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    Kite Monastero


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Kite Monastero Empty Kite Monastero

    Post by Alysstrasza Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:14 pm

    Name: Kite Monastero
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Despite his tragic backstory and being raised as a monk, Kite is surprisingly light-hearted. He takes every possible interaction as a joke, never taking anything seriously, and has been known to laugh at the pain and misfortune of others, though not maliciously. There isn't an evil bone in Kite's body, and he's genuinely a good egg, he just takes everything lightly and likes to laugh.

    Due to this, Kite rarely takes fights seriously, so it's hard to get an accurate gauge of his real power. However, in the event that he does take a fight seriously, it's usually not for very long before he's back to his laughing self. He has a bad habit of forgetting things, and can't generally remember the bad things people do, nor the good ones. Therefore everyone is a friend to him until they break the social contract. He will never, under any circumstance, attack someone out of the blue; if it came down to it, he would introduce himself and take a battle stance, waiting for them to do the same or at least acknowledge him, before he attacked.

    Due to being raised in a monastery and by himself, he's not very booksmart and doesn't always understand big words, and is absolutely not afraid to stop a fight and ask what the hell was just said to him. Kite is, however, rather street smart, and is very hard to trick due to a decade of life on his own.

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Physical Traits:
    [Click for Full Size]
    Kite Monastero VExz9yu

    History: Born to a whore and thrown into the river on the day of his birth, Kite was found several miles downstream by a monastery who took him in and raised him as a monk. He discovered his unique powers around the age of five when he accidentally collapsed the entire mountain, taking out several villages along with it due to a tantrum. He continued to obey the monastery teachings, proclaiming himself the last grand master of the order, and set about a ten year journey to master himself and his powers. Eventually he managed to succeed.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Kite fights with accuracy, speed, and power. He tries to avoid most hits when possible, and relies solely on his experience and training in a fight. He is a very intelligent fighter, capable of using his environment to his benefit in various ways such as covering himself with sand to blend into a desert. Kite is also a polite fighter, and usually won't attack an opponent who doesn't know where he is, preferring instead to mock them. He has been known to through feints simply to surprise opponents so he can laugh at them, instead of throwing feints to land solid hits.
    Strengths: Strength, Speed, Reiatsu, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Sensing, Zanjutsu

    Ability Name: Shockwave Generation
    Description: Kite is capable of creating a shockwave by making any motion he can think of. The shockwaves appear as a crack in reality whereever he struck, and the explosion itself can happen anywhere of his choosing within 50 meters of him. He cannot, however, target any creature directly with it, only adjacent to them, and a similar crack appears at the targeted location briefly before the explosion. The power of this shockwave can range from a bala to a Forbidden Kidou, with the power gaining an absolute cooldown equal to the level of shockwave he created. e.g., If he creates a maxed out shockwave, he can't create any shockwave for 5 posts.

    Ability Name: Tremor Fist
    Description: Kite can coat his fists in his energy, producing an explosive force behind them. Anything he punches takes the full, unbridled force of a Cero. This ability can be used once per post, but does not expire until Kite collides with something. While active, there is a visible sphere of dense reiatsu swirling around Kite's fist, and it can only be active on one fist at a time. If Shockwave Generation is not on cooldown, he can combine the two abilities into one attack for devastating results, as the impact triggers the explosion. This is the one way Kite can target a living creature directly.

    Ability Name: Wind Walk
    Description: By severing his earthly tethers, Kite is capable of walking and standing on air, allowing him to fly at his normal movement speed and be unrestricted by gravity. While a human technique, this is nearly identical to the way Shinigami airwalk, and is thus subject to the same rules. Any areas where a Shinigami could not airwalk, neither can Kite.

    Ability Name: Reiatsu Enhancement
    Description: Kite pumps his reiatsu through his body and at any point on his body for as long as he desires. While active to any extent, it drains reiryoku equivalent to a Shinigami casting Hado 4 every post. While active with this power, Kite is coated in an average hierro, his physical body strikes now count as if attacking with metal instead of flesh (though he is not more susceptible to electricity because it's not real metal) and he is able to block hits that would normally rend flesh from bone without his skin even being scratched. While he still takes the blunt damage of the force, and can still be bruised, he cannot be cut on the affected areas.

    Ability Name: Monk's Instinct
    Description: Kite is able to easily understand an opponent's method of fighting and anticipate their attacks by watching the way they move first, for at least one post, and basing educated guesses based on the way they move their body while they fight. Once he understands his enemy's strategy, he is able to find their flaws and weaknesses and take measures to exploit them, so long as he possesses the ability to do so in the first place. This doesn't give him psychic power, it's just paying attention really well and using that and his combat experience to make better judgment calls in the fight.

    Ability Name: Will of Fire
    Description: Kite can project his will into a permeable wall of force that extends outward from him in every direction at the speed of a bala, extending for 100ft. All creatures that come into contact with this wall of force take the full brunt of Kite's Reiatsu, attempting to render them unconscious or unwilling to fight. Creatures that are strong enough to resist this urge instead take a cero's worth of damage, while creatures who cannot resist are, as stated, knocked unconscious for a minimum of two posts. This has a 3 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Aura Manipulation
    Description: While not true "manipulation", Kite is capable of extending his reach by manipulating his spirit slightly. This allows him an extra 5ft of reach, and even allows attacks that seemed like they missed to make contact anyway by bending his spirit.

    Ability Name: Smite
    Description: Kite can attempt to purify a Hollow of their negative emotions and evil thoughts, inflicting a Gran Rey Cero's worth of damage internally while attempting to cleanse them. Hollows who resist take the damage, while Hollows who give in are purified completely and sent to Soul Society. This ability requires some form of physical contact, regardless of the specifics, and has a 5 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Body Supremacy
    Description: Kite is immune to all forms of mind control, manipulation, telekinesis, and possession. He can move his body in any way he can think of, even unnatural ways with no prior stretching required. If it's physically possible, Kite can do it. This includes but is not limited to dislocating his own joints in the middle of an attack.

    Ability Name: Mimicry
    Description: Kite can mimic any attack he sees at least twice. This has essentially no limit, ranging from a Hollow's Cero to a Shinigami's Kidou to a Quincy's Arrow to a manipulator using their preferred element. He can create only one attack with this power at a time, which is capped at a Cero's level of damage, and it has a 3 post cooldown. In order to mimic the same attack twice, he must see the attack performed four times; utilizing a mimicry spends the charge, and he cannot store them. He does not retain charges between threads, and he cannot contest a manipulator's element; he must use the already produced versions of the element that are in his surroundings, if any exist.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Kite Monastero Empty Re: Kite Monastero

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:42 pm

    Approved 2-2

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