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    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner)


    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2024-08-07

    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) Empty Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner)

    Post by Mei Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:35 pm


    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) 307ed1d42eefbce41c5da60066ed4197

    Name: Mei “Maiden”
    Age: 23
    Sex: Female

    Personality: Mei is extremely loyal to Avon, first and foremost, always putting his orders and wishes above all else. Seeing as he has saved her from the clutches of poverty, she is bound to serve him until the day she ceases to exist. She would never second guess his orders and she would always make decisions that benefit the both of them. When he is away, Maiden is perfectly capable of taking care of things in his stead. Maiden can be more stern, serious, and calm in the presence of humans with powers. Humans without powers typically get a facade of the individual maiden is. A more kind, bubbly, innocent seaming side of her, although they never seem to ask about the weird situations she is in. The corpses lying about by her feet or the heavily battered man tied to a tree are all things nobody would dare question. She couldn’t have done that right? Just an innocent maid with the backing of Avon. Yep, no trouble there.

    Cleaning. Mei is obsessed with cleaning. She will clean until she drops given the chance, however that would never happen. She will dirty an area that she has just scrubbed spotless just to do it again. She will do whatever it takes to keep busy, so long as Avon doesn’t need her elsewhere. Of course, on the other side of things Mei enjoys nothing more than cleaning up after the scum of the earth. A side job of assassinating anyone that comes across the Yakuza, so long as it doesn’t interfere too much with her primary job alongside Avon. A simple message with a target attached to it and Mei will make sure the job is taken care of. Don’t worry, she’ll grab the milk on the way back.


    Height: 5’1”
    Weight: 140lbs
    Physical Traits:

    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) 1353e4042ab67a2d9c0bc5f203591113

    She does wear fake glasses sometimes. Something about keeping the dirt in and out of her eyes.. Whatever that means.


    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) 7ed1ad51e6d296a2119208ec39ce6920

    - Born to poverty
    - Raised as smol thief
    - Caught stealing from man
    - Sold to man to pay for crimes and get family out of poverty
    - Man was cRaZy ScIeNtIsT
    - Experimented on in personal laboratory
    - Cyborg Powers
    - Eventually escaped (Man died)
    - Lived in rundown studio apartment with only funding from occasional Yakuza jobs
    - Saved by Avon
    - Became his maid
    - Yeeeee maid

    Side Notes: N/A


    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) 8769b54e87b76d306c38f744514a476d

    General Fighting Style: Mei normally doesn't attempt the confrontational approach, instead she takes more of the waiting in the shadows approach. Her attack plan is more of a hide and strike fast type of deal with weapons, lots of kinds of weapons and hiding. When all else fails, dust, dust, and more dust. Whether it be used to incapacitate the enemy or as a screen to run away from the danger. Of course, running from combat means mission failure, so she might just rather die.

    Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Weapons, Flexibility
    Weaknesses: Strength, Durability, Sensing


    Ability Name: Gun Hand
    Description: Maiden fires a mother fucking bala from her finger guns. Which are actual cybernetic pistols INSIDE HER FUCKING FINGERS CUZ HECC U. She can do this up to 5 times per post, with the "size" of the bullet ranging from .22caliber to 2.5mm. This "use number" stacks with Dust Generation, and she can only perform 5 of either one per post. Due to cybernetic augments, Maiden creates the bullets she fires with her own reishi, and while she can't "run out" in the normal fashion, she does have an extremely fast metabolism and is always hungry after combat, no matter how much foot she ate before firing the gun even once.

    Ability Name: The Cleaner
    Description: Maiden can clean. This is all inclusive and absolute. If she says it's clean. It's clean. Reality agrees. If she states it is dirty, even if that is a microscopic level of "Dirty" she is correct and reality just gets over this and agrees with her.

    Ability Name: Knife Hand
    Description: Maiden converts an arm into a muther fucking sword or some shit. Slices and dices bitches with it. Can also change how much is converted, from just the side of her hand to her entire shoulder.

    Ability Name: Maid of Avon
    Description: Maiden can produce a cell phone, whether it exists or not or even got destroyed earlier, cuz hecc u. Upon pushing ANY button on this phone. The maid can cause any number of situations involving normal human powerless NPC"s to occur. Such as and not limited to, Calling the fucking police (who will show without question). "ordering" an ambulance to show up (which will), getting a fucking pie or something delivered to her person IN PERSON within "The same post she ordered the food", or any other level of shenanigan.

    Ability Name: Dust Generation
    Description: Maiden can generate vast amounts of dust in the stereotypical sense, through any action or motion she makes, from breathing it out like a laser beam to sweeping it like a getsuga from her broom. This generates a cloud of dust which has the force of any level of Maiden's choosing from Hado #1 to Hado #40, and can be used up to 5 times per post. This "use number" stacks with Gun Hand, and she can only perform 5 of either one per post. This travels at bala speeds up to 50ft before losing momentum and turning into a cloud of smoke which can be up to 30ft big based on how much force was in the attack, or stops at the first object/creature it hits and turns into the same cloud.

    Secondary Stage [Unlocked at 2-1]:


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner) Empty Re: Mei "Maiden" (Soulrunner)

    Post by Rena Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:41 pm

    Tier 2-5 Approved. Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:08 am