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    Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain)


    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain) Empty Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain)

    Post by Ika Sun Jul 14, 2024 2:03 am

    Name: Sano Mazi
    Age: 1150ish
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Sano probably isn't your friend. He's a good friend to have, if you can afford to make him your friend you should probably make a concerted effort to make him your friend, but odds are he isn't. Sano is a cold and obsessive killer who drifts into a sort of monomaniacal eccentricity anytime something has been unfortunate enough to garner his ire. Once upon a time it was the Quincy who made the egregious mistake of not laying down in a war and killed one too many of Sano's friends. This failure to die quietly led to the painstaking genocide that, once uncovered, led to Sano's eventual imprisonment over the course of the next 500 years. Sano was sentenced to imprisonment by his own father, an act he tried to sell as worse than death but most understood that it as only a fathers mercy that spared Sano a trip to the next-life. Next-next life? Details for someone other than me to work out.

    As one might expect Sano shares some traits with Ika, these include a pulse, the signature black hair, and an oddly unsettling disregard for human life. The other trait worthy of note is their general lack of ability to effectively follow the leader. Sure, Sano might be able to follow directions and go along with a plan for as long as doing so suits him, but the minute that plan deviates from his own self interest to a point that he no longer has interest, well...

    You can see where that might lead.

    Sano has no qualms about doing whatever it might take to win a fight. He will cheat, he will steal, he will gouge your eyes, involve the innocents, he is not the type of guy to get overly sentimental and is more than willing to do whatever it takes to get to the end of his opponents life. His reputation precedes him, and if it doesn't the litany of souls he's taken certainly does.

    Height: 6'4
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain) Sano10

    History: Doesn't like his brother, or Quincy's very much at all. Did a lot of fighting with the former and wants him dead, and genocided the latter which resulted in his imprisonment. After about 500 years in the confines of the maggots nest, Bashira released him and restored his post on something of a Quid Pro Quo basis. We are here.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Sano tends to use his sword until such a time that it's become apparent he needs to use his abilities to secure some kind of advantage. Once that time hits, he'll begin to approach the battle in a more tactical manner.
    Strengths: Strength, Zanjetsu, Reiryoku Control, Reiatsu,
    Weaknesses: Sensing, Hand-to-Hand, Kidou

    Ability Name: Reiatsu Armor
    Ability Description: Due to the density of Sano's Reiatsu, it forms an averageish heirro like armor over his body. If you wanna cut him, you'd better put some ass into it.

    Ability Name: Acidic Composition
    Ability Description: Highly corrosive acid is the name of Sano's game, it's in his blood! And saliva. And pee I guess. Probably his semen? Wouldn't recommend a facial.

    Sealed Appearance: A long black O-Katana naturally serrated by it's many clashes on the battlefield. It's length comes out to a whopping 50 inches long in total from the tip of the blade to the bottom of the hilt. Sano typically wields this one handed, though can swap to two in a pinch.
    Zanpakutou Name: Sansei Kain
    Call Out Command: "Melt away.. Sansei Kain."

    Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:

    Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:

    Last edited by Ika on Sat Aug 03, 2024 1:37 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain) Empty Re: Sano Mazi, Cain incarnate (Squad 8 Captain)

    Post by Rena Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:04 pm

    Approved 0 tier stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:21 am