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    Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-07-11

    Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)  Empty Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)

    Post by dziprisoner Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:53 pm

    Captain Kamakura could be found in his office at most times, he had made it clear to pretty much everyone he'd come into contact with since his promotion to captaincy. He had also instituted an open door policy in an attempt to lighten the internal affairs division's image, especially in the wake of it's pervious leader and her more than aggressive enforcement of Gotei doctrine. That said the room still had an oppressive air of traditionalism about it, it's sparse furnishings were all function and gave little in the way of decoration. In a seeming stark contrast on the walls hung several Zanpakuto their various guards and sheathes adding a small degree personality to the room.

    Takao kneeled in front of a small calligraphy table as he combed though the various reports and paper work his squad had passed on to him, none other containing a single piece of information he wasn't all ready keenly aware of. After a few mind numbing hours of signatures and written responses an Unseated member of his squad knocked on the door alerting Him to the arrival of visitor. With a sigh and a silent thanks sent to whatever god had sent him this distraction he motioned for his officer to leave, "You're more than welcome to enter captain Mazi." Takao stopped for a moment to take in the gaunt face of his fellow captain before continuing with a gentle smile, "Would you care for some tea Captain?"

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)  Empty Re: Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)

    Post by Ika Sat Aug 03, 2024 3:24 am

    Captain Kamakura's room was nice. It felt old-fashioned, perfectly in line with what an office might've looked like when Sano was at the peak of his powers, and thankfully it seemed to be devoid of those god-awful artificial lights everyone else seemed to use. "I appreciate the warm reception, tea would be lovely thank you."

    Sano took a seat, his eyes dancing around the room with somewhat apparent suspicion of his surroundings. Make no mistake, the Kamakura had been an ally to Sano since he first became a Captain, but times had changed and they were always a bit more ambitious then he tended to enjoy. They weren't above selling him out, they weren't above selling anyone out really. Their lineage was one flecked with backstabbers and politicians as far as Sano was concerned, men he could admire from a distance and avoid intertwining himself with.

    Except in this case. Sano had a simple conundrum really, he needed allies and lacked the will to do his paper work. Captain Kamakura, a conniving, backstabbing, information hungry cunt checked a lot of boxes Sano presently needed to see checked. "So is your father still alive? We haven't exactly talked much since I was released from the Nest, I've been much too busy trying to piece this world together."

    Sano glanced around the room, awaiting an answer as he slowly sipped at his tea.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-07-11

    Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)  Empty Re: Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)

    Post by dziprisoner Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:22 pm

    Sano was one of the few people Takao could never crack, while the two didn't have much history he could tell that Captain Mazi was one of the 2 or 3 people in his whole life to see through his facade, nevertheless allowing it to drop would be some form of defeat so for now he would simply indulge Sano's probing.

    "He's doing quite well as far as I know, his position in the central 46 keeps him busy and with my duties I don't often have time to return to the family home." He spoke warmly with a smile on his face and a slight chuckle, "I would ask about how the Mazi family doing but I imagine if you've made the effort of coming all the way to the 6th division barracks you have something more pressing to discuss," He paused to take a small sip of tea, "of course if that's not the case I'm more than happy to spend an afternoon getting you caught up it has been so long since I've had cause to spend time with a fellow captain."

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2024-06-06

    Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)  Empty Re: Inter department Dealing (Takao and Sano)

    Post by Ika Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:32 am

    Sano had very little time for Takao's horseshit, but for now he would indulge it as though it weren't painfully transparent. Takao and his father were, simply put, not the types of men Sano would ever choose to surround himself with by choice, but given his position he'd become almost painfully familiar with their ilk. Many people always thought of Sano as a loose-cannon, a danger to the Gotei because he was very transparently self-interested, and he had the means to see through any fo his whims or wants if he felt the need to do so. This of course, was the wrong logic to apply.

    The only thing scarier than a man who can act on his own self-interests, is the man who lacks the power to do so. The former is predictable, and the might he'll wield towards that goal is easily defined. The animal in that latter instance however.. You never knew what they could have up their sleeve, what they'd do to see their ambitions through to the bitter-end..

    Scum, scum as far as Sano's eyes would let him see and yet here he was, pretending to give two-shits about whether his father had dropped dead or not. "My family is dead, either officially or to me. I'll be paying my brother a visit soon with the hopes that the 'official' designation can stick to everyone other than myself, but for now the lineage lives on. You're right, I didn't come here for your company. If I wanted someone to blow me and pretend to want my company I'm sure I could've asked my brother to recommend some brothels or massage parlors. I have information you might want, and I have an exceptional lack of interest in keeping it. Paper work has never really been my thing you see, and the years of trying to claw my way out of the Maggots Nest may have left my fingers a touch arthritic."

    Sano leaned back in his chair, sipping his tea as he stared daggers through the man in front of him. "You've always been a mischevious little bookworm, I'm sure you'd love to have first dibs on the contents of my squads reporting? Perhaps you could even forge my signature, simply take it off my hands.. What do you say?"

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