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    Loki, Eater of Stars


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2024-07-14

    Loki, Eater of Stars Empty Loki, Eater of Stars

    Post by Heatwave Mon Jul 15, 2024 9:43 pm

    Name: Loki
    Age: ~1200 years
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Loki is quiet and reserved, speaking very little. Because of this, he can come off as either cold, or just arrogant. But the reason he doesn't speak that much is simply that he doesn't have much to say to others. He lived his whole existence over the course of a millennium as essentially no more than a natural disaster - only recently did he regain his agency as the amalgamation of souls that form him finally cracked, and one won out over the rest.

    Loki has a name for this side of him that he keeps chained up - the primal force of nature. It is Fenrir, a great wolf that is foretold to one day be the harbinger of the end times. Unlike Loki, Fenrir has no agency -- it is just a force that exists to destroy and consume. A writhing mass of souls that simply desires more -- its greed will never be sated. Loki seeks to one day fully gain control of this side of his being - for good.

    Height: 4'10"
    Weight: 95 lbs
    Physical Traits:

    History: The runestones never recounted the turmoil of a boy in a village who was long thought cursed. Nothing about him until his death in burning boat was recorded. What was recorded, was the destruction of the town shortly after, allegedly by the aes that would come to be known as Fenrir. No evidence of this destruction exists today.
    Loki, as the arrancar has come to be known, is one of a select few arrancar who achieved the state naturally. Prior to his natural arrancarification, he was a Adjuchas that took the appearance of a gargantuan wolf. As a wolf, he is a beast -- a natural disaster. He ravages towns and cities, mercilessly devouring any poor soul to wander across his path. But as an arrancar, the beast is shackled -- barely. His arrancarification allowed him to regain some control of himself, he is functional most of the time. And slowly, oh so slowly, is he regaining control of the writhing tempest of souls within him.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: When sealed, he is generally practiced and methodical. A contradiction to his inner animal, he fights strategically and deliberately. This in itself makes his sealed form a force to be reckoned with, simply because he's had time to learn to utilize what strengths he has in his sealed form to their fullest.
    When he unleashes his ressureccion, all hell breaks loose. He becomes a beast, driven only by instinct. A massive force of nature that exists only to destroy. He has no control over this state, and so there is no strategy, only the base instinct of a wild animal the size of a city block.
    Strengths: Strength, Durability, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Sensing, Stamina
    Ability Name: Hierro
    Ability Description: It is strong.

    Ability Name: Bajo Cero (Subzero)
    Ability Description: An ice-flavored cero, renders everything in its wake frozen. Spritual beings are afflicted with 2nd-degree frostbite. Structures become frozen brittle to the touch. Double cero damage (2 post cooldown)

    Ability Name: Diamond Dust
    Ability Description: Manifests a plume of freezing mist. Other than Loki, any one or anything caught inside will slowly be covered in ice. Loki's freezing seeps down to one's very core as though it is sentient - frostbite symptoms will slowly increase as uncovered exposure continues. 1 degree of frostbite per 2 posts. Radius 20 feet sealed or 50 feet when released centered around Loki. The mist will remain for 4 posts. (4 post cooldown)

    Sealed Appearance: A massive curved greatsword.
    Zanpakuto Name: Devorador del Sol
    Zanpakuto Call Out: Tear down the stars
    Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey Cero

    Appearance: Turns into a 50-foot tall wolf, except its head is a hollow mask.
    Abilities: [What abilities do you gain? Max of 6 total before 2-1, 10 after.]
    Ability Name: Fenrir Unchained
    Ability Description: 2x increases to Strength and Durability, massive increase to size (to 50 ft/15 meters) (Passive)

    Ability Name: Dread Winter
    Ability Description: Fenrir can manifest icy spikes or other structures within 100 feet (30 meters) of himself. The ice is tungsten durable, though zanpakuto and kido fire attacks can melt it. The icy structures appear from some other icy surface or the ground. (3 post cooldown)

    Ability Name: North Wind
    Ability Description: Exhaling, Fenrir unleashes a plume of frozen mist in a concentrated area before him, which amplifies the effects on the target, inflicting 2nd degree frostbite on the exposed area. 50 feet range. (2 post cooldown)

    Ability Name: Cero Nova
    Ability Description: Beeeeeeeeeeg cero, 5x size of a typical Cero (Like Oscuras, 5 post cooldown)

    Ability Name: Cero Supernova
    Ability Description: Beeeeeeeeeeger cero, 10x size of a typical Cero (Like Forbidden Kido, 1/thread)

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Loki, Eater of Stars Empty Re: Loki, Eater of Stars

    Post by Ika Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:48 pm

    Approved 2-1

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