The Espada


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    Join date : 2024-07-13

    The Espada Empty The Espada

    Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:16 pm

    The Espada

    The Espada (Spanish for "Sword", Japanese for "Ten Blades") are a group of elite forces who answer exclusively the strongest creature they can find. While most members of the Espada are Arrancar, it has been shown that Hollow are capable of having enough power regardless of their evolutionary state. Currently, the vast majority of Arrancar are made using the Hogyoku to forcibly evolve the Hollow into its Arrancar state, but there have been a few reported Arrancar achieving the state entirely on their own. Members of the Espada are given a number from 1 to 10. The lower the number, the more Reiryoku the Espada has. Each Espada has a tattoo with their number somewhere on them, which indicates this previously defined Strength.

    Their immense amount of power and leadership status among the Arrancar also grants each Espada the authority to exert command over Aizen's other forces within Las Noches: the Números, the Exequias, and their own Fracción, chosen by them from the Números. Similar to the power gap between captains and lieutenants in the Gotei 13, the strength of the Espada far surpasses that of the average Número.

    The Espada were formed as a group after Bashira Kinoshita had stolen the Hogyoku and fled to Los Noches, which was at the time a ruined citystate which existed in Hueco Mundo for several thousands of years unchanged. Using the power of the Hogyoku, Bashira repaired Los Noches and began to ascend Hollows into their Arrancar states, and gather forces for her eventual plan to come to fruition.

    As a result of their militaristic regime, the Espada are faithfully loyal to whom they consider their leader, regardless of what species that leader happens to come from. They will, as a collective, come to terms with whoever is in charge without a second thought, even if individual members may change or riot as a result of a change in leadership. The Espada answer exclusively to power, and in order to claim a lower number in the roster, you must first prove your power to the others. Due to this, it's not entirely impossible for Espada to be stronger or weaker than their rank suggests.

    The Cero King
    The true leader of the Espada. The one creature whom all members of the Espada will serve at the beck and call of. Currently, this is Bashira Kinoshita, Rogue Captain Commander of the Gotei. Her plans involve but are not limited to the complete metaphysical destruction of the current regime of Soul Society, as she views things as 'deeply wrong', and has determined that she is capable of fixing the situation if she first has enough followers. More will come later.

    Technically speaking, the Cero King's "Number" is Zero. Unlike true Espada, they likely do not have a number tattooed on them. The Cero King also has several direct servants, who may or may not be strong enough to be Espada on their own, but are truly loyal to the specific individual that has the Cero King title, as opposed to being loyal to the title itself like most other Espada are.
    • [Currently None]

    The Primera Espada
    Number One; Numero Uno. The Primera Espada is the Cero King's first and foremost weapon, and usually answers with rage and aggression. The Primera Espada is often contested as a title due in part to it being the Strongest. The Primera Espada is typically, but not always, the first weapon at the Cero King's disposal, and the first card played in any gambits of strength. They are also usually the "one" in charge in the Cero King's absence, as well as having the most authority to wave around for their own whims.

    Currently, the Primera Espada is M'runa yae Galvus, Tier 1-3. She operates with an iron fist and does not enjoy being shown cowardice or fear. M'runa has a tendency to hold grudges but is loyal to Bashira Kinoshita so long as their paths cross. M'runa's Espada Tattoo is located on her neck, slightly hidden by her armor but not being hidden. This is because M'runa does not care what you "know" about her.

    She has no current Fraccion.

    The Segunda Espada
    Number Two. The Segunda Espada is typically treated poorly by their Espada bretheren for not being strong enough to take the Primera spot, but is still respected and treated as their current strength allows. The Segunda Espada is also usually, but not always, the Diplomatic one who engages with members of other races in any terms and conditions that aren't applied to war. Their authority is usually laughed at, but respected at the end of the day.

    Currently, the Segunda Espada is Lazarus Renault, Tier 1-2. He operates with calm precision, never letting circumstances change his course of action. He is loyal to Bashira Kinoshita... for now. Lazarus' Espada Tattoo is located on his chest, on the opposite side of his heart, hidden by layers of clothing.

    He has no current Fraccion.

    The Tres Espada
    Number Three. The Tres Espada is the Cero King's ace in the hole, and is usually some type of secret weapon or powerhouse that the other Espada aren't fully aware of. The Tres Espada often specializes in whatever they particularly deal with, but like all Espada can drastically change from one person to the next. More information will be come as it is revealed.

    There is no current Tres Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Cuatro Espada
    Number Four. The Cuatro Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Cuatro Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Quinto Espada
    Number Five. The Quinto Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Quinto Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Sexta Espada
    Number Six. The Sexta Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Sexta Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Séptima Espada
    Number Seven. The Séptima Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Séptima Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Octava Espada
    Number Eight. The Octava Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Octava Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Noveno Espada
    Number Nine. The Noveno Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Noveno Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

    The Décimo Espada
    Number Ten. The Décimo Espada is [insert more details later].

    There is no current Décimo Espada.

    They have no current Fraccion.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:20 am