Desmond Kyle


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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Desmond Kyle Empty Desmond Kyle

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:43 am

    Name: Desmond Kyle
    Apparent Age: Around 20?
    True Age: 666
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Cold and ruthless, Desmond loves the taste of fear in the air when an enemy realizes they are hopelessly outmatched. His favorite people are the ones who submit to their own deficiencies and bow to him without him needing to do anything at all to prove himself; those who do not are efficiently thrown aside in favor of those who do. Pain amuses him, and due to not remembering any of his past he doesn't care about who he used to be.

    Desmond refuses to be scared or weak, and considers himself to be the 'Last Boss' as if life were a Video Game. He does however acknowledge that there are currently creatures more powerful than he is, and therefore believes he will one day achieve a form even greater than Arrancarfication granted him, and will continue evolving until he achieves his true Final Form. Of course, this is not currently possible, but Desmond doesn't know nor care about facts and logic. He pursues his desires endlessly and ambitiously, treading over any and everything to realize his dreams and make reality into what he wants it to be.

    He is nothing if not meticulous, and while he doesn't need to account for every eventuality or possibility, Desmond has found himself in the position of being extremely quick to adapt to new situations in the most unfortunate way for everyone else involved. This extends from combat situations to social situations; any amount of weakness is immediately capitalized on, and Desmond knows damn well how to hurt someone.

    Height: 6ft [183cm]
    Weight: 141lbs [64kg]
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size!]
    Desmond Kyle 8IwIyNU

    History: Desmond doesn't remember his human life. His earliest memory is waking up in Hueco Mundo as an Adjuchas, having apparently won the war of the Gillian. He wandered the White Sands for a long while, consuming weaker souls when he found them but mostly thinking, wondering what he could achieve now that he existed. Eventually, he found the ruins of Los Noches on his own, and used them as a temporary home until he was found by Bashira Kinoshita, who turned him into an Arrancar. Reborn and remade, Desmond Kyle realized that his impact on the world was currently unknown, and only he would truly be able to determine how far he went.
    Exposition: Anubis the Jackal
    Side Notes: The Gemstone Hyperconduit

    General Fighting Style: Desmond mostly relies on [Chaos Ruby] to deal damage to an opponent, with [Phantom Emerald] serving as utility and [Paradox Sapphire] or [Gravity Topaz] serving as finishers depending on context. Desmond is careful and precise with his actions, preferring to let his opponents make the first mistake. Desmond usually doesn't let his opponent survive long enough to make a second one.
    Strengths: Reiryoku, Reiryoku Control, Agility
    Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Hakuda

    Sealed Appearance: Desmond's Zanpakutou are his gloves. Each of the fingers has a different symbol etched into it on the inside, and by applying reiatsu to that finger, Desmond gains the use of his abilities as listed below.
    Zanpakuto Name: Gemologia
    Zanpakuto Call Out: Crystallize
    Cero: Sonido, Pesquisa, Hierro, Descorrer, Bala, Cero, Cero Oscuras

    Ability Name: Phantom Emerald
    Ability Description: Desmond is capable of creating and manipulating structures made of emerald which only exist to those he wants them to. He could create stairs that only he can climb, a wall that only he can pass through, etc. All creations are a dark green in color, and are considered "Tungsten" Durability with a maximum resistance of one cero. Desmond can create three consecutive walls to block a Gran Rey Cero, or five consecutive walls to block a Forbidden Kidou, but use of either of these abilities puts [Phantom Emerald] on a 3 or 5 post cooldown respectively. While on cooldown, Desmond has no access to [Phantom Emerald]. He can create the structures with near absolute freedom anywhere within an invisible 300ft cube around Desmond at all times.

    Ability Name: Chaos Ruby
    Ability Description: Desmond can generate and freely manipulate cubes made of ruby which can vary in size from microscopic to about 12ft at a time. Desmond can create an innumerable amount of cubes at any given time, and can use these cubes for a variety of purposes: he can combine cubes of different sizes to create complex constructs ranging from buildings to weapons to armor; he can launch a barrage of solid cubes at his enemies who take increasing damage based on how many cubes hit them, ranging from a Bala (1 cube) to a Forbidden Kidou (20 cubes); he can attempt to create a cube around a person and then shrink it down, attempting to crush them from every side; he can explode any number of cubes for up to Hado #40 damage each, with bigger cubes resulting in more damage; etc. Desmond can create a "total" of 500ft x 500ft x 500ft of ruby at any one time. All creations are a dark red in color, and are considered "Steel" Durability with a maximum resistance of one bala. Desmond retains the full usage of [Chaos Ruby] regardless of any circumstances. He can manipulate the cubes with near absolute freedom anywhere within an invisible 420ft cube around Desmond at all times.

    Ability Name: Paradox Sapphire
    Ability Description: Desmond converts any already established creation into sapphire which has no traction whatsoever to anyone other than Desmond. If the creation was in the air, it falls down at a speed which ignores air resistance; when it reaches the ground, or if the creation was already there, anything underneath the sapphire, regardless of how thin it is, is affected by such a supermassive weight that resistance is nearly futile; it's as if the entire ocean is bearing down on whatever is underneath it. Even most roads and buildings are incapable of supporting [Paradox Sapphire] for very long, as it's over 48,000 pounds per square inch of sapphire. All creations are a dark blue in color, and are considered "Glass" Durability with a maximum resistance of one physical attack. Desmond can fortify [Paradox Sapphire] with any other gemstone he can create, increasing it's durability by the durability of the other gemstone, but only after the [Paradox Sapphire] has already been created and fallen to the ground. He can convert the creations with near absolute freedom anywhere within an invisible 300ft cube around Desmond at all times.

    Ability Name: Gravity Topaz
    Ability Description: Desmond traps a location in spacetime within a topaz which entraps any and everything within it inside the golden gemstone, other than Desmond who can freely walk out. To all others, it should be considered "Extremely Thick Amber" in terms of difficulty to move until Desmond is outisde of it, at which point it 'officially' activates. The topaz can be created as an up to 50ft cube, and can be shrank down to 6 inches, shrinking anyone and anything inside along with it. Any creature inside the topaz is considered safe and completely immune to harm while inside the topaz; they can, however, attempt to flare their reiatsu and use their physical strength as an added bonus to attempt to break out of the topaz. All creations are a dark gold in color, and are considered "Bakudo #99" Durability with an unknown maximum resistance. Desmond knows exactly what is inside all of his [Gravity Topaz] at all times, and knows immediately if one of them shatters. Desmond can create one [Gravity Topaz] every 5 posts, and can manipulate them with near absolute freedom anywhere within an invisible 100ft cube around Desmond at all times. If any topaz is struck with any amount of intentional force from the outside, it will immediately shatter and release all things within it, including the landscape; this will not happen if the topaz falls to the ground, as the topaz can detect the intent. If [Gravity Topaz] is transformed into [Paradox Sapphire], all creatures who are inside take a Forbidden Kidou worth of damage immediately, but can still break out as per the normal rules from the inside; however, it is now immune to damage from the outside, and if forcibly broken anyway, all creatures inside will simply die.

    Ability Name: Meteor Onyx
    Ability Description: Desmond calls upon the heavens by conjuring an onyx within his hands and holds it up. The size of the onyx determines the size of the resulting meteor that gets summoned near instantly. Once it reaches an appropriate range, it instead begins moving at Bala Speed and deals an amount of damage based on how big the initial onyx was. While enemies will not understand at first, multiple uses of this ability will make clear that each size of onyx is very clearly a different size of onyx, and each creation shatters immediately upon the Meteor entering attack range. All creations are black in color, and the damage range includes Hado 40, 60, 80, 100. This ability gains a cooldown based upon the original level of meteor: once per post, one post cooldown, two post cooldown, five post cooldown. While on cooldown, Desmond cannot create any [Meteor Onyx], regardless of size. The resulting meteor will also vary in size, from 10ft, 30ft, 75ft, and 200ft.

    Appearance: Desmond changes drastically in appearance, but ultimately still looks mostly the same. The ears on his mask grow massively in size and now have purple glowing lines on the inside and his hair shrinks into several short tentacle-looking tangled strands. His long tailcoat transforms into a short sleeveless jacket vest with a large red triangle on it. His arms, now visible, seem to be extremely thin and solid black like a normal Hollow, and his gloves are comically oversized with large gloves which have purple glowing fingertips. He also gains a hood which appears over the mask and encompasses most of his head, leaving only the tentacle-like hair, his ears, and his mask exposed. His boots also gain red plates on them, and appear to be larger in side. Additionally, instead of a tail coat, he now has a 5ft long tail with a hand on the end of it, which can be used as a prehensile limb.

    Ability Name: Prehensile Tail
    Ability Description: Desmond's Tail is 5ft long and acts as an extra limb, complete with an entire hand on the end of it. This tail can be used to block incoming physical attacks just like any other limb, and the entire tail itself is considered Zanpakutou Durability.

    Ability Name: Reality Glitch
    Ability Description: Desmond's physical position in space is distorted slightly. He appears to 'glitch' occasionally, as if he were in a video game, with parts of his body shifting in position unnaturally. Effectively, this causes the first three standard physically attacks which would have otherwise hit to miss until enemies get used to his unique reiatsu. After the third attack has been auto-dodged, this ability is disabled for the rest of the thread against that individual. This ability is slightly visible even when Desmond is not in his resurreccion, as his physical body will occasionally 'glitch' anyway, to far less severe extents.

    Ability Name: Final Verdict
    Ability Description: With a snap of his fingers, Desmond can transform any creation from [Phantom Emerald], [Chaos Ruby], or [Paradox Sapphire] into a semi-permanent construct made of solid diamond. This diamond construct keeps any physical form it had before, and is considered pure natural diamond. All creations are clear in color, with their contents visible to anyone from the outside. If the creation is a product of [Gravity Topaz], it cannot be transformed via [Final Verdict]. Use of this ability drains energy from Desmond to transform the creations into diamond, but the Diamond itself consumes no upkeep energy whatsoever and is true diamond for all intents and purposes. Desmond cannot manipulate diamond once it has been transformed via [Final Verdict].

    Ability Name: Violent Violet
    Ability Description: Desmond can attack at a semi-medium range, being able to form and attack with violet energy claws which replicate the swings of his hands to create up to five 'blades' per swing, each able to travel up to 15 feet from Desmond. Every 'blade' of this attack which collides with a creature will deal damage equivalent to a Zanpakutou strike. Zanpakutou can block the violet energy claws from [Violent Violet], but [Violent Violet] has no defensive use and is purely an offensive ability.

    Ability Name: Apocalypse Quartz
    Ability Description: Desmond's last resort is a single spherical-ish quartz containing a single gemstone of all of Desmond's other types swirling inside of it. Those gemstones then collide, and the resulting explosion is contained by the [Apocalypse Quartz], which shrinks in size to a marble (about a single inch across). When thrown, dropped, attacked, or otherwise colliding with any physical object that isn't Desmond himself, the explosion is released, resulting in Two Forbidden Kidou worth of damage to everything within 100ft of the Quartz except Desmond nearly instantly. This ability has a 7 post cooldown, and Desmond can only create Two per thread.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:20 am