Bolt Cadillac [WIP]


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2024-07-14

    Bolt Cadillac [WIP] Empty Bolt Cadillac [WIP]

    Post by Heatwave Sat Aug 03, 2024 7:54 pm

    Name: Bolt Cadillac
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male

    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Physical Traits:

    History: [Optional.]
    Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]

    General Fighting Style: [Optional]
    Strengths: Agility, Reiryoku Control, Sensing
    Weaknesses: Durability

    Ability Name: Electromancy
    Description: Electricity manip woohoo
    • Range 500 ft/150m

    Ability Name: Surge Step
    Description: Transforms into a bolt of lightning, traveling through the air to a location he can see at the speed of lightning, or travelling through a conductive medium such as metal or water to a place adjacent to that medium.
    • Cero damage to things caught in between.
    • Cd: 3 posts.
    • Bala speed movement for this

    Ability Name: Surveillance Drones
    Description: Up to 4 dragonfly drones can be controlled at once. The drones are controlled wirelessly and are not distinguishable from ordinary machines without prior knowledge or if one has a strength in Sensing or if they're really really smart. The drones have a 2 way data link that works up to 1 mile away. The drones transmit visual and auditory information to Bolt, and also they can be used to attack as long as the drones are within 500 feet.

    Ability Name: Cyber-Eyes
    Description: In addition to seeing visible light, Bolt can visually distinguish fields on several other channels, including electromagnetic fields, heat, and reiryoku signatures, making invisibility damn near impossible (E.g. He can see through Bakudo 26 by spotting the reiatsu abberation it generates as well as the heat signatures of those within). He can see through walls that are not especially made to block EM radiation and reiatsu. He cannot be blinded by overexposure to any kind of information on any of these channels.

    Secondary Stage [Unlocked at 2-1]:

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:26 am