Kaito Takahashi [WIP]


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2024-08-20

    Kaito Takahashi [WIP] Empty Kaito Takahashi [WIP]

    Post by Starboy Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:53 pm

    Name: Kaito Takahashi
    Alias:  The Wave Rider
    Real Age: Around 500ish
    Phys. Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Kaito exudes confidence and charisma, often carrying himself with an air of authority befitting his prowess as a Quincy. He is fiercely loyal to his comrades and possesses a strong sense of justice, driven by a desire to protect the innocent from the dangers of the spiritual realm. Despite his serious demeanor in battle, he has a softer side reserved for those he cares about, showing genuine warmth and compassion towards his allies.

    Height: 6ft 2in
    Weight: 188lbs
    Physical Traits:

    History: Only the worthy may know.
    Exposition: Kaito's primary goal is to protect the innocent and maintain the balance between the human world and the spirit realm. He seeks to use his abilities as a Quincy to combat threats such as Hollows and other malevolent entities, ensuring the safety and well-being of all beings. Additionally, he aims to uncover the secrets of his family's lineage and further master his abilities to become a true guardian of the seas.
    Side Notes: 

    General Fighting Style:  Kaito prefers to keep his combat at a distance, often opting to blast his enemies with various water based attacks. Kaito possesses an innate ability to manipulate water through precise control of Reishi. He can shape water into various forms, ranging from powerful waves and currents to sharp blades and projectiles. Kaito channels his spiritual energy into his Quincy bow, imbuing his arrows with the essence of water. Upon impact, these arrows release bursts of water that can have a multitude of effects from a slicing jet to an exploding wave.
    Strengths: HirenKyaku, Agility, Reishi Manipulation(Water), Archery,
    Weaknesses: Close Combat, Strength, 

    Ability Name: Aqua Shield
    Ability Description: Kaito can create protective barriers of water to shield himself and his allies from incoming attacks. These shields are highly durable and can absorb the impact of enemy assaults, providing a crucial line of defense in battle.

    Ability Name: Tsunami Torrent
    Ability Description: Kaito can unleash a torrential barrage of water upon his adversaries, sweeping them away with the force of a powerful tsunami. This technique not only inflicts damage but also creates chaos on the battlefield, disorienting opponents and creating openings for strategic maneuvers.

    Ability Name: Wasser Drachen
    Ability Description: Kaito shoots a large volume of water in the form of a serpentine dragon varying in size. The dragon has a form of tracking in that it will follow a target that moves slower than it however a simple flash, step(and variants) should be enough to shake the beast. 

    Ability Name: Ozean Resonanz
    Ability Description: Through deep attunement with the element of water, Kaito coats himself in water and can amplify his Quincy abilities towards their utmost potential. This state of resonance allows him to tap into the vast power of the ocean itself, unleashing devastating attacks with unparalleled strength and precision.

    Quincy Bow: Kaito Takahashi [WIP] 8OXndKc
    Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku, Heilig Bogen, Heilig Pfeil, Shadow
    Quincy Items: Ginto

    Final Form/Letzt Stil [Unlocked at 2-1]:

    Roleplay Sample [Optional]:

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:21 am