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    Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain)


    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2024-07-14

    Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain) Empty Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain)

    Post by LeapDay Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:14 pm


    Current Position: Captain of the 7th Division
    Age: 344 | Appears ~27
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Hyoroshi is a diligent man of exceptional constitution possessing a rugged, working-class mindset; get whatever it is done, and get it done well, regardless of the obstacles before him. Indeed, there isn’t an ounce of entitlement or prideful pretenses in his bones; should anyone encounter him away from the bustle of life, they will likely find him meditating or reading a book from the World of the Living. This is not to say Hyoroshi is without emotion, however–if anything, it takes but a snarky comment or lighthearted tease to get him animated. Most of the time–as long as the instigator is merely jesting–Hyoroshi’s boisterousness is equally in jest. In essence, Hyoroshi can be considered the honest, sociable, considerate father of the 7th Division.

    Iwamura is not as shallow as he seems. At his very core is an endless hunger for self-improvement that drives him to distance himself from the connotations of his appearance. He has Bashira herself to thank, and though she may have left him behind for the Captain-Commander position, his aspiration remains the same: to become half the person that she is. In line with this core tenet is his stark aversion to combat–in his view, a commitment that lowers its participants to their most base elements. Should he have to raise his Zanpakuto, he remains stalwart in fighting with honor, restraint and respect. It is an ideology that has served him well..at least, for now.

    Height: 8'6" (2.591 meters)
    Weight: ~580 lbs (263.08 kg)
    Physical Traits:

    Iwamura’s face-paint patterns change on a near-daily basis–always with some sort of tribal design, sometimes as small as hash-marks and as big as an art-piece that covers nearly all of his face. Furthermore, the hair on his body grows as any human's would--regular grooming sessions are a necessity.



    History: To be explored...
    Side Notes: Elemental Reiatsu - Fire


    General Fighting Style: Endurant CQC Tank
    + High Constitution/Durability
    + Exceptional Physical Strength
    + High Reiryoku
    + Master Hakuda Combatant
    + Master Zanjutsu Combatant

    - Poor Kido Ability
    - Poor Shunpo Ability
    - Poor Spiritual Sensing
    - Slow Physical Movement

    Ability Name: Shishino Kyoei (Beast’s Vanity)
    Ability Description: Hyoroshi condenses his Spiritual Energy into wisps of flame that hover upon up to four claws. From here, he can either slash the air or thrust his arm forward, causing the condensed flame to release from him in either a slashing arc or a puncturing beam. Each wisp can only injure one target per arc/beam at Hado #20 strength and do not penetrate/continue on towards other targets should they hit. In either case, they travel for fifteen feet and further inflict 1st-degree burns. Should they hit nothing, they dissipate into nothing. 2 post cooldown.



    Sealed Appearance:

    Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain) Hb365010

    Zanpakutou Name:  Sasugaru Yuusei Yajuuhekomu (Sacrificial Dagger of the Serene Beast's Relent)
    Call Out Command: "Immolate, Sasugaru"

    Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:

    Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:


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    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain) Empty Re: Hyoroshi Iwamura (Squad 7 Captain)

    Post by Rena Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:51 pm

    Tier 1-5 approved. Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:32 am