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    Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain)


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain) Empty Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain)

    Post by Alysstrasza Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:52 am

    Name: Mizuki de Grey
    Real Age: 1224
    Phys. Age: 37
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Mizuki possesses an eternally inquisitive nature, and is always eager to learn new information about a subject. She is never satisfied with what she does know, but also never forgets information she's learned and has been known to compare situations and people directly to their face, without regard for how any involved parties might take it. Despite her outgoing and friendly behavior, Mizuki comes across as dramatically creepy, always probing for answers and being cryptic in her own responses.

    Mizuki acts as a sort of therapist for most people, especially Shinigami, as she has such a wide variety of knowledge that she can often diagnose issues and even attempt to create compounds that would alleviate the symptoms. While she's not as good at the curing thing as she'd like to be, she does often take advantage of this fact by testing new compounds out on willing targets who think they're curealls.

    In reality, Mizuki is an enigma who has spent centuries making sure no one knows exactly what she wants or why she's always doing research. Even those closest to her can only have inclinations as to her true intentions, but there is no doubt of her undying loyalty to Soul Society.

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 120lbs
    [Click for Full Size]
    Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain) 8e6O4hC

    History: Born into a noble family on Earth, Mizuki's young life was riddled with experiments and research done on her. Her father was seeking eternal youth and had used her as a test subject from a young age. She was exposed to alchemy, crude biochemical studies, and other such rough experimentation. When she eventually died due to it, she did not resent him and instead took up his mantle and joined Soul Society under the 3rd Squad to further his research and development. She married into the de Grey household and became it's Clan Head after her husband passed. Eventually, she became Captain of the 3rd Squad.
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Mizuki fights with dirty, underhanded tactics and very rarely 'brawls' her targets. She uses a mix of her own abilities, kidou, hakuda, and zanjutsu, in a fluid ever changing style that can't be replicated. She is known for very, very rarely killing her opponents. She almost always has other plans for them.

    Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Kidou
    Weaknesses: Strength, Durability

    Ability Name: Supreme Intelligence
    Ability Description: Mizuki has an intelligence that far surpasses what anyone might expect of her. Her plans are impossible to understand the full extent of or the complexity of. Mizuki's intelligence quota is unknown. This is not to say that she is omniscient to any extent, just that she is extremely quick to pick up on new things and master them far more quickly than one might expect. Her brain has more wrinkles than you can possibly comprehend.

    Ability Name: Apex Inventor
    Ability Description: Mizuki is extremely proficient at creating new and extraordinary things. This is not to say that she already has the answer to any problem, but it allows her and her entire species (the Shinigami) the ability to create things they otherwise could not of, and allows her to operate under even the most dire circumstances. Tony Stark built this in a cave... with SCRAPS. She can do this with just her reiryoku in a day.

    Sealed Appearance: A short katana with a white sheathe and white grip carried on her left hip.
    Zanpakutou Name: Surudoi Konbou
    Call Out Command: Impact

    Appearance: A pair of simplistic looking Sai.

    Ability Name: Bingo Book
    Ability Description: Mizuki possesses an almost unfounded level of information, and is capable of knowing the full potential of what someone is capable of based on sight. The moment her Shikai comes into contact with any amount of her opponent's blood, she instantly knows exactly what powers they have and how long between uses each power has. Mizuki instinctively knows everything from strengths and weaknesses, to racial powers and proficiency, to their names and backstories of anyone she has come into contact with the blood of. Once information has been 'downloaded' in this way it is never deleted. Mizuki's Bingo Book information auto-updates when any change from her recorded information occurs, whether or not she is directly aware of the change.

    Ability Name: Fool's Fortune
    Ability Description: Mizuki is capable of affecting the luck of herself and those around her. She cannot pick and choose subjects for this ability, it affects everyone and everything within 50 meters of her equally which includes her herself. If she raises the luck stat, everyone is simultaneously more lucky in various ways; if she lowers it, everyone is less lucky. This is largely up to the player's interpretation. This affects structures, the very ground itself, weather patterns, and anything else.

    Ability Name: Chemical Composition
    Ability Description: Mizuki is capable of coating one of the following poisons into her sais at any given time and she can change which poison she is using at will. Each poison has a grace of three posts and lasts two posts. As these can only be applied to her sais she can only effect someone with them by hitting them. Even the lightest graze can apply the poison. Spiritual beings that are effected by a specific poison develop immunity to that poison for 7 posts, beginning when the effect ends.
    1. Hydrocarbons. This is a broad category that includes gasoline, kerosene, lamp oil, motor oil, lighter fluid, furniture polish, and paint thinner. These liquids are easy to choke on if someone tries to swallow them. If that happens, they can go down into the lungs instead of the stomach. If a hydrocarbon gets into someone’s lungs, it can make it hard to breathe. They can also cause lung inflammation (like pneumonia). This builds up over a period of three inflictions, at which point spiritual beings suffer from the effects of drowning for one post and inability to 'catch their breath' for 3 posts.
    2. Glue. Mizuki is capable of creating a glue that lasts for 3 posts and glues anything she touches together for 4 posts. When the effect ends, her own blades are removed from the glue but nothing else is. Spiritual beings can fight this with a strength check, but those lacking in physical strength must make up for it in spiritual prowess. Most are capable with enough effort, but it will require effort indeed.
    3. Neurotoxin. Mizuki's last resort is a poison that activates every fifth wound. Unlike other poisons it does not wear off unless she chooses it too, but it is not immediately fatal. Every infliction causes the victim to gain an increasing effect of the following order; drowsiness, dizziness, strong emotional states (whatever they're feeling is amplified x100), strong drowsiness, minor delirium, hallucinations, strong dizziness, delirium, dehydration, strong hallucinations, memory of narcolepsy, strong delirium, unhinged thoughts, psychosis, migraines, dementia, partial amnesia of past, strong psychosis, strong migraines, strong dementia, strong dehydration, major amnesia, post traumatic stress disorder, strong drunkeness, schizophrenia. Please note that while this list is extensive, the final effect 'schizophrenia' requires 125 individual applications of the poison.

    New Name: Kusari-Tsuki Surudoi Konbou
    New Description: In Bankai, the Sais grow chains that wrap around Mizuki's wrists tightly. The chains then allow Mizuki to wield the Sai as medium-range weapons always within her grasp as she can physically manipulate them as necessary. Think Blades of Chaos from God of War.

    Ability Name: Alien Physiology
    Ability Description: While in her Bankai state, Mizuki has no internal organs. Death of Mizuki can still be achieved through decapitation, severing her spinal cord, but otherwise damage is "almost" pointless. Mizuki does not bleed, feel pain, or struggle to move her body even when she by all rights should be incapable of it. Broken bones mean nothing to her. Destroying her head through any means also acounts as decapitation in this context.

    Ability Name: Invasion
    Ability Description: Mizuki can read surface level thoughts of anyone within 15 ft of her. She cannot delve deeper into people's minds, and can only read their most surface level, bare bones thoughts. She can only read the mind of one person at a time, and when she does so they "hear" static that seems to come from within. Clever characters can interpret this when she dodges their every move and can blank their own minds, or strongly think about punching when they kick, etc. After staying on a single target for more than 3 posts, the effect is halved in power. After staying on a single target for 5 total posts, the effect is halved once again. It can be reset by ending the effect on that target for one entire post. Essentially she has to give you a break in order to reset the efficacy.

    Ability Name: Reishi Constructs
    Ability Description: So long as Mizuki is within a highly spiritual area (Soul Society or Hueco Mundo) she can freely create constructs with reishi with only her imagination as the limit. This includes but is not limited to tens of guns simultaneously, a rocket launcher, multiple swords that act according to her will, etc. This is limited to offensive options and cannot be used to create walls or shields. The constructs are made of average material and can be destroyed by most attacks from a Zanpakutou. This consumes energy from Mizuki to create as well and is not free for her, but does enable her to create up to 2 of the following at any given time, as examples:
    • 10 Assault Rifles. These are spread out around her that are aimed at her target. These fire standard bullets made of solidified reishi, and deal exclusively physical damage to what they come into contact to.
    • 1 Rocket Launcher. This is capable of launching a blast roughly equivalent to a cero, and can be fired off once per post. If it comes into contact with a cero, the blast will neutralize the cero and neither will explode.
    • 5 Swords. These are capable of moving at the speed of sound around her within 15ft and do not require physical contact with her to do so. Each sword is capable of blocking a bala before shattering, and she can create 5 per post.
    • 2 Giant Gauntlets. Each of these hands could easily wrap around an average person and attempt to pick them up, and are made of iron. They are capable of moving at bala speed, and twice per post she can launch each fist as a giant punch attack to inflict bala damage in a 15x15ft area. This is limited to 30ft of her before she is incapable of reaching her targets with the fists.
    • 5 Spears. The spears are approximately one foot long and appear to be made of glass. The spears circle her in a vertical formation and can be launched at bala speeds as purely physical attacks roughly equalling Hado 4: Byakurai. Each spear shatters on use. All 5 spears together can equal a gran rey cero in power, and when fired as such they can negate the blast of the gran rey cero entirely through rotational energy. When used in this manner, they gain a 4 post cooldown, and all 5 spears must be intact to perform this action. If attacked by a Zanpakutou on the way, the blast is only reduced by half; if a single spear is destroyed, the attack fails or can't be used in the first place. She can produce one spear every post to replace the ones she's lost, and each spear can effectively block one physical attack before shattering, regardless of strength.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain) Empty Re: Mizuki de Grey (Squad 3 Captain)

    Post by Ika Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:07 pm

    Approved 1-1

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