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    Adam Ziegler


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Adam Ziegler Empty Adam Ziegler

    Post by Alysstrasza Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:20 pm

    Name: Adam Ziegler
    True Age: 32
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Despite his stoic nature, Adam has a relaxed and firm attitude. Although seemingly stern on the outside, Adam is courageous, honest, loyal, and honorable when he needs to be. However, when in the presence of rule-breakers or those who are rude or dishonest, his more ruthless streaks come to light. He hardly ever shows any signs of emotion. His only accentuated facial expressions are present when he is either very happy, usually during an exciting fight, or very angry, against posers and dishonorable people. However, underneath this composed exterior lies a man with a powerful, self-applying and dependable code of personal honor and general morals. Adam prefers not to take the lives of anyone unless the job demands it, and usually ends up apologizing for his actions afterwards. He is also very loyal to his employer, as long as he is under contract.

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 182 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Adam Ziegler YncVIuJ

    History: Born many moons ago, Adam started off as a normal kid. Heir to a mafia don, sure, but a normal kid nonetheless. When the accident happened, technology was used to build him where it could. Adam was one of the first volunteers for the Soulrunner experiments, knowing he was already half machine.
    Exposition: Merc for Hire
    Side Notes: An artistic combination of Yu Yu Hakusho's Younger Toguro and Overlord's Climb

    General Fighting Style: Adam relies on experience and skill to get the job done quickly, so he can return to slacking off. He fights with a combination of hakuda, zanjutsu, and gunkata.
    Strengths: Speed, Strength, Stamina, Endurance, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Reiatsu, Reiryoku Control, Sensing

    Ability Name: Peak Potential
    Description: While Adam is not capable of gaining tiers, transformations, or boosting himself further, he is considered the 'maximum' capacity for his Strengths in his Tier. Adam can sprint faster than Usain Bolt, punch as hard as Mike Tyson in his prime, swim faster than Michael Phelps, jump higher than 30 meters, etc. This is to explain why he is so "powerful" for his tier despite not having any direct stat boosts. He doesn't go "beyond" but he does go "maximumer".

    Ability Name: Nanobot Enhancements
    Description: Adam has things like a pair of self-actualizing "mirrorshades", a variety of hacking tools, and has video eyeballs that can record and playback their visual recordings as movies with up to 20x zoom and anywhere from 1/1000 to 20x speed as well as see on the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light at all times. He also has a high resistance to poisons, can carry 150kg, is immune to fall damage, can breathe underwater, has rapid computing capabilities, and finally, is able to perform a variety of other feats that will be described as their own abilities below.

    Ability Name: Rhinocerous Dermalplate Armor
    Description: Adam can form a nanobot-created suit of armor which looks just like his skin and clothing, and offers him enhanced reistance to attacks. This forms as a strong Hierro-like effect, and drains reiryoku equal to casting Hado #4 every post it's active.

    Ability Name: Delayed Cybernetic Heal
    Description: Adam can focus all of his nanobots to heal all of his wounds. However, this can only happen if he has not taken any damage in the previous or current posts. This drains reiryoku equal to casting Hado #89 when used.

    Ability Name: Arsenal: Equipped
    Description: By reaching under his jacket, Adam can pull out essentially anything that could reasonably be formed by nanobots while he's in the process of reaching for it. This includes but is not limited to handguns, assault rifles, machine guns, katanas, a fricken RPG, various types of grenades and mines, sniper rifles, shotguns, etc. All of the created weapons (at least the firearms) fire generic, "real" ammunition generated by Adam and have no special properties whatsoever. While he can create more ammunition for the firearms, he can just as easily create more firearms with their own ammunition. He cannot customize the bullets, such as full metal jacket, hollow point, etc. The guns always fire "generic" ammunition.


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    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Adam Ziegler Empty Re: Adam Ziegler

    Post by Rena Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:07 pm

    Tier 2-1 approvalness stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:21 am