Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.]


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2024-08-20

    Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.] Empty Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.]

    Post by Starboy Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:52 pm


    Hollow Application:
    Name: Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom
    Apparent Age: 28
    True Age: 351
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Cuervo is consumed by an insatiable thirst for power and revenge, driven by an unyielding ambition for Arrancars to rise above all others and claim their rightful place as the supreme rulers of the world. He is cunning and manipulative, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, regardless of the cost to others. He views weakness as a liability and is quick to exploit the vulnerabilities of those around him to further his own agenda.

    Despite his ruthless nature, Cuervo possesses a charismatic charm that allows him to sway others to his cause.. He is a master manipulator, adept at playing upon the desires and insecurities of those around him to bend them to his will. He surrounds himself with loyal followers and minions, using them as pawns in his quest for power and domination.

    Beneath his facade of confidence and arrogance lies a deep-seated insecurity and fear of failure. Cuervo is haunted by the memories of his past failures and the specter of his own mortality, driving him to pursue power with an almost obsessive fervor. He is willing to risk everything to achieve his ambitions, even if it means sacrificing his own life in the process.

    In battle, Cuervo is a ruthless and relentless opponent although highly unskilled. He tends to wield his immense spiritual power with a ferocity and precision that borders on madness. He revels in the chaos and destruction of combat, feeding off the fear and desperation of his enemies as he crushes them beneath his heel. He is not above employing underhanded tactics or betraying allies if it serves his ultimate goal of supremacy.


    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 188lbs
    Physical Traits: Cuervo in his current state simply resembles a human with a tail and wings. However, he's much more than that. Cuervo in his Adjuchas state resembled a feathered Velociraptor. Through his quest for power he'd consumed enough spiritual energy to push his evolution beyond Adjuchas an was even worthy of evolving further into in Arrancar.

    Cuervo cuts a menacing figure, standing tall and imposing with a sleek and muscular build. He is predominantly black with crimson accents, adorned in dark armor adorned with spikes and jagged edges. His mask features demonic horns and a menacing visor that obscures his face, except for his piercing red eyes which glow with an otherworldly intensity. He also has a tail that can expand and retract at will.

    Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.] 57440db2b8d15c1872c952610edcc859


    History: G-14 Classified
    Exposition: Cuervo truly believes above all that Arrancars are meant to rule the world.
    Side Notes:


    General Fighting Style: Cuervo although doesn't look it is very confident in fighting a physical fight. In fact he'd almost prefer it to shooting techniques. Cuervo although not particularly gifted in Zanjutsu does in fact know how to use a sword with pure strength and speed.  And if things get too crazy close range he's not above pulling out his twin blasters and firing off condensed Spiritual Energy, Bala, and Ceros to keep his distance and wear down his opponent.
    Strengths: Hand to hand combat, Sonido, Raw Strength
    Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Hierro, Reiatsu Control

    Ability Name: Canon De Cuervo
    Ability Description: Cuervo let’s loose with a murder of crows from his cannon, 20 to be exact that fly towards his opponent and try to explode. These all are equivalent to the force and speed of a Bala. 1 post CD between uses

    Ability Name: Llamar Los Cuervos
    Ability Description: Cuervo lets out a call that quickly summons large murder of crows. The only purpose of these crows is to obscure the enemies vision to give Cuervo the advantage to land a fatal blow to his enemy


    Sealed Appearance: Cuervo does not carry a traditional Zanpakto. With that being said his spiritual pressure is often left unchecked and unpredictable. Cuervo instead has what is known as a "Second Being". Although he's yet to find it nothing will stand in Cuervos way on his path to obtain his true power.
    Zanpakuto Name: -
    Zanpakuto Call Out: -
    Cero: Cero, Gran Rey, Cero Doble


    Appearance: In Resurrection, he is virtually identical to before, however, black wings sprout from his back, his eyes turn green , the Blaster is mounted onto his right arm, and several parts of his clothes and gloves turn a much lighter shade of grey with the metallic pieces, originally tarnished in appearance, turning to a light silver.

    Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.] Beelzemon_blast_mode_by_watchowl_d4p177w-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTY2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzBjMzdmNDItNjY0NC00OTM4LWIxMTYtYzJmNGM4ZjVhYWRmXC9kNHAxNzd3LWFlZDNlODc4LTU2ZWItNGQ5Yi05MGFmLTgxODI0ZGQ5M2RiMC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

    Cuervo Rapaz Von Doom [W.I.P.] 648755ca8a71297d989dde63c1577f24

    Abilities: [What abilities do you gain? Max of 6 total before 2-1, 10 after.]

    Ability Name: Soul Partition
    Ability Description: Cuervo shares the same unique ability as their original Hollow to divide his own soul with his Second Being. When both combined into one with each other, their combined spiritual energy can then split itself into other entities(Crows) Cuervo uses his power to summon a large murder of crows at the cost of his wings, Under his command, these crows hunt down their enemy and explode upon landing.[/size]

    Optional Roleplay Sample:

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:29 am