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    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)


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    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Ika Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:06 pm

    Sano had never really held a lot of love for Captain Commanders, and that feeling had been pretty well reciprocated through the majority of his life and times. Sano had always been a bit of a free-radical, and as such the confines of an authoritative figure like a Captain Commander never really fit with how he wanted to conduct himself. He wanted to be something of a free spirit, free to do as he pleased with little in the way of punishment and, well..

    The trackrecord to this point had been mixed on that. His father had imprisoned him, his brother had denied his appeal, and Bashira had let him out for little reason beyond wanting him to be a weapon for her own self-interests. This new girl Tina was interesting in that, simply put, they hadn't really done much talking. In fact, Sano was half-convinced she had kind of forgotten he existed.

    Unfortunately, in his candlelit hole he called an office it seemed that the world had yet again been reminded of what he was and what he could be. The Captain Commander had requested a face-to-face meeting with him and he was strongly urged to comply, even if he would rather be doing quite literally anything else.

    He didn't have to deal with this shit in the Maggots Nest..

    "Do I have to wax poetic about you honoring me with your presence or will you be joining me of your own accord Captain Commander.. I wanna know which face I'll be wearing for the evening."

    Sano really needed to work on his social skills.. Maybe he'd take up juggling?

    Probably not.

    Posts : 97
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    Age : 32

    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:24 pm

    Tina was busy with paperwork, shocking no one, when she remembered she had requested to see Sano Mazi, as he was the only captain she wasn't familiar with and knew the least about despite the massive amounts of data in front of her that she was STILL combing through. For whatever reason he had not yet shown up. She figured maybe he was asleep, as some captains slack off during peace times, it happens, or perhaps he had decided to not comply because he was a former convict and didn't care about authority. Either way that caused Tina to let out a small sigh as she thought the easiest way to deal with this would be to rip the band-aid off and just get it done. Instead of making some poor smuck go and possibly fail to once again call Sano Mazi to her.. she got up, told Ayaka she was leaving for a bit who proceeded to clean her desk up to be helpful, and then headed off towards the Eighth Division. Where she kind of just assumed and hoped Sano would be located.

    By the time she got there, since she wasn't exactly the fastest being alive, Sano would have been 30 minutes late to showing up for her called meeting with him. So at this point she had basically solidified the idea in her head he was either asleep, training someone, or being a rebel against "The man" because he had been locked up and hated Authority. She didn't really seem to care which one it was, moreso she was curious which one it was. Since two of them could be excused really and the last one would just make her chuckle anyways.

    When she reached his office she knocked on the door, hearing him mutter something, she entered and looked around since she hadn't been there since he had become captain. Wondering how it would look in comparison to before. After a second she stopped and looked at Sano directly, who was sitting in his chair and began conversing about wax and honor and faces. Tina looked visibly confused at first because she had called a meeting with him and only showed up because he hadn't complied with being summoned. Once that dawned on her she laughed and held her sides a bit before shaking her head and straightening up, even wiping away a tear from her eye due to how hard she had laughed.

    "I just wanted to have a chat and I'm only here in your office because you didn't come to mine as I had instructed the messenger to tell you.. I assume he got intimidated or something and forgot. Oh well." She smirked a bit and shrugged, "I'm new and you are newly freed and we don't know squat about eachother. Considering I'm supposed to guide Soul Society with the captains as my generals I figured I'd find out what kind of General you even are."

    She looked to see if there was somewhere for her to sit, luckily since he had expected her there was, and she sat down in the chair before continuing to talk, "I don't care who you were or what you did, to be frank. I don't even care that Bashira let you out right before getting herself exiled on threat of death or imprisonment. The only thing I care about right now is how you intend to work as a Captain for the Soul Society and whether or not you'll actually listen to me instead of be a pain in my ass."

    Posts : 76
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    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:50 pm

    The new Captain-Commander wasn't exactly a mind Sano had much interest in prying from, and she was hardly swaying him now with her current presentation. He vaguely remembered being asked to appear in front of her, and he fully remembered burning the summons in the candle currently placed in front of him as he decided he had a long-list of things he thought would be better to do with his day. Unfortunately, his luck with avoiding this particular meeting had come to an end and it seemed this woman was going to be much more forward with him than Bashira or others had been in the past. A pity to be sure, as Sano was far more interested in elongated soliloquies saying sweet fuck-all so that he would be left alone.

    That wasn't an option currently, so he'd need to determine his next words a bit more carefully. "I am whatever kind of general I think I need to be in a given moment. My leadership is.. hardly the selling point when evaluating me for a position, I think that much is obvious. I suppose I care for my subordinates for the most part, and try to keep them from the grave where it is possible. When I am given a task, I see it through within reason."

    Sano clicked his tongue, evaluating the Captain Commander up close with his eyes about as haphazardly as one could. "If your idea of a general is someone who will serve a shared cause.. I think I'll do just fine. If your idea of a good general is one that follows your orders like a mindless little dog.. You should seek out that mutt Iwamura. I hear he's looking for new responsibilities now that Bashira's leash isn't dragging him to and fro. I was hoping she'd string him up by it, but she never did care for my thoughts towards messaging."

    Sano's face curled into a smirk, his head slowly falling forward into his waiting hands before he spoke. "Then again, if she held my sensibilities we probably wouldn't be talking right now."

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    Age : 32

    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Rena Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:12 pm

    Tina listened to Sano explain what kind of person he was, albeit vaguely, but given what she already knew of him from the paperwork this didn't shock her too much, so she let it slide without prying for more, he had went on about how he viewed his position, his subordinates, and the job, but he hadn't said anything that made her think he wasn't going to be fit to be a captain.

    He made some quip about her view as to what a general is and laid out a this or that verbal scenario for her to choose from but by the time he had finished she was already sure of what her reply to him was going to be, "Captain Iwamura has his own job and does so, whether or not his character or his behavior is up to standard isn't my problem right now, or yours for that matter. Luckily we aren't here to discuss him, we're here to chat about you."

    He had made a move to put his head against his hands as he finished speaking about his thoughts concerning Bashira. While he had a point, he was purposely being a dick about it, Tina wasn't baited to care though since what he thought about the former Captain-Commander had no place in her head. "You are right. If she was half as smart, we wouldn't be here because you'd probably still be in the Nest and I'd still be a Captain."

    She grinned a bit, "Either way. We all share a cause, whether we agree on how to progress that cause or not, which is to fulfill our duties as Shinigami to protect the soul cycle and purify the hollow who endanger that cycle. If you care about your subordinates even half as much as you suggested, and do your job half as well as you claim yourself capable, then I see no point in ruffling your feathers and trying to get you to change your ways. What good are thoughtless fools who can't perform after all?"

    She crossed her left leg over the other at this point to get more comfy in the chair, "So far you've answered my questions. Do you happen to have any for me? Considering that I am your boss surely something comes to mind."

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    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Ika Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:08 am

    Sano listened intently as the Captain-Commander gracefully tried to steer the conversation away from Sano bullying the beast man. It was true, his comments were largely uncalled for and unprompted but they definitely made him feel better. He let her do her best impression of agreeing with him, but Sano was sure to make it clear where he stood. "While I sometimes miss the Maggots Nest and it's famous cuisine, that is not at all what I'm implying.. If Bashira had my sensibilites you'd be in pieces strung up on Sokyoku Hill, she'd probably still be a dictator installing whoever she wanted, and my brother would be a rapidly decaying skull next to that candle over there."

    Sano lazily nodded his head towards another corner of the room, his eyes dancing between the candle and the person in front of him for a moment before he continued. "But, fairs fair. You won and her more stubborn sensabilities lost the day. I have no affinity for losers you'll find, and thus my interest in that woman has largely faded to this point. You emerged victorious, and by virtue of that stand as a much more worthy wielder of my occasional subordinance."

    Sano seemed to say this with a fairly even tone, a playful tug of his lips at the corners was the closest thing Tina would get to an assurance that he was playing, for the most part. This woman clearly wanted peace with him, she listened to him talk his shit and clarified her intent to leave him to his own devices which was.. appreciated frankly. If she was trying to get his loyalty or passive admiration, this was certainly a step in the right direction. "Well I'm happy to hear you have that faith in me Captain Commander.. I'll do my best to pay it back to you as best I can. As for questions.. what do you intend to do about my brother? Every day he draws breath is a day you stand with a valid threat to your title and position. Surely it makes the most sense to just.. kill him and anyone with him, right?"

    Posts : 97
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    Age : 32

    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Rena Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:49 am

    "Famous? Geez your taste buds are either more tolerable than I can comprehend or your memory stinks." Tina said chuckling, Sano proceeded to attempt to somber her by continuing on about how she should be dead and Bashira is some kind of fool for losing to her, but all Tina did was shrug and stare at Sano as he continued to talk, eventually he got to something she couldn't just ignore or laugh off, he wished to know if she was going to hunt down and kill his brother Ika Mazi.  One of the previous Captain-Commanders who for all Tina knew could be dead, though she doubted it, but knew he was at least in the world of the living because he left through a Senkaimon to get there and never returned.

    Now Tina wasn't exactly an idiot, but her age was much lower than your typical Captain's, let alone that of Captain-Commander, heck even some vice-captains were older than she was, which meant all she knew about Ika Mazi were things that were public knowledge from the Academy, or random tid bits that may or may not have even been relevant to Sano's questioning. But the fact Sano clearly thought his brother deserved to die was more than enough to make her consider the question longer than she would normally need to.

    After a few seconds of continuing to simply stare at Sano, since she believed in eye contact, "I intend to do absolutely nothing." she said flatly before shrugging, "If you desire his corpse for your own closure or amusement then you have my permission to leave Soul Society, albeit temporarily, in an effort to locate and kill him yourself, however, if you leave to do so you will clear the absence through me directly with none of this "I sent a message" bullshit, or you will not be able to remove your Limiter while in the world of the living. Captain."

    She gave him a second to process what he had been told, but only a single second as she believed he fully understood that with the limiter on there was zero chance he could kill his brother, honestly he had likely forgotten it was a thing considering she didn't know how long he had been locked up. However she then continued, "Should you allow me that single and simplistic courtesy then I will immediately grant permission to enter the world of the living without the limiter placed on you like it would otherwise automatically be." She uncrossed her legs and went to stand up a bit, "The might of the Soul Society will not be spent on a vendetta that has nothing to do with our jobs. If he wants to come here and start a street fight he'll lose then he is more than welcome to try. But humor me and ask yourself, "If Tina Almenor is Captain-Commander when literally anyone of equal standing is older or stronger or maybe even more intelligent than she is.. Why is she the one in charge?" because I think the answer would speak for itself. You don't know who I am, what I can do, or anything else beyond the fact that I rose through the ranks quickly and defeated Bashira when she turned her back on Soul Society."

    She smiled before giving a curt bow of respect and moved slowly to go to the door in an effort to leave once there she grabbed the door knob, "Oh. Right." she glanced back at Sano before continuing but did not fully turn around, "I'll probably end up meeting with your Vice-captain at some point soon. Not that it's a big deal, but he seems to have made an interesting friend within the fifth division and they seem to get into shenanigans quite often. I would normally expect their own captain to deal with this but Arashi Kenpachi doesn't seem the type to think it a problem, and I don't think you'd care what they did on their time off duty. I'm merely letting you know because he is your subordinate and don't want you to feel like I'm stepping on your toes in that regard."

    Tina then left the room and headed back to her own division office in a normal walk, slightly chipper with a decent smile on her face. Sano was abrasive and rude sure. He had no regard for being nice, however he never said he wouldn't do his job and he also didn't imply he'd just go around murdering people for no reason. Considering he had been put into Maggot's Nest, this was more surprising to Tina than everything else that had happened, but she was happy with the results of their small chat whether Sano was or not.

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    Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina) Empty Re: Kings are plentiful in supply (Tina)

    Post by Ika Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:22 pm

    Sano chuckled haughtily at the Captain-Commanders first comment. "My memory works plenty well but nostalgia can manifest itself for the strangest things, what can I say? Might go down there one of these days and harass the chef for a meal, see what he thinks of that. Could be a fun, might scare him into an early grave."

    Sano listened to the womans proposition carefully as well as her overall stance on the subject. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear, but it worked well enough. "I don't remember saying I'll be needing an army for much of anything. Your permission to go as I wish within reason is really all I need, though I would ask that Okami can tag along. He could use the experience given his first 600 years here was spent doing nothing of value."

    Sano clicked his tongue, measuring the Captain Commander a moment before continuing. "My frank and perhaps unwelcome answer is the reason you're Captain Commander is the same reason Bashira isn't. You had the edict of the Central 46 and the other nobles and the minute you don't you'll be cast out or executed. My advice is kill them all and cement your claim the old fashioned way, but if you want to perform that song and dance until they force the light from your eyes that's your decision I suppose. I won't be participating in either direction."

    Sano pondered for a moment, then conjured something resembling a compliment. "Not to make judgements on your ability of course, Captain Commander, You're plenty talented and worthy of the position I just have my doubts as to whether or not that would earn you the position in a world where that has seemingly never mattered."

    Sano's fingers danced across the desk for a moment before settling at his lap, deciding that he was more or less done with this particular line of commentary. "Do what you want with Okami, it doesn't make a damn to me. If I need to do anything let me know."

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