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    Argus, Blind Fury

    Okami Shiba
    Okami Shiba

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2024-07-11

    Argus, Blind Fury Empty Argus, Blind Fury

    Post by Okami Shiba Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:37 pm


    Name: Akira Chime / Agent Argus
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Akira is cool, clean, and professional, although he enjoys making witty remarks about his disability. He's a hard worker, and pushes himself to make sure that his coworkers can't complain about him slowing them down at all. He's a talented young agent, and has the world at his fingertips.

    Now, if only he could see it.


    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 150lbs
    Physical Traits:



    History: Akira had the typical childhood experience. Loving father, mother, and sister, upper middle class, no real struggles except for that time when his mother's affair decided that he wanted to run away with her, and the two assaulted and killed his father before whipping a knife across his eyes. He lashed out with hitherto-unknown abilities, Police showed up, he and his little sister were separated, and she was adopted by a darling upper-class family while no one wanted the poor blind kid until his uncle finally found him.

    He had the usual struggles in school, graduated early, took online classes and hacked a bit on the side, and made enough of a splash to get noticed by the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, or Naicho. Now he's a federal agent with a fitted suit, a specialty in counterintelligence, and is involved in the supernatural.

    Side Notes: "I can see that this situation is devolving rapidly. Maybe another set of eyes can help?"


    General Fighting Style: Argus prefers total control and efficiency over the battlefield, capitalizing on his abilities to ensure that he knows what's going on, where it's happening, and how to exploit it.

    Strengths: Sensing, Weapon Mastery, Reiatsu Control
    Weaknesses: Hakuda

    Ability Name: All-Seeing
    Description: In order to get around his blindness, Argus has mastered spiritual sensing such that he is able to combine it with traditional echolocation and make a mental map of the area out to 500 feet around him, hearing and feeling everything happening within that zone with pinpoint accuracy.

    Ability Name: Walking Stick
    Description: A white cane made of lacquered wood mimicking that typically used by other blind folks, containing a chokuto that is Zanpakuto-strength.


    Ability Name: Aria
    Description: Argus emits a low-frequency series of tones played over a distance of 30 feet with his reiatsu with just enough vibratory force to cause increasingly-larger tears in muscle fiber and cracking inorganic material. This ability causes damage equal to Hado #33 each post it is active, and gives off a distinct and recognizable reiatsu signature both as it builds up and plays. Aria can only be active for three posts at a time before a one-post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Refrain
    Description: Argus is capable of amplifying his own heartbeat, letting off a blast of noise and reiatsu that causes damage equal to two Ceros within ten feet with himself at the epicenter. This has a two-post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Who Gave The Blind Kid A Gun?
    Description: Argus insisted that since everyone else has a service handgun, he should get one too. It's an HK Mark 23, suppressed so as not to damage his hearing, with the usual laser module modified to be a small speaker that helps aid his aim when paired with All-Seeing. It shoots a specialized bullet that travels at Bala speed and hits with the force of a Cero when supplied with spiritual energy. 1 post cooldown.

    Ability Name: Hollowpoint
    Description: Argus is able to reduce the amount of reiatsu put into the rounds in his pistol, firing off normal Bala-strength rounds at five per post.

    Secondary Stage [Unlocked at 2-1]:


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Argus, Blind Fury Empty Re: Argus, Blind Fury

    Post by Rena Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:33 pm

    Tier 3-1 approved. Stamp Stamp.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:04 am