Power Limits and Banned Abilities


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2024-07-11
    Age : 32

    Power Limits and Banned Abilities Empty Power Limits and Banned Abilities

    Post by Rena Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:37 pm

    Quick sidenote for easy understanding;

    Combined Charge/Cooldown time for an ability that deals Gran Rey Cero damage or stronger is at least 3 posts.

    Cero Oscuras is 4.

    Cicada/Gemelos is a 4 post CD 3 max per thread.

    Moving on...


    1. Dark Matter
    2. Gravity control beyond 200%
    3. Anything Autohit
    4. Anything God-Like.
    5. Any infallible healing
    6. Time Manipulation
    7. COMPLETE Obstruction of the senses.
    8. Multiple release variations. You can't have one release that shoots fire and one that shoots lightning and one that shoots ice and so on..
    9. Try to keep it to 2 elements, or 3 unique gimmicks assuming they aren't all encompassing to begin with. (I.E. Accelerator only has Vector Control based powers because that encompasses a fuck ton of stuff.. where as Ika has poisons, toxins, and weapon control/throwing. Hurrayyy)
    10. Lowering of an opponents abilities. Should be more reserved to things that would impact their abilities indirectly, or simply boosting your own. Nothing that like, makes your opponent 50% Slower.
    11. Anything that outright negates a Canon aspect of the show I.E. Ha no more Shunpo, or Release, or Kidou, or whatever.
    12. Anything Nuclear.. This is Bleach not Fallout..
    13. Spatial Distortion
    14. No 3rd Degree Burn/Frostbite - 2nd Degree is bad enough.
    15. Anything that shits on the plot.


    1. Gravity outside of amplification of it's effects..
    2. Illusions
    3. Anything that negates tiers..
    4. Combat Teleportation

    ~ Limited ~

    1. Plasma
    2. Poisons
    3. Matter Manipulation
    4. Vectors
    5. Mimicry

    While we're on the subject.. Character Concepts.. I'm all for originality, but this is Bleach not Magic the Gathering or Terminator.. Thus I'm limiting everyone to one android/cyborg/robot and one spellcaster/sorcerer/sorceress.. this is a PER PERSON RULE... And to get either of these approved, I expect at least one normal humanoid, Bleach-Esque character to match. Any questions, PM me.

    In addition to these, we may have some mechanics that aren't super limited strictly by number. We expect these to change as apps continue to rush through, so please check this post frequently and bear with us. Remember, the staff makes the final call on apps. We don't wish to inhibit your fun solely to throw a damper on things, we try to make this fun for everyone.

    -Constant Release States (Shikai, Bankai, etc.): The main issue with this is it requires the Zanpakuto to be broken in some way. We simply request that this be done in character, unless by some varying shenanigan that we can approve.
    -Energy Absorption/Draining
    -Custom Kidou (This is currently straight up denied.)
    -Supplementary boosts to releases will not be implemented. If your character is a fire bender we will not approve you being able to triple your speed out of the blue. You use fire. Not Kaioken.

    The following character mechanics are banned outright, not due to limiting mechanics, but because they are either too powerful, or just make zero sense in Bleach logic.

    -RNG (due to the 'trust' mechanic involved)
    -Good Hollow/Arrancar (....why even..)
    -Hollows with hearts (they couldn't even be hollows then..?)
    -Silly arguments as to why certain characters can't act certain ways. Your OCD is gonna have to make room for the egos of other people, sorry.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:30 am