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    Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer


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    Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer Empty Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer

    Post by dustii Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:19 pm

       Name: Kori Kotori
       Age: 22
       Sex: Female
    Kori trusts easily, but allows time for people to show themselves to her and observe them rather than jump to rash conclusions. She is so easygoing that she is willing to give people far too many chances, and that has given her a few emotional scars. Kori can't help but strive to protect others, and so her will to protect also often times means self-sacrifice and a human shield, both physically and metaphorically. She is a pacifist, but that doesn't mean she won't raise her hand when necessary. In fact, her offensive powers are flashy, bright-- just like her personality when she opens up to close friends.

    As her content self, she is happy to spend days relaxing with her guide dog, and wandering the country side to offer help where she can. However under stress her soft side cracks, and her will begins to refine as she perseveres through the situation. There is only a few times where her patience will run thin, and when that happens, her words will bite down on her targets deeply.

       Height: 5'9
       Weight: 75kg
       Physical Traits: Kori often dyes her hair red and cuts it to her back. She is a tall and lithe women with mixed japanese and greek ancestry, giving her strong facial traits. She has a dusting of freckles on tanned skin. She prefers to wear a mix of slim fit and airy clothes, her style akin to casual loungewear adapted into street fashion. She often sports Nikes, Vans, or Converse and prefers comfort over style.
    Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer Baltha11 Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer Downlo11


       History: Kori was born with a degenerative eye condition. As she aged, her vision faded. Now, she can only see faint colours and shapes far away, and only make out words and symbols if she is very, very close to them. (For example, holding her phone VERY close to her face.) Kori has a guide dog, a lovely afgan hound named Balthazar who has stuck by her side for many years. Balthazar has a silky grey silver coat, and he often is more well dressed than Kori.

    Despite her blindness, Kori has had an affinity for a different type of sight. Supernatural sight. As she was raised in a rather rural Japanese village, her affinity for the supernatural was more viewed as a gift than a hoax. Her supernatural sight is much clearer than her normal sight, and that is often how she can determine whether a being has significant spirit energy or not. She often spent her childhood observing ghosts and the occasional wisps of light and spent most of her time volunteering at the local temple and learning the stories and songs of the small village's deities.

    After completing her school studies to work in psychology, she does part-time help at the local hospital, usually manning reception or filling in for nursework when she can. Oftehn, she tries to ease the load of ghosts and resentment that hang around there and fill the space with negative energy.
       Side Notes:

       General Fighting Style: [Optional]
       Strengths: Kori's strength relies on her spirital offensive attacks. She is patient, and hits hard.
       Weaknesses: Due to her poor eyesight, moving fast and recklessly is dangerous for her. She is often vulnerable while readying her abilities, and can be interrupted.

       Ability Name: Shinto Talismans
       Description: Kori can produce a sheet of paper which has a character written onto it. This sheet of paper can be thrown at bala speeds and explodes either at will or upon reaching maximum distance of 50ft from Kori's position. The explosion can range from Hado #1 to Hado #60 and can be used once per post.
    Ability Name: Spirit Sight
       Description: Kori's visual prowess is far below average, but her spiritual sight is excellent and absurdly sharp. She can make out the faint details of spirits, including wounds hidden by clothing of Shinigami or Hollow/Arrancar, and can see their movements with great accuracy. This does not extend to Humans, but does extend to Quincy and Soulrunners, who are sharper and she can see more accurately. This is limited to her normal vision and bypasses normal darkness due to spiritual interference.
    Ability Name: Aura of the Chosen
       Description: Hollows and Hollow-adjacent lifeforms such as Arrancar who come within 50ft of Kori's physical location feel an intense heat come off of her, and would go on to describe it as a searing, intensive heat that is all-consuming and wants to burn you into nonexistence. Hollows who stay within 50ft of Kori for 3 posts will begin suffering the effects of Hado #33 as though it was attacking their entire body from every angle simultaneously on every post after the fourth post. This effect never expires so long as the Hollow remains in range of her, and does not consume any energy from Kori herself. Humans, and Quincy, will notice the "clean" air around her and the lack of negative emotions in the area. Soul Runner technology distinctly has a tendency to act quirky around Kori due to her making the technology run hotter than normal.
     Ability Name: Spirit Arrow
       Description: Kori can form a single bow made of solid reishi and a single arrow already nocked to the bow. She can pull the string back with enough effort (as it is initially considered 'difficult' or 'tight' for her) at which point the singular arrow is fired off at cero speeds and piercing with the power (but not explosion force) of a Gran Rey Cero. This attack has a 3 post cooldown, and neither the bow nor arrow can be used in melee combat.

    Ability Name: Spirit Weapon
       Description: Kori can form a single weapon made out of solid reishi. The appearance and form of the weapon can be changed every time it's summoned, but it is always some form of offensive melee weapon that she can use in emergencies, from a cane to a greatsword to a katana to a boxing glove, etc. Kori can form any one weapon per post, which lasts for the entire post, and is considered to have Zanpakutou Durability.


    Secondary Stage [Unlocked at 2-1]:


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer Empty Re: Kori Kotori -- Blind Seer

    Post by Rena Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:57 pm

    Approvalness 2-5 Stamp stamp.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:00 am