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    Rinoa Heartily


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Rinoa Heartily Empty Rinoa Heartily

    Post by Rena Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:21 pm

    Name: Rinoa Heartily
    Age: 17
    Sex: Female

    Height: 5'4''
    Weight: 140 LBS
    Physical Traits: She wears a black sleeveless, possibly strapless, top with a blue vest that is long on the back over the top of it. Rinoa also wears shorts that have a thin cut line on each leg on the front. She also wears a miniskirt-like hip wrap, with a holster that holds her gunblade; Vanishing Star. She wears blue pull-up sleeves and an armlet on her left bicep.
    Rinoa Heartily GTTGOrb

    History: [Optional.]
    Side Notes: Substitute Shinigami

    General Fighting Style: When put into Melee combat Rinoa relies on quick small strikes focusing more heavily on being defensive. Her main offensive is her abilities and what they can do to augment her combat potential. If for some reason she can't use her abilities though she will always default to the most defensive tactic's she can think of or manage under the circumstances. Pressure Tactics is definitely a good way to describe the "flighty and quick light strikes" that she tries to use.

    Strengths: Reiryoku, Reiatsu
    Weaknesses: Endurance


    •She has a "Combat Pass" accessory somewhere on her person. This allows Soul Society to gauge her reiatsu levels, track her, communicate with her if absolutely needed, but does not allow her to talk back to Soul Society. It also powers itself by passively absorbing energy from Rinoa that she wouldn't need/miss/notice. Rinoa's Combat Pass also allows her to use the pass itself to perform Konso on the dead to send their souls to Soul Society. (Since she does not have an Asauchi or a Zanpaktou)


    Ability Name: Silent Tear
    Description: This fold-able Blaster Edge weapon responds to Rinoa's mind and can be fired at bala speeds and upon hitting or missing it's target(s) it will always return back to it's wrist mount on Rinoa's arm, teleporting back if absolutely required at no cost. This functions as a shield when attached to Rinoa's arm, the entire weapon is made of steel. (not Zanpaktou Material).

    Ability Name: Vanishing Star
    Description: She is able to fire "bala" (Regular energy blasts) from the gunblade by using either of the trigger's (Up to five per post), as the weapon was modified to be used with one or two hands, and the weapon is created to be durable as a Zanpaktou and otherwise functions as a gunblade normally would.

    Ability Name: Elemental Burst
    Description: Rinoa can choose any single element and toss it at an enemy for a cero worth of damage once per post, regardless of if it's a beam from her finger, a bolt from the sky, a bullet from the left, or whatever the shape/method used is. It will always only do a cero in damage if it hits someone, disappears after hitting the first thing it comes into contact with, and moves at the speed expected of that element (Up to Bala speed in the case of "Faster" elements like Light.) The attacks must happen within 200ft of Rinoa, nor does she have any control over the attack once it's set off (no curving or turning or anything). The attacks total area of effect cannot exceed thirty feet regardless of element or method of attack.

    Ability Name: Telekinesis
    Description: She is able to manipulate up to five objects at once, up to the size of a semi. She cannot control an attack or object that is being controlled by someone else. She can fire objects the size of a human at high speeds, smaller at bala, and bigger objects at Cero speeds.


    Ability Name: Angel Wings
    Description: She can use her wings defensively, able to reduce damage from incoming attacks by at least 50% if used to cover Rinoa, or someone she is near, though the wings would never show signs of damage because they are not able to be damaged or destroyed as they aren't biological/real wings. They are versatile enough to be used to slap normal physical attacks or projectiles away at high speed as well. These wings also give her the ability of flight and the ability to use Air-Step, basically a variant of Shinigami's Air-Walk.

    Ability Name: Healing Grace
    Description: As long as Rinoa physically places hands on another person, or targets herself, she is capable of healing that person, or herself, with the following restrictions. Each time she heals, whether it's someone else or her, there is a clear and obvious yellow/white glow of light where the healing is occurring. This only heals physical wounds meaning it does nothing for poisons, mental/emotional ability damage, nor does it bypass wounds that negate healing temporarily.

    •Light healing - four times per post. one wound per use. (minor cuts, and skin deep wounds only.)
    •Moderate Healing - once per two posts. one wound per use. (stab wounds, lacerations, but still no organ repair or limb replacement.)
    •Heavy Healing - once per four posts. one wound per use. (bone breaks, small holes in the body.)
    •Life Saver - once per six posts. one wound per use. (dangerously near-lethal wounds, but only one limb or organ per use if used to replace them)
    •God-Like Restoration - once per thread. one wound per use. She also can't use this on herself. (If they aren't actually dead they are okay now. But they do not recover lost stamina or reiryoku)

    Ability Name: Lunar Cry
    Description: Rinoa is able to call upon the moon, whether visible or not, and do one of three effects. Each effect shares CD so she can't just cycle through all 3.

    •1. She can form pillars of Lunar Light which teleport whoever is inside them shortly after to a Location of Rinoa's choosing or at random. Using the ability in this manner exit's Rinoa (as she is always selected as a target) and anyone else caught in the light beams from the thread. Enemies are not able to attack into or while inside the pillars of Light but likewise allies can not attack outside or inside the pillar while inside it themselves. (This is Rinoa's version of a Hollow using Negacion)

    •2. She can protect herself and her allies from 75% damage from the NEXT attack they take. This effect can only be used once per six posts. This effect remains until the people affected take an attack from any source regardless of strength behind the attack. (Pebble or Meteor is irrelevant to triggering the effect)

    •3. She becomes able to protect herself from taking damage from the time this effect begins until it ends, although attacks still make contact with her and the "physics" of those attacks still apply (being launched backwards and such) this lasts until she is struck by any attack. She cannot do this again for six posts. (Pebble or Meteor is irrelevant to triggering the effect)

    Ability Name: Wishing Star
    Description: She is able to perform eight dash attacks at Shunpo Speed leaving after images in the wake of her massive speed burst. This can hit multiple target(s) within the "Line" of the dash but each target is only struck once per dash (Total of eight if the target is hit all eight dash attack attempts) She "seems to" phase through objects and people in the way of her dash, but in reality she is simply moving around them so gracefully and quickly without missing a beat that it only "appears" that way. This has a four post cooldown.


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2024-06-08

    Rinoa Heartily Empty Re: Rinoa Heartily

    Post by YaBoyArashi Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:49 pm

    Approved, 2-3

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