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    Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare)


    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare) Empty Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare)

    Post by Ika Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:52 pm


    Name: Ika Mazi
    Age: 21-22
    True Age: 1000
    Sex: Male
    Personality:  Ika smokes cigarettes but prefers the sweeter more rewarding scent of Clove. He is an arrogant and outwardly sarcastic individual whom enjoys dabbling in pursuits of both satirical and jocular varieties. His sense of humor is at times very dark and this is often juxtaposed with his seemingly idealistic view on things. He has become significantly calmer in recent years and has adopted some level of humility to his personal character.  He's known for getting around a lot and tends to avoid making a ton of enemies beyond what one would expect for someone at his particular level of power. He often welcomes spars and skirmishes with people he's unfamiliar with, but they're rarely much fun for anyone other than him.

    Ika was once viewed as a fairly nihilistic individual with very little code guiding his every action and whim. In recent years however it has come out that he's seemingly found a bit of purpose, and has adopted goals and even some notion of interest in creating a legacy for himself.  Ika is a man aware of his power and stature in the world of the dead and is adept at using his power and rank to move around it at will. He has no problem forging fake alliances in the hopes of greater gains, particularly if these alliances work in favor of his own personal moral motives. To call Ika good or bad at this point in his life would probably be oversimplifying his character and what goes into his decision making. When in combat, he will not hesitate to gash you from asshole to appetite if you cross him, or if he finds that you are disrespecting him. With this being said Ika is generally aloof and care-free nature in casual settings, and if you're his friend you're about as safe as one could ever hope to be.

    Hailing from the distinctly powerful Mazi clan, it was a shock to absolutely nobody that by age 200 not only had Ika secured a spot in the Gotei 13, but he was a Seated Shinigami that was perceived as being fringe Captain level. 250 years in he went from fringe Captain level to Captain of squad two. He has been known to have a drink with everyone once in a while, and is even one of the only non squad 11 members invited to their particular tavern of choice in the Rukongai. Ika is an obnoxious person naturally and has never been one to shy away from a fight or verbal exchange, and given his social situation he almost always sticks his two cents in whether it was asked for or not. His general jocular and care-free demeanor is a unique and often welcomed departure from the more serious demeanor his father held. 

    Ika is a proud individual, known to be quick-witted and clever he can show great social skills when he actually attempts to apply them. In his youth he was known to be a man of materialistic urges and of more lustful, unnecessary urges. Not a believer in love past a one night stand, Ika is renowned for his womanizing habits but will seemingly never settle down. It is also a known fact that given his charismatic and prideful nature Ika does not take well to humiliation or frustration, and will lash out in very scary, life-altering ways if he is provoked. People are not advised to bring this out of him, even if you think it'd be humorous to do so, don't. The amount of things that would set Ika over the edge is pretty small, but do you really want to take the chance?


    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 170 pounds
    Physical Traits: Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare) Latest?cb=20190729021847


    General Fighting Style: : Ika is generally a jack of all trades that specializes in aggressive offense incorporating a mixture of power and speed, as well as reckless abandon to offset any type of fighter he could possibly come into contact with.
    Strengths:  Reiryoku, Agility, Reitsu Control, Hakuda, Hoho
    Weaknesses: Stamina, Sensing, Durability, Zanjetsu


    Sealed Appearance:

    Ika's Zan is two cards that appear in his hands. They have Zan-Steel durability and don't harm his hands regardless of how he uses them.

    Sealed Abilities: Shunpo Arts- Ika can move at Shunpo speeds once per post in Sealed, Twice in Shikai, Three times in Bankai. This means it could be Shunpo speed parrying or punches/slaps/claw attacks. He can also use Shunpo for momentum and torque on various other techniques related to Hakuda.

    Fiery Return- Ika can throw his zan cards at his opponent twice a turn. They will travel at Bala level speeds and will explode for Bala level damage. These will deal 2nd degree burns and cut like any Zan would. Obviously, he can return these to his hands so get owned n00b.


    Call Out Command: "With 52 cards I will end your life"
    Appearance: Ika's body grows armor that is skintight, and consists of Reitsu infused metal that is as good as average Heirro.

    Ability Name: Reshuffle
    Ability Description: Ika Mazi has several types of Cards at his disposal: Balas, Cero, Gran Rey Ceros, and Cero Oscuras. By using the front or back of each card, Ika can either launch an attack of that card's caliber or create a defense that negates an attack *equal* to that card's caliber (it will not have any effect on an attack weaker or stronger than the card used). Ika has 30 Bala Cards, 15 Cero Cards, 5 Gran Rey Ceros, and 2 Cero Oscuras in his deck at the start of any thread. Any post Ika does not actively use any of the cards, he will automatically reshuffle the deck into his hand, regardless of where the cards were or what condition they were in. This does not reset the cooldown on any of his cards, which all have a cooldown equal to their power level, but does replenish the number of cards he has access to. Use of these cards only costs Ika half as much energy as these attacks normally would cost, but this ability costs 3 "ability slots". He can only use up to Gran Rey when in Shikai, Oscuras becomes available in Bankai.

    Fire manipulation- Pretty obvious, if it involves fire I can probably do it. 500 foot range.


    New Name: "Joker"
    Appearance: Same armor as Shikai, that's it. Just a little stronger I guess.

    Psychedelics- The smoke coming off of his cigarette or his cards can be laced with some crazy funky shit, making his opponent see 5 Ika's even though there is only one. Any other effects can be created at the opponent's discretion for flavor purposes. This lasts one post and has a 5 post CD.

    Explosion manip- as an extension of his fire shenanigans, he can cause fucking big booms! 150 foot range and anything beyond a cero has a cooldown matching it’s output.


    Background: -Ika was born to former Captain Commander Doku Mazi
    -Member of the Mazi Clan (Obviously)
    -Was 3rd seat of squad 12 by the time he was 200 years of age.
    -Vice Captain by the time he was 220 years of age
    -Appointed CC at a young age due to his lineage and combat ability, but was ousted and summarily exiled by Bashira.
    -Odd fascination with the Aokigahara forest, seems to flee to that area from time to time.

    Side Notes:
    RP Sample: Hi I'm Ika.

    Last edited by Ika on Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare) Empty Re: Ika Mazi (Rogue extraordinare)

    Post by Rena Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:57 pm

    0 tier. Stamp Stamp. Approved.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:07 am