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    Akihiko Kinasimoto


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Akihiko Kinasimoto Empty Akihiko Kinasimoto

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:00 am

    Name: Akihiko Kinasimoto
    Real Age: 420
    Phys. Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Akihiko is a prideful man who enjoys a good fight more than anything, but hates that he was born with eyes that make fighting "almost too easy" in his own words, and as such he wears a blindfold and fights in his Sealed State most of the time, opting to change those as necessary when a fight proves interesting enough. He will openly hold back against opponents just to lengthen the fight and drag out the result, as he simply enjoys fighting for fighting's sake.

    He doesn't think reasons are necessary, and is ready to fight anyone at any time. He is constantly in a 'frosty' state, ready for combat at a moment's notice no matter what's going on or who he's with, almost like he's expecting everyone to betray him. Akihiko rarely gets to use his full power, and when he does so will openly show off and flex his muscles, make dramatic poses, etc. He thinks that power comes from reputation and that the more people he gets to bow to him the more power he'll get in response. While this is "true" on a sociopolitical scale, it is entirely false on the "power" scale that Akihiko inherently thinks it is.

    He doesn't like to drink, he dislikes the smell and taste of cigarettes, and is generally very by-the-books as far as what he does in the Gotei, and in the rest of his life. He genuinely doesn't care how powerful an opponent thinks they are, and will outright ignore most attempts at reiatsu suppression through immediate flare-up of his own reiatsu to counteract it.

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 147 lbs
    [Click for Full Size]
    Akihiko Kinasimoto MunQpRV

    History: Born as the bastard son of a bastard, Akihiko is from the 80th District of Western Rukongai, Furuiki, and was treated as less than human from the day of his birth due to his [Onyx Eyes]. He would go on to eventually understand his eyesight and began to win most fights with other children his age far more easily. Eventually, he got bored of this, and honed his instincts to form a mental map of the area when his eyes were closed, via [Warrior Saint]. While he still had the eyes, he chose not to use them simply because it was too easy if he did so, and he liked the feeling of beating up other people. After a few centuries, Akihiko would find his way to the Soul Society's Seireitei, where he would apply to join as a Shinigami, stating he wanted to learn more about Zanjutsu and act in the defense of Soul Society. Furuiki didn't have many Shinigami representatives, so he was welcomed in. Akihiko went on to pass the exams, simply taking his blindfold off and using his normal eyesight to read the text and write his replies, but kept the blindfold on for all other training courses. He also kept his red coat, which he had won fair and square in a poker game back in Furuiki, despite being told to wear the normal shihakushō, and despite all eventual reprimands he would receive, he would never stop wearing that coat, especially when his Shikai eventually changed it, proving that it was apparently a part of his Spirit Identity because otherwise the Shikai wouldn't have changed it. Granted permission to wear his coat, Akihiko graduated from the Academy and found himself landing in Division Seven, Seireitei-Rukongai Diplomacy. Despite initially wanting to transfer to Division Five, Akihiko found Division Seven to be a good fit for him as it gave him the occasional excuse to visit home and try to improve the situation out there occasionally.
    Exposition: In Shikai and Bankai, Akihiko's Zanpakutou can glow with "colored fire". This is purely aesthetic and while it produces light and heat, it is not actual fire and cannot spread to other things nor cause burns of any kind.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: A mix of Hakuda and Zanjutsu, Akihiko tries to extend fights as long as possible, going to great lengths to do so due to his [Onyx Eyes] ability, which causes him to "win too easily" in his own words. Akihiko fights with several different Zanjutsu styles in a flowing combination with his Hakuda, which operates similarly. While there are certainly others who can do it better, he's got his own style which has work for him so far, relying mostly on quick jabs, thrusts with his sword, and full power kicks.
    Strengths: Reiryoku, Agility, Sensing
    Weaknesses: Strength, Hoho

    Ability Name: Onyx Eyes
    Ability Description: Akihiko's eyes are completely black. The pupil covers the entire eyeball, and as such causes him to see in a unique fashion; instead of "normal", he sees "normal" overlaid on top of "natural reiatsu currents within the body" overlaid on top of "skeletal and muscular weakpoints and pre-existing wounds dating back as far as 500 years ago" overlaid on top of "heatmap of the body". All of this information is constant and cannot be turned off, so Akihiko has a habit of wearing a blindfold unless he "needs" to use his eyes against his opponent. This costs Akihiko nothing and is biological in origin.

    Ability Name: Warrior Saint
    Ability Description: While his eyes are closed, with or without the blindfold, Akihiko has a completely accurate mental map of everything within 120ft of him at all times. This map updates in real time, in part due to his sensing abilities, and allows him to "fight" without seeing his opponent, while also enabling him to "see through" camoflague or invisiblity ironically. This costs Akihiko nothing and is purely sensory in origin.

    Sealed Appearance: A standard, pristine Katana (5ft) with a black and red handle that is normally sheathed on his back.
    Zanpakutou Name: Orichalcos
    Call Out Command: Unleash Yourself, Orichalcos

    Appearance: Akihiko's hair turns brown, his coat changes drastically, and his sword becomes a very long (nearly 6ft), thick rapier-like weapon.

    Ability Name: Seal of Orichalcos [Passive]
    Ability Description: Akihiko has a tattoo on the center of his forehead in the form of a green 'x' with inward-facing hooks. By touching any willing target, Akihiko can grant them the tattoo so long as he remains released; upon sealing, the tattoos are erased until they are granted again, which must be done while already released. Any creature who bears the tattoo, Akihiko included, gains an effect based on the active ability below. This costs Akihiko reiryoku equal to Hado #1 every post as a maintenance fee, increased by the original cost again for every additional target using the [Seal of Orichalcos]. If any of the "Effect" below are active, this cost is increased to Hado #4 instead.

    Ability Name: Malevolent Nuzzler
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] gain a Seele Schneider-like effect on all attacks using their reiatsu against creatures who do not bear the Seal. As with the others, only one "Effect" can be active at a time. While active, at least for Akihiko, his Zanpakutou glows with a blue fire.

    Ability Name: Fairy Meteor Crush
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] inflict piercing damage against creatures who do not bear the Seal. This is defined as "any attack which lands, despite how it lands, will do full damage regardless of 'what' blocked it; such as vibrating a Zanpakutou to damage the arms, pain being transferred to the entire body rather than just the affected area, etc. Even if a Hierro "stops" this attack, they will feel like they got slashed anyway". As with the others, only one "Effect" can be active at a time. While active, at least for Akihiko, his Zanpakutou glows with a green fire.

    Ability Name: White Veil
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] gain a strong Hierro-like effect against all attacks from creatures who do not bear the Seal. As with the others, only one "Effect" can be active at a time. While active, at least for Akihiko, his Zanpakutou glows with a white fire.

    New Name: Orichalcos Deuteros
    New Description: Akihiko's coat changes once again, his hair grows much longer, and his sword becomes a large red hook-blade approximately 7ft in total length.

    Ability Name: Orichalcos Dueteros [Passive]
    Ability Description: In Bankai, the tattoo transforms into a double celtic cross. All 3 "effects" of [Seal of Orichalcos] are active at all times while in Bankai (which causes Akihiko's Zanpakutou to glow in black fire), overwriting their normal one-at-a-time limiter. Additionally, 3 new "effects" are unlocked, which can be activated as well. This costs Akihiko reiryoku equal to Hado #4 every post as a maintenance fee, increased by the original cost again for every additional target using the [Seal of Orichalcos]. If any of the "Bankai Effect" below are active, this cost is increased to Hado #16 instead.

    Ability Name: Synchro Boost
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] have their blood pressure doubled and adrenaline immediately administered, causing them to gain a 1x boost to Strength and Agility. Only one "Bankai Effect" can be active at a time.

    Ability Name: Invigoration
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] gain the effects of High Speed Regeneration at a slow rate; missing limbs are restored after 3 posts, major wounds are fully healed after 2 posts, minor wounds are healed after 1 post, and nicks and scratches are fully healed every post. Only one "Bankai Effect" can be active at a time.

    Ability Name: Rainbow Veil
    Ability Description: Creatures who bear the [Seal of Orichalcos] gain a visible shield of energy around them which protects them against all attacks until it reaches it's maximum absorption potential of one cero in total damage. If this happens, the shield visibly shatters until next post when it reforms around the creature who bears the Seal. Only one "Bankai Effect" can be active at a time.

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Akihiko Kinasimoto Empty Re: Akihiko Kinasimoto

    Post by Rena Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:26 pm

    Tier 3-1 Approvalness Stamp Stamp.

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