Kidou Rules


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Kidou Rules Empty Kidou Rules

    Post by Rena Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:59 am

    All Shinigami know any of the kidou from Canon by default. Whether or not their character has the strength to properly use them is dependent on your strength's, weaknesses, and mod approval.

    IF you have Kidou stated on your app. Do not feel that this limits you to them. Instead see it as those Kidou are your specialties and you are less likely to have them go awry.

    Cooldowns below.


    1-40 = No cooldown

    41-60 = 1 post cooldown

    61-80 = 2 post cooldown

    81-89 = 3 post cooldown


    1-40 = 1 post cooldown

    41-60 = 2 post cooldown

    61-80 = 3 post cooldown

    81-89 = 4 post cooldown

    All Kidou that fall into Forbidden Kidou(Usually 90+) have a 5 post cooldown. BE WARNED THAT USING THESE CONSECUTIVELY WILL MESS WITH YOUR CHARACTER. These take a HUGE amount of spiritual power to cast just ONE so be stingy with them! Even in Canon Aizen originally stated that "at the time" he was unable to properly cast Hadou no 90 at full power which remained true until the VERY end of his Arc. Yamamoto lost an ARM powering 96 at full strength. These can be cast at weaker levels yes.. but using them at full power is something not to take lightly.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:19 am