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    Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department


    Posts : 37
    Join date : 2024-07-15

    Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department  Empty Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department

    Post by thunderbrood Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:38 am

    Ayaka doing her usual work involving paperwork at her desk. Filing, reading reports, stamping paper for Tina to review and approve and as well as disregarding stupid requests that her captain doesn't need to bother herself with like who needs a waterfall in their Barracks.

    She would sigh as she continues to look through before approaching the Kidou department. Most of the reports were pertaining new spells they were trying to make or new recurits applications. And last but not least repair orders doe misfire works... which was missing. Giving another sigh on more work she needed to get through she would slowly get up and gather her clipboard before heading out to the Kidou department. Her division training hard as usual though didn't like her methods they had to begrudgingly accept it due to their captian backing her up. Though she could tell they were up to something... or she's just tired and thinking too far into things she wasn't sure. It's been countless sleepless nights back to back after all.

    Slowly after making her way to the kidou department she would knock on the gates before being let in by another member who would slopply gesture her to the right direction. On which she made her way without saying much unintentially giving many a cold shoulder making her very intimidating to the general mass.

    As she approached the door to what she hoped someone that could help her she would give a small knock waiting for a response before heading in.

    "Excuse me. Is there anyone I can speak with here about some missing paperwork."
    Knox Lewis
    Knox Lewis

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-07-14

    Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department  Empty Re: Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department

    Post by Knox Lewis Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:12 pm

    "I'm the one you'd want to speak with, the door is open." Mirabelle called, eyes trained on the document atop her desk. She neatly scrawled a signature where indicated before looking up to see who was coming in. The voice wasn't immediately recognizable so it wasn't anyone from the corps, she knew that much before she even saw the girl. She was shorter than Mira herself, thin, with a head of stunningly white hair. The poor girl didn't seem to have much confidence about herself, which was a shame because she was pretty. "My name is Mirabelle. I'm the corps's lieutenant."

    "What are you looking for, exactly?" thinking over the past week or so's worth of paperwork, she didn't immediately recall anything she'd have missed. Not that she was perfect but, after all, she had been doing this for a long time. "What's your name and what division are you from? That could help me narrow down where the miscommunication is. Some division's couriers are better, or worse, than others."

    Posts : 37
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    Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department  Empty Re: Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department

    Post by thunderbrood Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:13 pm

    Ayaka would take a small bow before giving the clipboard over to Mirabelle.

    "Good Afternoon Mirabelle-san... My name is Ayaka and I'm the Vice Captain of the first division. I've come here to find some missing paperwork as i said earlier... I was not able to find any reports involving misfire and repair orders. I do apologies for the interruption..."

    She had a shy air around her though a chill would slowly envelop as Ayaka's nervousness would leak a little. Of course this was unintentional but it looked that she herself didnt know she was causing this or was possibly immune to said cold.
    Knox Lewis
    Knox Lewis

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2024-07-14

    Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department  Empty Re: Ayaka goes and visits the Kidou Department

    Post by Knox Lewis Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:40 pm

    "Ah, yes. I was going to finish those up today." She nodded, eyes glancing to the stack of paperwork in her organizer. "My apologies, I thought that they weren't due for another day or so. I must have had them confused with another form."

    Standing, the woman rolled her shoulders in an attempt to ease some of the tension in her muscles. With a swift lean of her head from one side to the other she also cracked her neck as she approached the other lieutenant. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Though, I apologize that its under such circumstances."

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