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    Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi)


    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2024-07-13

    Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi) Empty Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi)

    Post by Alysstrasza Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:00 pm

    Name: Yamamoto Kishibe
    Real Age: 1850
    Phys. Age: 52
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Yamamoto is a no-nonsense kinda guy. He doesn't tolerate slander or libel, nor does he enjoy comedy and humor. He wants people to stay away from him unless his attention on them is necessary, and then expects them to be quick about it and go back to leaving him alone. The only time he's slow going is in a fight to make it last longer, because he loves the feeling of adrenaline pumping through him, the ringing of his heartbeat in his ears, the taste of blood in his mouth, he loves all of it. Fighting is what makes Yamamoto who he is.

    He drinks and gambles most of his possessions away, as he has poor instinct when it comes to gambling, but has very sharp instincts in all other manners. He's quick to jump to conclusions, and is quicker to act on them. Yamamoto is also incredibly mysogynistic, viewing women as weak and absolutely shouldn't be on the battlefield. He trusts no one and nothing, and expects the same treatment from all others.

    Height: 6'4"
    Weight: 250 lbs
    Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi) ZkH0BeF

    Exposition: The OG Kenpachi
    Side Notes:

    General Fighting Style: Yamamoto possesses an incredible level of instinct on the battlefield, and is very quick to adapt to changes. He is slow and meticulous in his actions, preferring to make fights last longer simply because he enjoys them. He fights with an absolute mixture of martial arts and swordplay, being a grandmaster of all forms of combat.

    Strengths: Strength, Endurance, Reiryoku
    Weaknesses: Speed, Sensing

    Ability Name: Hakuda Grandmaster
    Ability Description: Yamamoto is a Grandmaster of Hakuda and has spent countless hours perfecting it. He can perform nearly any martial art with incredible accuracy, and is capable of mixing them together and with Zanjutsu for a unique fighting style.

    Ability Name: Zanjutsu Grandmaster
    Ability Description: Yamamoto is a Grandmaster of Zanjutsu and has spent countless hours perfecting it. He can perform nearly any sword technique with incredible accuracy, and is capable of mixing them together and with Hakuda for a unique fighting style.

    Sealed Appearance: While sealed, Yamamoto's Zanpakutou takes the form of a nodachi in pristine condition. The sheathe is black with red trim, the pommel is a ruby dragon head, the wrap is red silk, and the blade itself is black with a red edge.
    Zanpakutou Name: Karito
    Call Out Command: Time to Play

    Appearance: Two of These

    Ability Name: Heavenly Contract
    Ability Description: The moment Yamamoto enters his Shikai or Bankai, he ceases to emit Reiatsu. This does mean that he is unable to use it in an attempt to influence others to any extent, but does not mean that any of his abilities are any less powerful than normal. It simply means that he cannot be sensed spiritually due to emitting no reiatsu to detect. Additionally, Yamamoto is incapable of sensing other beings spiritually while this is active. He must rely on his natural five senses in combat.

    Ability Name: Lightning Cloak
    Ability Description: Yamamoto can cover his body in reiatsu which acts as a cloak of lightning. While this doesn't increase his abilities in any way, it does cause first degree burns immediately upon contact with him, which can travel through metal including Zanpakutou. While covered in this manner, Yamamoto is also shielded from fire, water, other lightning etc; he does not suffer their effects such as burns or frostbite but is not immune to the damage and force behind the attacks. Yamamoto can keep Lightning Cloak active for up to three posts, but it always has a three post cooldown regardless of the uptime.

    Ability Name: Electrostep
    Ability Description: Yamamoto can move in a zig-zag pattern at the speed of lightning as a literal bolt of lightning zaps him from where he was to where he wants to be. This cannot deal damage under any circumstance; the moment the Lightning bolt comes into contact with anything except air, it produces Yamamoto in whatever position he was in when the technique was used. This has a 4 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Judgement Bolt
    Ability Description: Yamamoto can exhale a large bolt of energy very similar to a Cero. This travels at bala speeds in a jagged line and inflicts cero damage to the first thing it comes into contact with. Judgement Bolt cannot pierce any substance. If used in this manner, Judgement Bolt has a 2 post cooldown. Alternatively, Judgement Bolt can be fired directly into the sky to cause a much larger lightning bolt to occur on his intended target's position. This use of Judgement Bolt causes a 15ftx15ft area circle to be blasted with energy from straight above, traveling at cero speeds, which inflicts Gran Rey Cero damage in the circle. The damage does not travel outside of the circle or explode. When used in this manner, Judgement Bolt has a 3 post cooldown.

    New Name: Jinsei Karito
    New Description: When in his Bankai, Yamamoto's weapons do not change but rather his body becomes cloaked in gold reiatsu and forms a ribcage arround him. Additionally, his hair turns gold and spikes up, while his eyes become bright blue. This eye color is indicative of how much reiatsu he has left- the more reiatsu he has left, the brighter the blue of his eyes. When nearly out, they're nearly black.

    Ability Name: Penance
    Ability Description: Yamamoto can project a visual representation of his defensive power which appears as a ribcage surrounding him in Bankai. Attacks which collide with this rib cage or pierce through it to Yamamoto himself are met with a vast amount of defense. This manifests as a Hierro of incredible strength due in part to his amount of reiryoku. The ribcage itself is just a projection of Yamamoto's own, so damage is shared between the two. The ribcage is golden in color and appears to be pure reiatsu despite the solidity. Yamamoto cannot turn this ability off, but he can attack through it like it doesn't exist to him.

    Ability Name: Sacrilege
    Ability Description: Yamamoto can flood his body with healing kaido and instantly restore all wounds as though he had High Speed Regeneration, up to and including missing limbs. Yamamoto can use this ability even at the brink of death, so long as he is still alive and conscious, at a high energy cost. This ability can be used once per thread, and costs as much energy as a Forbidden Kidou.

    Ability Name: Omnidirectional
    Ability Description: Yamamoto controls his own position in space. He can effortlessly gain leverage from any position without even needing to use airwalking. Unrestricted flight is also well within his capabilities. This is active so long as Yamamoto is in his Bankai and takes no additional energy. He cannot be made to trip, but can still be pushed over. He does not ignore outside inertia, he simply can control his own. His speed, even aerially, remains unchanged.

    Ability Name: Energy Drain
    Ability Description: When in proximity to Yamamoto Kishibe while he's in his Bankai, a silent contract is formed. Admitting defeat causes the loser to give all of their remaining spiritual energy to the winner. This has no limitation of duration or abundancy. All energy the target had remaining is converted into the user's, up to their maximum total energy output. This cannot steal the energy of targets who are still willing to fight, and targets who die automatically admit defeat and give their energy up as normal.

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi) Empty Re: Yamamoto Kishibe (O.G. Kenpachi)

    Post by Ika Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:33 am

    Approved 1-1+

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:25 am