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    To Become Stronger


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    To Become Stronger Empty To Become Stronger

    Post by Alysstrasza Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:34 am

    Under the pale moonlight of Hueco Mundo, lounging around on a rock, there laid a sleeping Vasto Lorde. Known as Lazarus, there were several other Hollows nearby keeping their voices down but chit chatting about whatever it is they cared about; Lazarus had a habit of not caring who followed him so long as they stayed out of his way and didn't try to harm him, so he'd garnered a bit of a following out of the desire to protect themselves from danger.

    There were a small number of Vasto Lordes in Hueco Mundo compared to all other types of Hollows. In his following, Lazarus had seven adjuchas and twelve gillian, all of whom were quietly minding their own business in the area that Lazarus stayed. His ears perked up and he glanced behind him, tilting his head softly as he stood up. He could sense another Vasto Lorde approaching from one direction, and from the other direction it seemed to be a Shinigami. That was strange.... they usually stayed out of Hueco Mundo. To encounter one Vasto Lorde was unlucky enough, but to encounter two...? Maybe this wasn't chance, maybe this was a planned encounter. Lazarus had exceptional sensing capabilities, more than the average Hollow did, so he wasn't entirely sure if the two approaching figures knew about him or each other yet. It seemed the second Vasto Lorde would arrive before the Shinigami did, but Lazarus didn't care too much.

    He'd survive this, just like he survived everything else. His followers, on the other hand...

    "Flee." The nineteen Hollows in the vicinity began to panic and take off in random directions, one of the adjuchas heading straight towards the other Vasto Lorde while one of the gillian headed straight towards the Shinigami, and the others all scattered to the winds. Lazarus himself hopped off the rock, cracked his neck, and sat down in the sands awaiting the arrival of the strong ones. He felt no loyalty towards those who stuck around him for safety, so he wouldn't be upset if the two who headed straight into the danger zones ended up dead, but he did keep his senses open to keep track of them.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:11 pm

    M'runa did not need to feed, nor was she particularly in the mood for a meal, however she craved combat and none other than her own were available. This displeased her but she quickly got over it since she had been searching for weeks, possibly longer she is no longer sure, and now she had seemingly found someone worthy. She did not yet know there was a Shinigami coming, but by the time she finished reaching the intended Vasto Lorde objective she would find out on her own anyways.

    As far as the poor soul heading in her direction in a panic. It chose the wrong direction. It skidded and slid to a halt as quickly as it could manage once it realized it's immediate and lethal error, but it was too late and it was cleaved in twine long before it realized it was already dead by the clawed hand of M'runa. The tall bipedal, seemingly cat-adjacent looking, Vasto Lorde cared nothing for the weak or useless. The thing proved to be both in just two seconds and thus she had ended it.

    Finally physically reaching the location she had aimed to in a casual walk, she observed Lazarus, but said nothing yet, nor did she move to engage in battle with him at this point either though. As if she were attempting to gleam whether or not this was in fact worth her effort and time first. Finding a Vasto Lorde of her caliber was exceedingly rare, and it caused even M'runa to calm her battle-inclined desires to consider if keeping this one as an ally or possibly a servant would be more valuable in the long run than trying to fight or kill it.

    Before she could finish coming to her own conclusion to her thoughts however, She detected what Lazarus had already known, a Shinigami was coming towards them, and by the feel of the spiritual pressure, it was not a typical shinigami either.. it was massively powerful. Perhaps even more so than M'runa was though her own pride in herself would prevent her from admitting such.

    Instead of attempting to press the matter of Lazarus' existence as a friend or foe. M'runa instead turned her gaze towards the direction the Shinigami would be coming from and waited. Not sitting like Lazarus seemed to be, but relatively nearby and relaxed enough.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by OnyxLockdown Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:40 pm

    Why the gillian was heading her way was a bit baffling to her. Maybe all it saw was a shinigami with no markings indicating rank or division. Perhaps it thought she was some poor lost low ranking schmuck that was in way over her head, or perhaps it was just hungry enough that it was just taking a chance. Big, yes. Bulky, sure. But mostly just a hindrance that could be dealt with easily. After all, she was here for a reason, and this walking wall of overcompensation wasn't it.

    She'd managed to sniff out two Vasto Lorde, which were rare enough on their own. Two of them in such close proximity would usually be cause for concern, but that was in her old position. Now it was a pleasant little opportunity. As the gillian's body dissolved, she neatly sheathed her blade and carried on. Sensing wasn't her best area of expertise, but even she couldn't miss these two.

    She finally stepped into view, one hand lazily resting on the handle of her Zanpakuto as she eyed the two before her. In theory, the strength of an arrancar was based on what class of hollow it was before it... ascended. Two Vasto Lordes would be potent allies, especially if they took her up on her offer.

    "The first stage of this interview begins now." Bashira snapped her fingers with a slight smile, triggering two hulking figures to burst from the ground behind her.

    They were hollow at least at a glance. They each had the upper half of a Gillian mask, the lower half just unshaven chins and snarling grins. They each carried what appeared to be large serrated cleavers, already stained with blood. "You got it, boss lady," One of them growled,  a little too eager despite the power difference. She'd turned these two into arrancar not long ago, and this battle was as much a test of strength for the Vasto Lordes she'd found as it was a proof of concept. The twin arrancar lunged forward, unaware that their increased power still was t enough to stand much of a chance against their opponents.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Alysstrasza Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:35 pm

    At first, Lazarus wasn't sure what to make of the other Vasto Lorde. She seemed barely weaker than himself, but he had enough experience to know that it meant she posed a threat if she wanted to. Luckily she seemed less interested in him and more interested in the approaching Shinigami, so he kept a glance at her while he awaited the arrival of the other one. The hollows who had fled toward these two had both perished, at least mercifully quickly, but Lazarus felt no attachment to them. He was simply one they rallied behind for their own safety, he never promised them he would keep them safe.

    As the Shinigami approached, she spoke about an interview and summoned forth two beings who, at first, seemed like Hollow. Lazarus recognized them as Arrancar, something he'd only heard of and never seen on his own. A small part of him wanted nothing to do with this, as he was content living his life of solitude, but he couldn't deny the desire for change. An interview... was she seeing if they were worthy of becoming Arrancar as well? In theory, the power of an Arrancar was based on the form they had before their ascension, and based on what he was sensing from these two, they were definitely not also Vasto Lordes like his newcomer and himself.

    Standing up, Lazarus waited for his opponent to approach him, and when within his reach Lazarus jetted his arm forward, grabbing the Arrancar by the neck, as he slammed him into the ground and unleashed a Cero point blank with barely any charge time. He glanced back to the Shinigami, annoyed by the interview process, and waiting for the other Arrancar to be dealt with in whichever way the newcomer chose. When all was said and done, he spoke only a single word.

    "Explain." He sat back down, disinterested in standing up, as he motioned for the two to join him.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Rena Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:45 pm

    The woman shinigami killed the hollow that had attempted to flee from M'runa's entrance in the wrong direction with her zanpaktou before sheathing it. Well at least that meant the woman was certainly not a lost pup. She knew exactly what she was doing and what was going on. Speaking something M'runa did not care to listen to she called forth two hollow's who looked different than a regular hollow. While she did not know of this phenomena herself, she could tell they were no longer simple Hollow. They mimicked the same speech the woman had used, seeming like they were her lackeys, before charging at the other Vasto Lorde and M'runa herself. Her would be ally/foe easily dispatched his with one hand and a cero.

    M'runa however did not respond to threats. Regardless of reason. The would be assailant did not reach her position because she had both spiked her power as far as it would go for a brief moment, and then used that power to fire a cero at the fool the second he had moved in her direction. Specifically and purposely aiming to wipe his head clean off his torso neck and all. This cero was "slightly" tilted to miss Bashira, but it was very clear that the Vasto Lorde had missed Bashira by such a narrow margin on purpose. The man's power was insignificant and M'runa did not hold back against anything nor did she receive threats from would be foes without consequences. However she was not a fool. Instead of attacking the shinigami again or directly, She instead glanced over at the other Vasto Lorde, who had sat back and demanded something of the woman in the same speech she had used earlier. That meant fighting her was either too much of a challenge, or she had something of value beyond being a meal.

    This alone interested M'runa enough to simply wait and do nothing beyond stand where she was. though she did put her arm down at her side, having raised it to fire the earlier cero. If nothing else this was worth waiting before taking further action..

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by OnyxLockdown Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:37 am

    "Notable increase in strength and speed. I see. Definitely worth exploring further..." Bashira muttered to herself as her two fresh lackeys were cut down fairly quickly. Arrancar of that rank would serve as good foot soldiers against rank and file shinigami, but she needed something more substantial for seated officers and above. Luckily, two such individuals were standing right in front of her.

    "As you can see, those two were above the usual caliber one might expect from a basic hollow. Of course, they were still no match for either of you. Expected of Vasto Lordes." She stepped forward, clapping to commemorate the victory, as easily won as it was. Playing things cautiously was a necessity with these two, as even with her own strength, fighting two Vasto Lordes would be a real gamble.

    "I can offer you more power as well, and given your current abilities, why... I can only begin to imagine the results. I have the means of aiding you in shedding those pesky masks and breaking the barriers that shackle you." Bashira offered a wide smile as she extended a hand to whichever would take the offer first. Of not, her other hand still rested casually on her blade, a necessary precaution. "All I ask is that you do something for me in return. I offer... A job of sorts, one that will both date your bloodlust, as well as offer an all you can eat buffet of hollows and souls. Shall I continue, or does this not interest you?"

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Alysstrasza Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:09 am

    Lazarus sat, listening to every word Bashira spoke. He knew now what her true motives were, but he wasn't so stupid that he didn't understand a contract. He could tell that she was around his age, but couldn't tell specifics; just that all three people present in this conversation were approximately a thousand years old. He glanced over at the other Vasto Lorde, wondering why she hadn't spoken anything. A few reasons crossed his mind, but he settled on her being a quiet type like he was; it's not like he had many other Vasto Lordes to compare to.

    The Shinigami seemed to know a lot about them. Well, it at least knew they were Vasto Lordes, and by proxy knew they were Hollows. Admittedly, there wasn't much else she could glean from as little information as she had. The offer of more power obviously intrigued Lazarus, but power comes at a cost. Indentured servitude, most likely... was he willing to put up with that?

    With a second Vasto Lorde at his side, it was unlikely this shinigami posed any real threat. Maybe one of the two of them would die, but the other would surely get to feast on that absurdly powerful soul. He bet it tasted like chicken. Lazarus couldn't help but lick his lips softly as he stood up, cracking his neck. Wordlessly, he stepped forward and extended a hand back towards her, shaking it like the humans do.

    "Do not betray my expectations, Shinigami." He gripped her hand tighter, wordlessly implying that there would be grim expectations for betrayal. He was doing something alien to his entire nature, trusting a Shinigami. Yet, curiously, they weren't being hostile. To know there were intentions afoot was obvious, but Lazarus didn't dare dream of how deep they ran. The offer of power was enough; he'd heard of Arrancars, but had never managed to become one of his own power. Maybe now he could find something worth living for. It was odd to him that they were making this exchange without any names being shared, but he simply didn't want to be the first to show weakness in that regard. If they did not require names, neither did he.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Rena Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:23 am

    M'runa simply glared at Bashira when she blatantly ignored M'runa's implied threat to her life from the previous show of force, but otherwise remained where she was while Bashira spoke at Lazarus and then watched with intrigue as Lazarus decided to saunter up to the Shinigami and shake her hand as if he was a human, of all things. However having already set her sights, she refused to allow the chance for the other Vasto Lorde to obtain some kind of secret power up that she did not get to partake on nor could achieve on her own. Whether she gained power or something else was irrelevant to her right now, as long as she had the same playing field as the original target of her focus she didn't care.

    After Lazarus ended the handshake M"runa would sonido to get there quickly, eyeballing the hand that was likely extended her way, or waiting for it to be, before raising a hand and carefully shaking it as to not imply hostility. Once she let go she simply narrowed her eyes at Bashira and waited to see what would happen, but did not take a step back or make any movements as if she intended to do so. She just kept staring down slightly at Bashira as if staring down her nose at the woman, since while Bashira was 6'4, M'runa was currently 6'6'' and Lazarus was 6''7''. Meaning Bashira was the smallest present, by an insignificant margin sure, but enough of one that it allowed M'runa to do what she was doing.

    This had better be worth postponing her hunt. She had not given up so much including her own speech for more power simply to lose it all over some silly shinigami and their "claim" of greater glory. If this did not live up to what Lazarus expressed as "Expectations" except for M'runa personally.. then it was likely they would kill her together before M'runa once again turned her attention back on Lazarus.

    For now she just kept staring at Bashira waiting for the shinigami to do something though.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by OnyxLockdown Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:01 am

    "I do like an open mind. Why don't I give you the rundown." Bashira was starting to get the feeling that neither of these two cheery folks had ever really shaken hands before, or for that matter actually sat down and had a proper conversation that didn't end in a fatality. At least they made an attempt at it, even if one of them did the whole too hard of a handshake deal. The other one seemed to rush over for such pleasantries, though Bashira suspected that it was more so to not miss out on the scant chance that her offer was more than too good to be true.

    "It should be no secret where I come from. The Gotei has become... Complacent, impotent. Too much bureaucracy, meddling from noble clans, pesky politics that only drag it all down. They've become too comfortable, and that needs to change." Bashira's smile faded into a far more grim expression as she reached into her robes and produced a small stone, pulsing with power in the palm of her hand. "I want to make them sweat, panic as they remember what danger your kind truly represents. I will do what I must to restore the Gotei to what it was always meant to be. And should you aid me in this task, I offer you power beyond even what some of those milquetoast excuses of captains could only dream of achieving. Should you survive, you'll be free to do as you please with no interference from me, free to inflict your will and desires on all of those who oppose you."

    Her grip suddenly tightened around the stone into a fist, a ghastly form of her Zanpakuto spirit appearing behind her with arms outstretched, blinding light emanating from her form. Having Hinode make an appearance really wasn't necessary for this, but sometimes you needed a little razzledazzle and theatrics to really hit a pitch home."Worry not about your expectations. Behold your ascension!"

    All sound seemed to fade for a moment, replaced by a rushing flood of pure energy from the stone. Bashira turned her hand towards them, the Hogyoku floating an inch or so away from her palm. And with a blinding flash, those pesky masks began to crack.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:25 am

    Both of the Vasto Lordes seemed willing to undergo this experiment. Neither knew exactly what it would entail or what the outcome would be, simply that they were going to get stronger. As the Shinigami explained about the Gotei, and the price for their power, Lazarus listened intently. A simple mission this was not, as the Gotei was carefully defended and he knew it well; Lazarus has been there on several occasions in his youth, on the outskirts of what the Gotei calls the Rukongai, but had never made it into the central Soul Society. He had no idea how far he could make it now as a Vasto Lorde, but agreeing to this Shinigami's plan would imply that there were other Arrancar following her; which made sense given that she was making them herself.

    What could the Gotei have done that invoked her ire so strongly? It was neither here nor there, so Lazarus did not attempt to reach a conclusion. Instead, he simply watched the stone in her hand with a curious interest; he'd never seen its like before, and as the Shinigami's Zanpakutou spirit flared outward, Lazarus for a brief moment thought he'd been tricked. Before he could even flare up his own reiatsu in an attempt to fight back, he could sense the buildup of energy flowing from the stone towards the two Vasto Lordes, and felt it course through his body into every molecule.

    A greater pain he had never felt. It was like he was going through a metamorphosis, and figuratively clawing his way out of his own skin. He thought he was going to die, but the pain eventually numbed down; he was the king of adaption after all, and the pain did not vary in style or intensity. Just a constant feeling that he was able to overcome like all the others, and he stood tall as his mask cracked and splintered away, leaving only a visor across his eyes. He could feel the wind of Hueco Mundo flowing through his hair, caressing his cheek and chin, and for a moment thought himself human again. He stared down at the sword which had appeared in his hand, and instinctively knew it's name and call out. This must be what it was like for the Shinigami, though he assumed they went through more training and probably less pain to do it, as the stone in the Shinigami's hand before him seemed unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

    The red haired man cracked his neck once more, this one much louder and echoing throughout the area as he stretched his body and couldn't help but smile. He felt faster, stronger. He didn't know the full limitations of his new form yet, but he could tell it had worked. He glanced over to the other Vasto Lorde to see what became of them. He still did not know their name, where they came from, or if they could even talk, but it was likely that all would change once their form did. Hopefully the Shinigami introduced herself first, as Lazarus really didn't want to be the one to break that ice; it was a matter of pride now.

    Various thoughts ran through his head in a matter of seconds, most involving testing his new power, but he knew damn well that he was one of the strongest hollows Hueco Mundo had to offer. He had never directly met any stronger than he, and if he felt even stronger after the transformation it was unlikely he'd find a subject he could truly go all out on without causing irreperable damage just yet. No, he'd be patient, and await the Shinigami's plan to invade the Gotei and restore it to what it was meant to be: a pile of dirty rubble, a monument to the futility of their actions.

    When all was said and done, he'd rule over all three realms. In this moment, he was sure of it.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Rena Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:35 pm

    M'runa watched the shinigami play with a stone, rambling in that same speech pattern about..something. The other vasto lorde seemed to simply let her do so, so M'runa herself figured none of it mattered beyond being a monologue of sorts. Perhaps it was the shinigami's entire plan for the two of them, but that mattered little to M'runa even if M'runa could understand what it was. When the stone began to emit an energy M'runa could neither recognize or comprehend the depth of, she jumped backwards instinctively, however she relaxed when she noticed Lazarus did not move. By the time she had finished doing so the stone's energy had already reached the two of them and began doing it's..magic.

    Pain was the first thing she felt, and while she initially was surprised by the sensation, since her heirro was possibly the strongest known to Hollow-kind and thus prevented such a thing, she overcame that surprise a moment later and fought back with unyielding rage and resolve. Her spiritual power, unlike Lazarus who had not managed to in time, spiked to it's highest for the second time and did so immediately as if she was going to fight the energy that had invaded her very core. Instead of fighting it however she was merely screaming, not verbally since she could not, but with her energy flare itself. Screaming against the agony, denying it foothold in her mind as she physically changed. Her entire outer structure more drastically shifting than Lazarus' had. The once six and a half foot tall Vasto Lorde shrunk to a mere five foot three inches tall, her body cracking apart to reveal an almost entirely human form, her eyes remained the same cat like slits of yellow that they were before, and her cat ears also remained unchanged, but the rest of her could easily pass as human now.

    As the changes finalized and her body stopped being racked by pain beyond imagination. She settled down her spiritual pressure of her own accord, staring at one of her hands as she clenched the alien object closed and open several times. Her body, as if realizing it was naked, instantly reacted by reforming her Heirro, with the new changes she had undergone however, instead of being an invisible forcefield as was normal of a hollow..

    M'runa was now encased in a full suit of silver armor, minus a helm, though she felt that her heirro was still active on her head too. Interesting.

    She continued staring at her hand, clenching and unclenching the same, now gauntlet covered, fist. She had gained.. some power. Not as much as she felt Lazarus seemed to gain, though the fact she was thinking that way showed her she had gained far more than simple power. upon that conclusion she glanced, without moving her head, at Bashira the shinigami, before looking at Lazarus, then back to her hand. She thought back on what she had heard them say in that ramble of speech she could not have known before.

    Suddenly the fruits of her transformation became immediately apparent. Not only did her mind flood with the knowledge of what they had spoken in her presence, a memory she would have normally discarded by now since she didn't actively know what they had said, but it was being translated by her new insight and intellectual ability both of which she had previously forsaken in the pursuit of power. After another moment of staring at her own fist she knew exactly what had been said, why it had been said, and what it had implied. She looked up at Bashira, head and all this time, and once again glared at the woman, she had basically enslaved them for this gift. Not that M'runa was in any position to do anything about it right now, but that thought did not sit well with her. However she would play along for now regardless.

    She grunted. Slightly. Almost inaudibly as it was the first time in hundreds of years she had tried to speak, however she cleared her throat after frowning then tried again, "I am M'runa yae Galvus.. and I shall destroy your enemies." It was the closest to a pledge of loyalty Bashira was ever going to get and M'runa was unlikely to ever repeat that again.

    At this point she looked at Lazarus again, noticing he was now armed with a sword, a zanpaktou, similar to the shinigami. She looked around her waist and both hands, but did not possess a blade of her own, unfortunate. However upon thinking that she should have a weapon, and having the sudden desire for one appear in her mind. Her spiritual pressure once more flooded the area, not nearly as high or as wildly as before though, before it coalesced in the air above M'runa herself into one singular form.

    That of a spear. A spear which immediately threw itself into the ground infront of the woman "Arrancar" who grabbed it and merely cracked a smile simply because her new intelligence told her exactly what this was and what it was meant to do. This was HER Zanpaktou.. and with it she would obliterate any foe before her. Except perhaps.. Bashira the shinigami. She did just swear to kill the lady's own enemies rather than attack her.. so it would be best to at least keep her word.

    What was anyone without their own word of honor after all? Bashira had not lied up to this point, Lazarus had not lied up to this point, M'runa sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to start lying now.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by OnyxLockdown Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:40 am

    "I had high hopes for you two, and I must say, this has worked out splendidly." The Hogyoku ceased its activity, settling in Bashira's palm. After tucking it away, she could no longer contain the smile on her lips. She'd helped these two become something more than just a hollow. They'd become something much more, even so that would cause captains to question if the trip to Hueco Mundo would be worth the danger.

    One of them, M'runa, seemed to be on board beyond a shadow of a doubt. That meant so far she had at least 50% retention after ascension. Good... Good. Though total loyalty wasn't exactly assured here, it did seem that Bashira was up to an excellent start. The other seemed more than satisfied with his substantial boost to his power. She'd probably have to do more to keep him in line, but for now, it looked like she'd have him on her side.

    "I suppose introductions are in order. I am Bashira Kinoshita, former Captain Commander of the Gotei." With her introduction, she offered a slight bow. Many more menos arrancar emerged from behind rocks, lacking the hostile intentions of the pair Bashira had thrown at them. They were here to observe the rebirth of those who would be commanding them in battle, not to fight and die.

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    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Alysstrasza Fri Aug 02, 2024 6:00 pm

    The Vasto Lorde finally broke the silence with a barely audible grunt that Lazarus wasn't even sure he'd heard before clearing her throat and speaking her name. Admittedly, he was surprised at how much she had shrank, but just a glance was enough to confirm she was the same Vasto Lorde who'd been beside him this entire time. Now he alone stood towering over them, as his height had remained unchanged.

    M'runa yae Galvus, she said. Lazarus recalled memories of a being of this name, but couldn't recall if he'd ever met them himself or if he'd just heard stories. He discarded the thought as regardless the past was the past, and decided to live in the moment instead. She had introduced herself, and after a brief comment she introduced herself as well; Bashira Kinoshita. Now that name, Lazarus was sure he had heard of, but knew this was their first direct encounter. He had been a Vasto Lorde when Bashira was first elected to Captain Commander, or at least when news of the incident spread across Hueco Mundo.

    "Lazarus Renault." Compared to before, his voice was much smoother now, and even deeper. It was also much smoother, as talking was now effortless to him instead of being strained through his previous body. "Consider the bargain upheld." He glanced at the incoming crowd from behind them, and couldn't help but smirk. Yes, peasants, bask in the glory that is your new god. Even if you don't know it yet.

    From behind his mask, Lazarus' eyes became white as he experimented with his new power, observing the numerous reiatsu signatures and acknowledging what he understood from it. In a blur he was in front of them, holding out a hand in a friendly fashion towards none in particular, as if to say he was introducing himself to them. One hollow shook his hand, but recoiled in pain as Lazarus had shattered the hollow's hand in an attempt to see how much strength he had now. Satisfied with the results, he turned to Bashira and pointed at the Hollow as if to wordlessly say "heal him for me", while he began to walk away, or at least to a more neutral position. He didn't expect combat to happen beyond what he'd just done, but didn't want to be surrounded by weak Hollows or stay in Bashira's direct presence longer than necessary.

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    Age : 32

    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by Rena Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:57 pm

    M'runa was largely accepted for what it was worth, though Bashira didn't seem to notice or care about M'runa's mannerisms, no matter to M'runa though who was spinning her new spear around in one hand while she minded her own business and waited for Bashira and Lazarus to conclude their "bargain" moment. Eventually Lazarus tried to shake one of the other hollow's hand only to accidentally break it. Which was funnier than it should have been, but M'runa didn't start laughing at it.

    One of the more bold Arrancar that would be serving under M'runa sauntered up to her and extended his hand, knowing full well she could likely break it on accident like Lazarus just did, but not showing any fear of such a consequence. However unlike Lazarus, M'runa had been the utmost epitome of careful this entire time. Both when she tried very hard to not break Bashira's hand on accident earlier, and then when she "narrowly" avoided hitting Bashira with a cero. That did not change now, she very calmly gripped the things hand and shook it like a normal person, albeit with a bit of slowness because she didn't want to rip the guys arm off.

    Once she finished the "handshake" process, more arrancar came over to try and "socialize" though it was more letting her know she commanded all of them unless Bashira said otherwise, but she mostly ignored them and allowed them to ramble at her on their own, she was too busy staring at Bashira. Who had introduced herself, had accepted their pledges, and had given them power as promised.

    What she hadn't done is tell them what they were going to do next. M'runa didn't have a home, didn't care if one was provided, and was only interested in her own pursuits. She did not "care" the same way most people did, and thus whatever Bashira wanted needed to be known not because M'runa was interested, but because knowing would let M'runa take action in that direction of course sooner rather than being bored and waiting around for something to happen.

    Heck Bashira could probably say they'd be taking a stroll to Seireitei inside Soul Society and M'runa would just get prepared for battle. Didn't think that'd come up though, but who knows. This shinigami was clearly against whatever was going on normally as was, so maybe she did just wanna destroy it all and rebuild from scratch. Not that that would change anything for any of hollow kind.. but hey whatever.

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2024-07-15

    To Become Stronger Empty Re: To Become Stronger

    Post by OnyxLockdown Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:46 pm

    "Please do try not to injure to many of them. I do need standard rank and file, and they can't fight as well if their hands are broken." Bashira would sigh, waving a hand as another foot soldier trudged over to deal with the poor bastard with a crushed hand. Healing was never really her thing, or a focus of her clan for the most part. Though it did raise an important issue: she'd need someone with healing capabilities on hand, just case.

    More arrancar on the level of these two would be needed, that was for sure. To act as heavy hitters, generals to lead troops, and to out the fear of death back into the Gotei and their milquetoast rank and file. She'd need more than just the handful of them she had, but it was something she could work with for now. Because the next time she would return to the Seireitei, there would be blood, fire, destruction. With enough of them, she could even storm the Central 46 and wipe yet another slate clean.

    "Come with me, there's much to discuss. There's a lot that needs to be done before we can make any substantial moves. But we can go into the... juicier details back home. I think the place was called Las Noches... Whatever, I've gone and restored it. I'll give you the full tour when we get there." Bashira turned on her heels and walked away, waving a hand over her shoulder as a sign that the two should follow her. The other arrancar she'd brought with her fanned out, some moving ahead of her to scout out the path back to the restored city, while other lingered back to make sure no one uninvited followed them. "M'runa and Lazarus. I'll be sure to give you two plenty of things to do. Can't have either of you getting bored with those new powers of yours, hmm?"

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