unprepared suffer the hardest after all. As everyone did flair their powers she could tell that most of them were indeed stronger than her as bashira which was enticing. Her cave was no where as exciting as this was. She shall give her loyalty for now as long as she holds up her end of the deal of course.

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